Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome To The Neighborhood


by wheresyourheart 8 reviews

it's time for Hors D’oeuvres

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-07-31 - Updated: 2008-08-01 - 601 words


"Come in, sit down!" Mary-Ann said, ushering My Chemical Romance, plus Alicia and Jamie, into an almost all-white living room while she wore a bright smile.

I watched as Ray sat awkwardly on a white love seat that looked like it had never been used. Everyone at in the seats that surrounded. Just as everyone settled, Missy made her entrance.

"Hi, guys," she said, obviously not wanting to look like a crazed fan (and failing). She wore a rediculous green dress thing that stops at her upper thigh, looking like a tutu. Underneath were black leggings and on her feet, a pair of Jimmy Choo's. "So nice to finally meet you!"

Mikey stared at her, and at the room, looking perplexed.

Gerard was the first to speak up. Politely, he said, "Yeah, we're neighbors after all," then modestly added, "I'm Gerard."

"We know who you are," Mary-Ann told him. "Missy only talks about you twenty-four seven."

"Mo-om," she said, then walked over and sat next to Ray.

"Holly, would you like to get the Hors D’oeuvres? They should be ready by now," Mary-Ann told me, then turned back to her guests and said, "Well, unlike my daughter, I'm not aware of everyone's names..."

As I walked away, I heard Frank say, "I'm Frank, this is my Wife Jamia."

In the kitchen, I imediatly run to check my reflection in the microwave.

"Gotta look good for the rockstars," Bill, one of the chefs said.

I turned to him a grinned, "Well, yeah. Even if none of them are single."

Bill shrugged, "You never know. Maybe there's trouble in paradise."

"Nice try," I told him, grabbing an extravegant platter of small bite-size foods. Each one looked like a morsal of perfection --- an artichoke heart filled with a teaspoonful of chicken mousse and a sliver of truffle; a tiny crouton topped with foie gras; a teaspoon holding a pike quenelle and a creamy sauce. Right away my mouth started watering.

"Don't forget the aperitif!" Bill called after me.

I turned around, the platter in one hand, and grabbed the tray of red cocktails. "You saved my ass," I told him, before walking out the door.

Back in the white living room, I sat both the platter and tray on a table that was conveniently placed in the center of everyone.

"Is there alchohol in this?" Gerard asked politely.

Mary-Ann shook her head no, and Missy sat up straight, turned to her mom, and said, "Mom, Gerard's a recovered alchoholic."

"Really?" Mary-Ann Constantine said, making conversation. "That's a very good role-model right there. Tell me all about it."

"Nah," Gerard replied, "You'd be bored to tears."

"Oh, but I want to hear!" she insisted.

So he started a story that I was farmiliar with, and I brought the tray of cocktails around, which Mary-Ann had instructed me to do beforehand. I thought it was pretty stupid, but I just figured this was how fancy dinners were done.

Gerard took a sip and continued with the story of how he became sober, and I moved to Ray, who smiled at me. "Hello again," he said.

"Hey," I said, feeling shy. I was about to pass him a drink when two things happened; Someone bumped my left arm, the arm holding the tray, which sent the drinks flying all over Ray and the perfectly white couch, and both Mary-Ann and her daughter let out a shreik.

All I could say was, "Whoops."


Ah, I finally got more time to write :)
I hope you are enjoying this as much as I'm enjoying writing it!
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