Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Escape From This AfterLife

I Won't See You Tonight.

by MyFamousLastWords 7 reviews

“I honestly don’t know, I don’t understand, Gerard got the power of mind control yet he can’t control his own mind” - EDITED.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-07-31 - Updated: 2009-07-03 - 3022 words

Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight

Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me,
I cared for and loved

Building up inside of me
A place so dark, so cold, I had to set me free
Don't mourn for me, you're not the one to place the blame
As bottles called my name, I won't see you tonight

Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me,
I cared for and most of all I loved
but I can't see myself that way
please don't forget me or cry while I'm away

Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
But I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight

So far away, I'm gone. Please don't follow me tonight.
And while I'm gone, everything, it will be alright.

No more breath inside
Essence left my heart tonight

No more breath inside
Essence left my heart tonight

Come back to me, this is unconceivable
Breaking apart the ones you love
Hate runs deep for what you've done to us
Left alone through suicide...suicide

I just want to die, take away my life
lay by your side

Come back to me, this is unconceivable
Breaking apart the ones you love
Hate runs deep for what you've done to us
Left alone through suicide

Look at my face you pierce with a blank stare
No dream could prepare a heart for a lifeless friend.
He's gone. Nothing will take back time.
I need him back, but nothing will take back time.
(take back time)

I can see just fine, with you in my life,
(and)there by my side as it starts to fade
I know this can't be right, stuck in a dream
a nightmare full of sorrow

Nightmare - full of pain
Nightmare - full of pain

I look back and see the twisted road
Best friends and despair took its toll
Take away
Take away
Take away
Take away

You can't be replaced
I'm left alone with you
in spirit and the words
you wrote to me

Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me, I cared for
and most of all I loved
but I can't see myself that way
please don't forget me
or cry while I'm away

Look at my face you pierce with a blank stare
No dream could prepare a heart for a lifeless friend.
He's gone. Nothing will take back time.
I need him back, but nothing will take back time.
(take back time)

I can see just fine, with you in my life,
(and)there by my side as it starts to fade
I know this can't be right, stuck in a dream
a nightmare full of sorrow
I can see just fine, with you in my life,
(and)there by my side as it starts to fade
I know this can't be right, stuck in a dream
a nightmare full of sorrow

I Won’t See You Tonight 1&2-Avenged Sevenfold

Third Person P.O.V
-Living room-

“Hey Frank?” Mikey called.
“Yeah Mikes?” Frank answered.
“Where did Gerard go and what happened in there?” The young brother asked.
“Oh…yeah he said he’d…just go to bed, and nothing really, just talked is all” Frank replied casually.

Frank dragged himself over to the couch and lied down on it.

“It’s been a long day” yawned Ray.
“Yup, I’m gunna go here, night guys” Grace said walking away.
“Yeah, I think I’ll head off too, night” Bob said, following Grace.

Gerard’s P.O.V
-Gerard’s room-
I need to do this for my sake, and for everybody else’s. If I stay around I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable, especially Bob. I don’t hate Bob, never. He’s one of my best friends and I’d never want to hurt him. I don’t want to hurt Ray, Frank amd Mikey. I love them too much.
But if I’m gone, I can’t hurt anyone anymore.
I just need some wolf blood, a rope and a razor.
I snuck down Ray’s arch way, making sure he or no one else can hear me. I got into his room safely. It’s on the little cabinet right beside his bed. I slowly grab the little bottle labelled: Wolf Blood DO NOT TOUCH.
As I was about to take it, Ray slowly lifts his head and then flops back down on his pillow, snoring. I breathe a sigh of relief.
Now I’ve got it all, Wolf blood (From Ray’s room), Rope (From laying around), Razor (From the bathroom).

I lift the chair and put it under the pole and tie the rope around the pole that is on my wardrobe. I grab the sharp blade and rip it across my left arm as the blood starts to stream out, I try not to drink. The pain, I close my eyes.
I step up on the chair with the little bottle of wolf blood in my right hand and use my other hand to put my head through the little loop. I let the wolf blood spill out onto the gash on my arm and I step off the chair, feeling myself slip away, the chair falls.

Grace’s P.O.V

Honestly, I can’t sleep, something feels wrong and I know it. I have that feeling that something is wrong. I walk to the kitchen and sit on the counter.
I’m just thinking over the days I’ve spent here. I’ve made awesome friends. I’ve always wanted to be alone since Alex died. I hate thinking about that he will never be around again. Death affects people differently some people get over it in a matter of time, and some people just don’t. That’s the way life is. There’s certain things that pass you by and there’s some things that stick to you forever. Things that get stuck in your head and there’s always something that reminds you of it. You never know how cruel life can be until you face up to it. There’s some people that can ‘buy’ there way out of things and some people that have to face it.
But no one gets out alive.

