Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome To The Neighborhood

You're Fired

by wheresyourheart 10 reviews

holly was leaving alone, until...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-08-08 - Updated: 2008-08-08 - 582 words


"I can't believe you emberassed us in front of /them/!" Missy whispers harshly in my ear. All three of us are standing in the kitchen with the three chefs hanging close to find out what happened.

"Let me clean it up," I told an upset Mary-Ann. Every passing second made me more and more frantic.

"Bert!" Mary-Ann yelled, and soon after my co-worker appeared.

"Yes?" he asked, standing in perfect posture.

"We need to fix this. Go get the guys in the dining hall. Then try to save that couch..."

"Yes, miss," he said, turning to go do as she said.

Mary-Ann then turned to me. "Holly."

I nodded expectantly.

"Go home. You're fired."

My jaw dropped and my heart stopped. "Please, no!" I begged. "I don't know what happened... someone pushed my arm or something..." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Missy smirk, but I continued, "I need this job. I'll do anything."

There's a silence, which is soon broken by Mary-Ann, "I'll think about it. Just go home, Holly."

"Okay," I told her, then turned to leave.

Someone cleared there throat loudly to get my attention, so I turned. "Uniform?" Mary-Ann asked.

"Of course," I said, taking off the white jacked and pants (she said it was more "proper for serving"), revealing my gray skinny jeans, purple iron maiden tee and green converse. I handed her the clothes then walked out to my car.

As I turned the ignition, someone came out of the side door and jogged down the driveway. It was Ray. He was yelling something, but I couldn't tell what because my windows were up and the air conditioning was on high, seeing as it was late July. He rounded the car and tapped on my window, which I rolled down.

"Fired?" he asked me, even though he already knew the answer.

I nodded and said, "Yep."

"That sucks," he told me, leaning down so our eyes were at the same level. "Especially because it wasn't even you're fault."

"Huh?" I ask him, my eyebrows knotting together.

"That girl. The daughter. She practically shoved you."

I scoffed, "Well that sounds just like her. God, she's such a bitch."

"I told her not to fire you," he told me.

"Well, that woman's hard to bargain with," I said. "And, I'm sorry about spilling that all over you."

Ray shrugged and said, "Like I said, it wasn't even your fault. Don't worry about it." He smiled, then shyly said, "How about I ditch the dinner and we can go somewhere?"

"Us?" I ask, thinking that I hadn't heard him right.

Ray grinned, "Yeah. Why not?"

"Sure," I said, "Yeah, get in."

Smiling, he walked to the passenger side and got in. "Where to?" he said, as he closed the door.

"Where's good?" I asked back.

"Anywhere," he said as he adjusted the seat which was as far forward as it could go because of my sister, who was always bumming rides from me.

I backed out of the driveway carfully, so I wouldn't run into any gardens (that's the last thing I need right now), and Ray said, "Think we could stop next door first? I just want to change."

Looking at his half soaked shirt, I couldn't help but laugh a little as I said, "Of course."

New chapter! :)
okay here's where you guys can contribute:
audition to be a waitress or whatever where ray and holly go, and
where should they go?
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