Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 12

by arquero333 3 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Published: 2008-07-27 - Updated: 2008-07-28 - 1692 words

Good news, ladies and gents (though I'm sure its mostly ladies, but I don't want to be sexist :P), I've started posting my other story. Its called "Kid in a Candy Store". Its in the "Original > Romance" section. You can always get there either by searching for it or you can just click on my name and it'll bring you to my page where my stories are listed. Right now, theres only the Intro/Chapter 1 up, but more will be up soon.
Also, thank you guys who said you'd give it a try even though you don't like The Jonas Brothers. It means a lot to me that you're willing to try it out. It means I must be a much better author that I thought. :P Anyways, its pretty friendly to people who don't know much about them. Thats about it, so enjoy this story and the other if you choose to read it.

"See, I don't actually own a meat packaging plant. I know, I lied to you and I'm sorry, but I had to. Me and Brendon are actually vigilantes." He explained.
"Like, renegade cops? Just like on TV and stuff?" I asked, confused. I didn't know that people actually did that.
"Yeah, more or less. Well, we were try to find a group of serial killers. The cops had pretty much given up on them since it had been so long and they never had any clues. All anyone knew was it was the same person or people because of the patterns between them. When... your parents died, they found the same pattern. I started to talk to you, maybe to see if I could uncover anything but I-" He paused, looking down. I started to get worried, he looked like he was having an inner battle. "I fell for you, Cali." He whispered.
"William." I reached over and grabbed his hand. He laced our fingers together. He looked back up at me, it seemed now like he could continue.
"We had a breakthrough the other day. In the case I mean. We figured out who one of the men were. I have a copy of the note you found when- it happened. Don't ask how, but I do. We compared it to some writing samples and we found a match." He stood up and lead me towards his desk. There were two pieces of paper on top of everything else. One was the note I found. The other was a letter, but I couldn't see who it was signed from because the not was on top of the name. I looked at the two.
"They look like a match... but who was it?" I asked him. I wanted to know how killed my parents. I wanted some justice. William moved the piece of paper. I want the sorry son of a- Pete.....
"Pete?" I asked. William just nodded.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. I dropped his hand.
"No... It can't be." I started to back away from the letters.
"You say the writing. Its a match. I'm sorry, but him and his friends are the ones we've been looking for."
"No. I mean, they were all so nice... they can't be killers."
"Think about it. Where do they go at night all the time without you?"
"They- I don't know... but thats not what they do." I started to cry. I mean... Patrick... Joe.... Andy.... I heard William sigh... it almost sounded like a growl.
"Look, I know you don't believe me right now, but do you want to know why you're here or not?" He snapped. I stood there shocked. His eyes widened. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed out over all of this too." He appologized quickly. I didn't say anything and I guess he took that as a good sign, because he continued.
"When we found out it was them, me and my men started to be extra careful about everything that was happening. Then, we found out who their next target was..." He trailed off. He looked over at me and walked towards me, grabbing my hands. "They were going to kill you, Cali." I gasped and shook my head... I was at a loss for words. "I couldn't let anything happen to you! As soon as we found out, I knew I had to get you out of there. We attacked, before anything could happen. We were seperated into five groups. Four to fight each of the hun- guys and one group to find you and get you out. I'm sorry I couldn't come get you, but I needed to be fighting the smart one."
"Patrick..." I whispered.
"Yes. So the two men had their orders to find you and bring you here. I'm sorry you were so scared. Can you forgive me?" He looked into my eyes. I nodded.
"I'm just- Its a lot to-" I stumbled over my words, trying to figure out what to say.
"I know, its a lot to think about, but you believe me, right?" He asked.
"I don't know." I pushed my hand through my hair, a habit of mine when I was frustrated or confused.
"Its okay, I understand. How about we get you to bed?" He asked
"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea." I nodded and stood up. He lead me out of the study and into a room across the hall.
"Here, this is my room. No one will bother you while you're in here." He told me.
"But where will you-"
"I'll sleep somewhere else. Don't worry about it." He cut me off. "Goodnight Cali."
"Goodnight." I yawned, suddenly very sleepy.

~William's POV~
She was asleep within seconds. I heard the door creak open. I looked over my shoulder and saw Brendon and Angus. Angus was another one of the Dandies and he had the ability to make people sleep for prolonged periouds of time. He had strict orders that as soon as Cali was asleep to make her sleep until dusk tomorrow. He walked over to her and touched her arm lightly, closing his eyes.
"How'd it go?" Brendon whispered.
"Shh. Not now." I hushed him. I stood there waiting for Angus to finish. He opened his eyes and turned towards me and nodded. I nodded back and the three of us walked out of the room. Angus turned left while Brendon and I went back into my study.

"So, how did it go?" He asked again.
"Perfectly." I smirked.
"She believed you?" He sounded disbelieving.
"Well, seeing as someone made her forget exactly what happened during the fight," I joked, looking at him. "She believed what I told her about that. She still isn't sure about the hunters being killers."
"Women. You tell the truth and they don't believe you." He joked. I laughed.
"But I'm sure you'll be able to handle that, right?" I smirked.
"Please." He chuckled, knowing he could easily do it. We sat in silence for a moment. "So whats next?" He asked.
"Well, once she believes me and hates the hunters, I will slowly gain her complete trust, again, I might need some help from you on occasion, and I'll turn her. Once she's turned, she'll be my bride." I smirked,
"What about the hunters?"
"What about them. Theres only three left. I took care of her brother tonight."
"I thought we were going to wait and get them all at once."
"Yeah, but he pissed me off." I shrugged. There was a knock at the door.
"Enter." I called. Charlie walked in. Charlie had no usefull powers, if I remember correctly he can change his eye colour and thats about it. We had a few vampires like that and we had them in charge of things around the mansion. House keeping things that needed to be done, but we didn't want to waste any good talent on. Charlie was in charge of keeping track of everyone so that if I wanted to know what everyone was doing, what missions they were on, if they were out feeding, all that, I could ask him.
"Sir, I have the numbers from tonights encounter." He said.
"Ahh, of course. How did we fare?" I asked.
"Well, we lost four." He sighed. He got very attatched to everyone being that he had to keep track of their lives. It was only one more weakness.
"Who?" I didn't really care, I knew no one important had been killed.
"Peter, Alexander, Fredrick and Rob." He said, looking at his clipboard. Yup, no one extremely important. I nodded.
"And we have three injured." I nodded for him to continue.
"One was stabbed very close to his heart. He'll recover by tomorrow. The second has a burn on him. We can't quite tell what it was, but it should clear up in a few days, and the other-" He paused for a moment and chuckled. "One of the newer vampires, sir. He got his nose broken and is feeling phantom pains." I laughed. It was common among newer vampires that if you got 'hurt' you would feel phantom pains, just from the sheer fact that you are so used to it. "He'll be fine by tomorrow." Charlie finished.
"And who are they?" I asked, again, not that I cared.
"Mike was stabbed, George was burnt and Michael has the broken nose." He told me. Shit. Mike was a good fighter. He was usually right next to me during an attack. As long as he'd be better by tomorrow, it was no great concern.
"Shame." Muttered Brendon. I figured he was talking about Mike as well.
"Anything else?" I asked
"Well sir, as you know, since you were the one to do it, we took down one of the other side." He explained.
"Yes, and?" I was getting impatient. This was information I already knew.
"Well, there seems to be a problem..." He trailed off.
"Spit it out already!" I urged. What could be wrong, I killed him.
"He's not dead."

Its not as good as it was the first time I wrote it, but it'll have to do. :)
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