I’m glad I met Ray, Frank, Bob, Mikey and even Gerard. You just have to give people a chance.
I sigh and jump off the counter. I hear a ‘thud’ sort of noise. I don’t know where it’s coming from. I hear a sort of gasping noise. I shake my head. I think I’m hearing things.
Could this be the reason I can’t get to sleep?
I check Mikey’s room, he’s okay.
I check Frank too, he’s fine.
Ray’s okay too and I’m pretty sure Bob’s fine.
That leaves Gerard. Should I check on him or will he get angry that I went into his room? It’s worth a shot.

I can see something dangling as I walk down his arch way. I start to run.
Oh. My. Fucking. God.

“Gerard! Gerard!” Tears were streaming down my face.
I check his pulse, it’s very, very faint. I notice the gash on his arm. I lift up the little bottle laying on the floor. WOLF BLOOD. Most of it was splattered on the floor, I turn it upside down. PROPTERTY OF RAY TORO.
I take one last look at Gerard and hope for the best.
I run down the arch way and into Ray’s.

“Ray! Wake the fuck up!” I hit Ray.
“Jesus Grace! What the fuck?!” Ray screams.
“It’s G-Gerard, h-help him!” I sob.
“What Grace? I can’t-” I interrupted him.
“Go to his fucking room!” I drop to my knees.
I saw Ray run at a inhumanly speed. I dragged myself after him.
“Gerard!” Ray screamed and lifted Gerard’s legs up so he wasn’t hanging anymore. “Grace I need you to get Mikey” He said taking a knife from his jeans, “and only Mikey”. He carries a knife when he sleeps? “Grace go!” I hear Ray shout once more.

I run to Mikey’s room, “Mikey! Wake up!” I shake Mikey.
“Wait, five more minutes” Mikey mumbled.
“Mikey wake the fuck up!” I slap his face. He shots up from his bed, “Mikey, Ray needs you in G-Gerard’s room, n-now” I tell him, slightly sobbing.
He stares at me, “Mikey! Just go” I plead with him. He shakes his head and jogs to what I suppose, Gerard’s room.

I stand there, shocked. I can’t believe this is happening. I knew he disliked me, a lot. I just didn’t think he’d go this far. I knew I sound have left. I knew.
I collect myself and run to Gerard’s room. Mikey was crying and Ray was trying to hold back the tears that were running down his face while trying to fix Gerard.

“We’re going to have to bring him to Matt; I’m afraid he’ll die if we don’t. I thought I could have controlled this but I can’t. The wolf blood seems to have taken a strong effect on him and is filling his blood stream as we speak” Ray wiped his face.

“Now, we have to go now, I can’t loose my brother now, not now, not ever” Mikey looked at Ray and I.
“Mikey go get another bottle of Wolf Blood from my room” Ray told Mikey.

“While you’re there Michael, get me a cuppa coffee” smiled an awakened Bob Bryar as he walked through the arch way, “What’s all the commotion in here?” Bob looked around with a shock look on his face, “Mikey forget that coffee” he looked around only to find Mikey gone.

Ray carried Gerard on his back as Mikey came back in with another bottle of Wolf Blood. “Bob I’ll explain when we get to Matt’s room” Mikey told Bob, looking him straight in the eye.

I held open the doors until we finally got to this ‘Matt’s’ place, I hope Gerard is okay.

“Matt” Mikey screamed as we entered a room with a concrete table in the middle, being help up by more concrete slabs. Ray settled Gerard on the concrete slab as Bob sat on a chair holding his head in his hands.
Then a tall man with long, blonde hair which reached his hips and bright green eyes entered through a door in the side of the room.

Ray’s P.O.V
“Matt it’s Gerard, he tried to kill himself with some Wolf Blood “ I said showing him the little bottle. “He also tried hanging himself, but Grace here” I said motioning to Grace, “found him before it was too late, if it isn’t already” I added the last pair quietly. Gerard’s been like a brother to me for the past year, he’s been with me through think and thin and loosing him now will mess everything up. I’m going to be with him now and he will pull through.
I know he hates being a vampire and so do we but I mean look at Bob, he’s been one all his life! He doesn’t complain. I know everyone was different and Gerard had a lot going on. I’m worried for Gerard and if we loose him but I’m worried for Mikey too. If Mikey lost Gerard, he would be destroyed, all of us would be. It would be weird not seeing Gerard walk around with that cheesy grin on his face. It’s some what comforting to know that we still have him, even on the slab, half dead.

“Ray, I’ve been trying everything, usually if you pour lavender crystals on the cut, it heals and inject human blood, it can clean out the system. But I’ve never had someone who has tried to kill themselves with Wolf Blood. It looks like the Wolf Blood has taken over his blood system completely, he’s only knocked out for a couple of minutes or so, later his heart will begin to pump wolf blood all over the body and he’ll die completely” Matt’s word made me freeze.

