Categories > Original > Romance > The Missing Piece

Gotta Find You

by bellaluvsnick 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-07-28 - Updated: 2008-10-04 - 528 words

Gotta Find You

"Okay, boys," Kevin Sr. said after they finished eating a delicious breakfast of egg casarole, "We need to get down to the radio station for your interveiw."

Nick had been dreading this interveiw. Word that Joe would be putting his infamous "plan" into action soon had reached his ears. And he was terrified he was going to it during the interveiw.


"Come on Izz hurry up or your're going to miss your lover’s interveiw."

"Alexiz, I'm coming," Izzi said pulling her Pop Tarts out of the microwave, "and would you shut up about that!"

"She's right, you know, they'll be on in a few minutes."

"That's not what I was talking about, Bridget" Alexiz said rolling her eyes.


"You ready guys?" the DJ asked as they prepared to come back from commercial break.
They nodded and put on they're headsets.

"Hey, everyone we're back with special in studio guests the Jonas Brothers. So guys how life on the road been?"

"Oh man, it's been great." Kevin anwswered.

"Yeah the crowds have been so big and loud it so amazing." Joe said

It took Nick a few seconds to realize that he was supposeted to reply too, "Oh yea, sorry guys it's still a little early for me, but yea the crowds are unreal they have such an intense amount of energy its awesome."

"Now we have a question from one of our listeners : 'Do any of you have girlfriends?'-Amber. Well guys?"

Joe was the first to speak up, "I'm very single right now, but if Jessica Alba, if you ever become me."

"Yeah same here. Very single." Kevin said

"Yeah me too." Nick said, he could feel the color rising in his cheeks as he watched a mischievous grin spread across Joe's face.

"Well there was that one girl, a few weeks ago.'' He said

"Well that really wasn't anything, Joe." Nick said staring in wide eyed disbelief at his brother.

"I don't know, Nick, I think there might have been something there." Kevin said with a grin to match Joe's.

"Well, I didn't even get to meet her. We were playing in J. C. Wallis Stadium and she was in the front row and I saw her while I was singing "A Little Bit Longer" and she was singing along and she had these amazing glassy emerald green eyes. I was blown away, she was just so pretty and for the rest of the concert I just kinda had to watch her." Nick said, it actually felt kinda good to get that off his chest.

"So the youngest Jonas Brother has a Cinderella?” the DJ said, "Well this could get interesting.”


Izzi dropped her Pop Tart, "Lex, don't say it! Don't say it! Don't say it."

"I was right!" Alexiz said grinning wildly.

"AWW, Izzi he called you Cinderella." Bridget crooned.

"Oh. My. Jonas." Izzi said rubbing her temples, "I can't be me, Lex, it just cant be. I mean be logical there were thousands of girls at that concert, I just can't be me. It just can't."

You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
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