Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome To The Neighborhood

Ray's So Polite

by wheresyourheart 6 reviews

holly meets christa.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-08-24 - Updated: 2008-08-25 - 742 words


The smell of cigarettes, coffee and after shave filled my lungs as soon as I stepped in the doorway to Ray's home. And the other four members of My Chemical Romance. And their wives... and Ray's fiance.

"Hey Christa," Ray said as he passed by her. She was sitting on the couch, reading a book.

"Where's everyone else?" she asked him.

"Oh, there over there... but there was a little incident so, uh. Yeah." He paused. "Christa, this is Holly."

Christa looked over at me and gave me a fake smile, "Hi, Holly. You live next door?"

"I'll be changing," Ray said, looking at me and pointint up.

Answering his fiance (and trying not to attack her) I said, "No, I work there. Well, worked. But her daughter got me fired. And Ray's just being nice, bringing me out to dinner."

She smiled, "Ray is just so polite. He never wants anyone to feel bad. There's always random people waling through the house, that he invites in."

Nodding, I said, "Yeah."

In a second it hit me--- I'm standing in the same house that my idols reside in. Holey. Fucking. Shit. I told myself to just be chill, but I couldn't. My eyes soared across the room, taking in every inch. There were old pictures hanging on the walls, a guitar--- A freaking Les Paul!--- leaned up against the kitchen table.

Ray appeared in the doorway and said, "We'll be back later, Christa," and kissed her on the forehead. My heart sank to my feet.

We got back into my car and I asked, "So, uh, when's the wedding?"

Ray looked at me funny. "How'd you , know?"

Feeling pretty lame, I said, "Internet."

He nodded, looking flattered that I'd looked up things about him on the internet, even though I had stumbled across it accidently, while I was searching about Gerard and Frank.

"Well, um," he stopped and looked out the side window, "This is between you and me. A secret. Are you good with secrets?"

"I'm a vault," I told him. I held out my pinky to him and said, "Pinky promise."

Smiling, he hooked his pinky with mine, sending a shockwave up my arm.

"I'm not sure things are working out after all," he said quietly. There were something in his eyes, a secret look just for me.

"Can I ask why?" I asked, coming to a stop at a light.

"She's just," he thought for a minute and continued, "Messy. Annoying. She doesn't get along with my best friends anymore. And she was never like this. Plus... ah, nevermind."

"What?" I told him.

"Nah, it's nothing," he said.

There was a silence, not an awkward one, just one where nobody spoke, until I said, "Where can we go where no one will recognize you and hound you for autographs?"

"Yeah, right," Ray said modestly.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows, and he said, while nodding, "Well, yeah. I guess. Is Taco Bell to un-fancey for you?"

"Taco Bell? Unfancey?" I repeated, laughing. "Sounds great to me."

Ray smiled after I said, "We can go through the drive through and go somewhere else to eat."

I pulled up and we ordered, then I came to the pick up/pay window. I read the nametag; /Kelsey/. She had a lot of peircing, including a Monroe which I've been wanting for a while but haven't had the courage to get. I saw her glance at Ray for longer than usual as I passed her a twenty.

"I can pay you back for mine," Ray told me.

"It's fine," I replied, "It's just food."

"Here's your change," Kelsey said, then passed us a back and a couple of sodas.

"Um, does that hurt?" I asked her, pointing on myself above the lip.

She shrugged, "Depends on your tolerance for pain."

"Oh," I said.

I was about to pull away when she cried, "Wait!" As I stepped on the breaks, she said, "Hi Ray!" and Ray waved at her, a polite smile on his face.

Soon we were out of the Taco Bell parking lot and Ray asked, "Where to now?"

"You'll see," I replied, resting my arm on the center part of the car.

Just a lame filler... review anyway. It keeps me motivated (even though I've sucked at getting on the computer to update recently).
thanks so much for all the reveiws last chapter, I LOVE YOU ALL :D
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