“Matt, what about Izzy and Caoimhe? They’ll be able to save him won’t they?” I hoped.
I look over at Mikey, he’s sitting with his head in between his knees and Bob and Grace, Grace sitting on Bob’s knee with his head resting on his shoulder. I go over to Mikey. “Hey Mikes, you okay?”
“Fuck Ray! Do I look fucking okay?! My brother is nearly dead and you ask if I’m okay?” Mikey screamed in a sudden out burst.

“I…Ray I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to do” Mikey cried.
“Mikey, shh, we’re all in shock, it’ll work out, I hope” I tell Mikey whilst hugging him.
“Frank, we need to get Frank” Mikey whispered.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Gerard might not be here tomorrow” I whispered the last part. “You wanna come with me to get him?” I ask Mikey.
“I-I, don’t know, I don’t want to leave Gerard in-incase he…” Mikey whispers, “…dies”.
I nod and walk out.

Third person P.O.V
“Frank wake up dude!” Ray yelled.
“Ray-ay? What?” Frank replied groggily.
“Get up and put some clothes on, quickly” Ray said rather furiously.
“It’s only two forty-five in the morning!” Frank yelled back, annoyed while dragging clothes out of his wardrobe and disappearing into the bathroom.

“Um, yeah, he’s just getting ready, we’ll be there as soon as possible, they’re there? Good, okay, bye” Ray spoke into the speaker of his phone and then hung up.

“Who was that?” Frank asked as he walked into the room fully dressed.

“Oh, it was Matt” Ray answers softly.
“Why was Matt phoning and who’s there?” Frank questioned.
“Look Frank, sit down, there’s a lot to explain, Gerard isn’t good, he tried, tried to kill himself with some Wolf Blood, Grace found him hanging in his room, we’re hoping he’ll be okay, Matt had to call in Izzy and Caoimhe because he didn’t know what to do, it’s effected Gerard big time” Ray said tears forming in his eyes.

“Is Caoimhe and Izzy helping him? Will he live?” Frank panicked.
“We’ve got to go back to Matt, come on” Ray said sternly .

Frank’s P.O.V
I can’t believe this, I wouldn’t think Gerard would do this. I wouldn’t believe it if it hadn’t came from Ray, Bob or Mikey and now I have to go see it.
It must be torture for Mikey to see his own flesh and blood like that.

“Ray?” I squeak.
“Do you honestly think Gerard will live?”
“I honestly don’t know, I don’t understand, Gerard got the power of mind control yet he can’t control his own mind” Ray said. I kept quiet.

We arrived at Matt’s and things weren’t looking good. Gerard was lying on the concrete slab, lifeless. Mikey was sitting by himself while Grace and Bob was cuddling each other, crying.
“Hey guys, Izzy, Caoimhe” I nodded my head at the two girls, that’s who Ray was talking about on the phone.

I walked over to the concrete slab and looked at Gerard; he looked horrible. I noticed the cut up his left arm which was now stitched up.
“Hun, we’re going to need ya to move so we can work on Gerard” Izzy told me. Izzy was small, which shoulder length black hair and brown eyes. She was nice.
Caoimhe was the tall, skinny one with blonde hair and blue eyes.

I moved away so they could fix Gerard, I hoped so. We need them to.

Bob’s P.O.V
“This is my fault Bob, this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t come here, if I left, you wouldn’t see one of your best friends dying” Grace sobbed into my shoulder.

“Grace this isn’t your fault, this in no way has anything to do with you, don’t blame yourself” I coo to her.

She sniffed, “Hey Grace, I’m going to talk to Ray for a bit” I said moving her off me.

“Hey man” I say to Ray sitting beside him on one of the chairs.
“Hey what’s up?” Ray said gently.
I sighed, “Grace thinks the whole thing is her fault. She think it wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t bring her here”.

Ray sighed and looked at the floor.
I call Frank, Mikey and Grace over.
Grace sat on me as Frank and Mikey pulled up two chairs in front of Ray and said in a circle shape.

“I just thought we should all talk” I said looking at them all.
“I just hope Gerard’s okay, if we loose him, it’ll be the hardest thing ever” Frank busted out into tears.
“I guess, when someone passes, you should focus on all the good that person has done, and try not to really think about the fact that they’re not gunna be on the earth any longer, that they have an affect on you and your lives, and that’s what you should take out” Ray commented.

“I guess you’re right, Ray” Mikey slightly smiled.

“Guys! We’re loosing Gerard!” Matt yelled at us.

“Izzy! We need to revive him!” screamed Caoimhe.
Beep……beep……beep was the only sound of Gerard’s failing heart from the heart monitor.

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