Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome To The Neighborhood

This Is For Y'all

by wheresyourheart 3 reviews

Holly delivers the plate of pastries

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-07-28 - Updated: 2008-07-29 - 660 words

The whole time I walked toward the direction of the house where the members of MCR resided, I was praying that I wouldn't trip or break anything.

Right as I made it up the path, someone opened the door. Only I didn't know who, because the huge plate of baked goods were obstructing my veiw, but I soon figured out when he asked, "What are you doing?"

The voice belonged to Ray Toro. Not to be mean, but he's my least favorite member of the band. I've always hated big hair, didn't like how un-manly his voice sounded, he had this weird blinking thing he did that reminded me of a mole my dad once caught in a cage when I was ten in our back yard, plus he sort of gave me the creeps. The rudeness right now wasn't helping his case too much, either.

"Um, can I have some help?" I asked, getting right to the point.

Ray hesitated, but said, "Sure," then whisked the plate out of my arms effortlessly.

As I huffed and puffed like an idiot (so I was a little out of shape...) he asked, a hint of excitement in his voice, "Hey, are these for us?"

Nodding, I looked into his eyes, a deep brown that seemed to swallow me whole. My mouth dried up and I got this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. I told myself it was just the excitement of meeting a guy from her favorite band, and as soon as I got back to work, that my dislike of Ray Toro would be rediscovered.

The sound of someone, who I recognized as Frank, saying, "Ray? What are you doing out there?" broke our gaze.

"Hey, Frank, this is..."

"Holly," I finished for him.

"She's our, uh, new neighbor," Ray told his fellow guitar player.

"Oh," I said, shaking my head, "No, I just work over there." They didn't say anything, so babbled on, "I'm a maid. Mary-Ann Constantine lives there. Rememeber her? She was like in all those movies in the seventies. Yeah, well, now she's old and lives there with her daugher, Missy, who's obsessed with your band. It's pretty annoying, actually. I mean, not that you're bad, 'cause you're really good. And uh... I'm acting like a dumbass in front of y'all."

To say the least, I was mad at myself for looking like an idiot. And, "Ya'll"? When did I adopt a southern accent?

"Well, then, Holly. Y'all wanna come in and some o' these sweets?" Frank asked, teasing me about saying "Y'all".

Ray nodded, "Holly, want to come in for a little while?"

Figuring he was just being nice, I said, "No, I should get back to work."

"Alright," he said, looking and sounding disappointed, then the look on his voice changed and he asked, "Hey! Dinner tonight? You'll be over there?"

I nodded, "Serving."

"So I'll see you tonight?" he asked, making sure.

"Yeah, you will," I replied, smiling.

He smiled back and said, "Good."

Frank then said, "C'mon Ray, let's get that food inside. I'm hungry." and turned back into the house. Ray followed, but not before turning around and waving. The platter that had been so difficult for me to carry was now being held with one hand by him.

I waved back, then slowly walked back to the house. As soon as I walked through the front door to the Constantine Mansion, Missy was all up in my face.

"So you got to meet them?"

I shrugged. "Just Ray and Frank."

Missy gave me a jealousy-filled dirty look and said, "So what, it's just Ray Toro. And I saw you making googly eyes." She saw me shrug again, and got angry, then said, "Just don't forget, he's engaged."

And for some reason, that put me in a pretty unhappy mood.

I just split up the first chapter, because I was so long, and I'm writing another one now :)
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