Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome To The Neighborhood

They're My Freaking Neighbors!

by wheresyourheart 4 reviews

they move in

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-07-24 - Updated: 2008-07-29 - 1290 words

"Holly, when you're dusting make sure you don't use that cheep stuff Bart got, and wash the front windows, too. This house needs to look spotless," Mary-Ann Constantine said to me in her bossy do-it-now tone. As her three-hundred-dollar high heels clacked out of the room, she hollared out, "We have guests tonight! Rockstars!"

Right, the new neighbors, I thought to myself. Just more stress to add to the plate.

Honestly, I didn't even want this job. My sister actually forced it on me, and next thing I knew, I was a maid at en ex-movie star's house, an extremely snooty one, at that. Atleast the pay was really good. At nineteen dollars an hour, I was now making about four-hundred dollars a week, just at this job. Plus I had my job waitressing at Applebees.

At this rate, I would pay of college in just a few years. It felt good to have so much money, even if it was earned being a paid slave.

I was busy dusting a shelf full of old teacups when Mary-Ann appeared back in the doorway. "Oh, I forgot to ask you," she said to me, "If you would serve tonight? At dinner? Cassandra's out sick and I can't get a hold of Bart."

"Yes, ma'm," I replied as I finished the last shelf of china, knowing this was more of a command than a question.

She left the room again, leaving me to make the windows shine. I couldn't help but notice a moving van stop next door and two very farmiliar men hop out. Two men who I'm pretty much in love with. Not too long after, a second vehicle drove up, this time a small red car. The other three boys in the band came out.

As I watched, Mary-Ann's daughter (a seventeen-year-old brat named Missy) came in the room and excitedly asked, "Are they here?" I then realized I was practically out the window staring, watching them haul boxes in and out.

I nodded, which caused Missy to shreak. "Ohmigod, I love them so much! They are the best band ever. And, like, I was so sad when they were done touring, because I so followed them around for like six of their concerts, but now I've got the next best thing. Their my freaking neighbors!"

Nodding again in amazement, I said, "Yeah, they're pretty amazing."

Missy continued her obsessive rant, "They're coming to dinner tonight and I get to sit in between Gerard and Frank. Oh /swoon/!"

"Cool," I said, trying hard not to sound jealous, as I moved onto the next window.

That's when I realized how much I've always hated this girl. I really do. She didn't even know who My Chemical Romance were until three weeks ago when I came in for the job interveiw, wearing an MCR shirt. Missy had asked what MCR meant was, so I explained it her. I came back a week later, since I'd been hired, and there was Missy, waltzing around the kitchen listening to the band on an iHome next to the microwave as she a Lean Cuisine rotated inside of it. She was wearing a black sweatshirt that said Dead! across the front.

"Yeah, I know," she replied, ignoring my sarcasm. There was a silence between us as we watched all five of the boys (except for Frank, he was just sitting on the front steps) go into the house with a large box or peice of furniture and come out for more.

"I'm going upstairs to mom's closet and bringing some binoculars with me to watch them," Missy said, jumping up from the chair she'd pulled up next to the window.

Oh, yeah, I neglected to mention that Mary-Ann Constantine's closet is the size of my kitchen and has a window in it. A full-size freaking window.

I moved from the window I'd just finished cleaning (sort of) and moved onto the next, every so often looking out the window and seeing what was happening next. At one point a couple of girls who I recognized as Mikey's wife, Alicia, and Frank's wife, Jamia had pulled up in a blue pick-up-truck. Jamia came out of the drivers side and held her arms out. It looked as if she was talking very animatedly to Alicia, who wasn't even paying attention (she was talking to Mikey and Gerard), but when a small fluffy dog jumped into Jamia's arms, I felt pretty stupid. Obviously she'd been talking that way to the dog.

Jamia walked around the front of the truck, talking to someone as she hit the hood. Frank got off of his place on the front steps and smiled brightly, skipping toward his wife, radiating joy. He pet the dog on the head and gave it a peck on the nose, then looked up at Jamia. She said something to him, and his rely was a pet on her head and a peck on her nose. They both laughed and I couldn't help but laugh, too.

Suddenly Bob appeared and was motioning for them to come inside. I think I could actually hear is voice, but then again, I could have just imagined it. Everyone followed him inside. I was finished with the windows by then, and my wishful thinking thought they'd be back. While waiting, Missy flew down the stairs and landed at the bottom very clumsily.

"Did... you... see that?" she said between gasps for breath. "Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod!" Letting herself catch her breath, she continued, "I am posting their address online! Right now! Ohmi/god/ and I have to tell Cam. He will die!" Finishing off her fangirlish behavior with a squeel and a clap, she started back up the stairs, a perfect white smile plastered on her face.

Let me tell you, that smile? It didn't last long. "You realize that if you tell everyone about your new neighbors, everyone will flock over there. Then they'll move, and you won't live next door to My Chemical Romance?"

She scowled and said, "Gawd, Holl, ruin all the fun why don't you?" Then went back upstairs in a huff, mumbling, "And I thought we could be friends."

I rolled my eyes, turned around, and jumped about a mile. Right in front of me--- and I mean right in front of me, I could feel her breathing on my face--- was Mary-Ann.

"What's wrong with Missy?" she asked me, sounding deeply concerned.

Shrugging, I told her, "Not sure. Something about Cam..."

Mary-Ann sighed, "I told her not to get involved with that boy..." then, out of nowhere, looked lively, and said, "You think you could bring some cookies next door?"

Trying not to widen my eyes and get to excited, I nodded. "Of course."

She started walking toward the kitchen, motioning me to follow. She handed me a huge plate of assorted pastries and said, "Think that'll be enough?"

"Yep," I said. Enough for everyone in Canada to have three.

She smiled warmly at me. "Go get 'em," she said, winking. I giggled as she laughed, throwing her head back. She probably thought it was contagious, but it made her look more like the evil villian in one of those old Disney Princess' movies.

I scurried out the door as fast as I could, which wasn't all to fast carrying a plate that was twice my size.

I was writing this story for fun one day, and turns out I like where it's going, and decided to post it. Not sure how often I will update since I already have a few stories going (How To Predict the Future and Heart It Races) but I deffinetly will try, because I enjoy this one.

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