Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Escape From This AfterLife

Never Forget.

by MyFamousLastWords 2 reviews

What Happens Now? EDITED.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] - Published: 2008-10-04 - Updated: 2009-07-08 - 2216 words

My brother, gone. I can’t believe he did this, he did this to punish himself but now we have to deal with it, what was he thinking? It would make things easier? I don’t know.

“I guess you're right, Ray" I slight smiled.

“Guys! We’re loosing Gerard!” Matt yelled at us.

What! No! We can’t loose Gerard! No.

“Izzy, we need to revive him!” Screamed Caoimhe.

Beep……beep…….beep was the only sound of Gerard’s failing heart from the heart monitor.

That was the end of it, that was the end of Gerard. ‘Never let it show, the pain you’ve come to know people use these kind of things against you, they know it's your weakness’ That was a lesson I learnt from my brother, I have to stay strong we all do. Gerard chose this, he did it to himself for whatever reasons, I don’t know but we’ll stay strong I just can’t believe hes gone, my brother I’ve knew all my life. Then again, didn’t he think of us at all? I love that stupid fucker.

“Mikey? Dude are you coming?” I look up and see Ray in front of me.

“Uh, yeah dude I’m coming” I said wiping my now blood shot eyes. ”Come en dude I know it's hard but we gotta get on with life, it does go on,” Ray spoke again, holding a firm hand in front of me, “lets go” I gripped it and stood up from sitting on the floor and looked around. Gerard’s still lifeless body was still laying on the concrete slab in the middle of the room. Bob, Frank and Grace went along with Matt, Izzy and Caoimhe to help pack up the stuff and they're coming back for Gerard later.


“Yeah man?” he replied back while gathering his self up.

“Do you think Gerard did this for a reason?” I asked, looking at his lifeless body it seems like he didn’t die a painful death.

“I donno Mikes, I don’t know what was running through his head when he did this” Ray replied back tear eyed.

“No come on, lets go we gotta go and see the guys and help, well you know” Ray said carefully.

“I can’t Ray, I just can’t” I couldn’t I don’t want to see my brother getting carried away knowing I’ll never see him again.

“Well okay, I respect that Mikey. It's hard for all of us too. Well I’m going to find the guys” Ray said and exited the room shortly after.

“Gerard” I said pulling over a chair and sitting down beside him, “I can’t believe you're gone from me, I don’t know why, why would you want to do this? We all loved you. I don’t know what I’ll do without having my big brother whip my ass for doing something stupid or having you to talk to about stuff. Theres one thing that I wish you could have saw before, yeah we may be the living dead and all but you were amazing at art and when you applied for NYC School of Visual Arts a couple of days before well Grace let us use her address and they sent a letter out, you got accepted Gee, I’m sorry.” I said, “I’ll Miss You” and with that I walked away.

I walked away, I walked away from my childhood that I once shared with my brother, I walked away from the past that kept me locked up inside for so long. Now without my brother by my side life’s going to be one big rollercoaster and I have to be prepared for it.

Third person P.O.V

“So how do you think Mikey’s taking it?” Matt asked no one particular.

“I donno Matt, he's his brother how do you think he might take it? He's Gee how could he be taken away from us?” Frank answered back on the verge of tears.

“It's okay Frank dude, it's hard for all of us” Ray whispered patting Frank on the back.

Gerard Way was a good person, he didn’t drink or do any type of drug abuse. He was the type of person that would be there for you to talk too. He would be honest even in the hardest of times, he always had a way of putting things. He was a soft, kind person but had his anger points but it was his voice that caught peoples attention it might not have been perfect but it was inspiring. It had that ring to it that made it different, unique even. All in all he was a good person but as I said he had his anger points, he wouldn’t let things go easily. Never.

~Later On That Night~

“Bob I can’t I just can’t! I can’t stay here any longer! I killed Gerard, more lessly!” Grace screamed at the bewildered face of Bob, “I want you! What do you think?! You didn’t kill Gerard! He did it himself you know that” Bob replied in a rather angered voice while grabbing onto Grace.

“What the fuck was that for?!” Bob shouted louder than before getting of the bed that he once sat on, rubbing the spot on his cheek in which Grace had slapped him, “Bob…” Grace said breaking down in tears, “I’m sorry, it's just why? Why do you want me? No one's ever really wanted me. To many people has died in my life in a short time, Iif I just paid more attention to Alex…to Gerard, maybe I could of did something I don’t know just maybe”.

“No you can’t stop people from doing those things, it wasn’t your fault and it never will be” Bob whispered kissing Grace’s forehead.

“I don’t know…fine I’ll stay, but you know I’ll have to go back when my mother comes back, I still belong to a family” Grace laughed.

“Yeah when is she coming back?” Bob asked getting anxious.

“Umm, I donno I think New Year’s I’m not sure” Grace said lowly looking at the ground.

“New Years! That’s two months away! Not that it's not a good thing that your staying for two months but isn’t that kinda long? Like for a business trip thing?” Bob wondered.

“Hmm I never really thought about it, does it matter?” Grace asked sitting back down.

“Well I will have you for two months so I guess not” Bob said grabbing Grace from the bed kissing her passionately while pushing her back onto the bed tracing his hand up and down her side, while Grace slowly unbuckles his belt buckle.


“So have you been talking to Mikey?” Frank stared at Ray from the other side of the kitchen table, all the while shoving a piece of toast in his mouth.

“I didn’t get time to, Why does everyone keep asking me this?! Why can’t you or Bob talk to him. He is our friend you know, he's not some sort of lodger who just lives here!” Ray yelled a little to forcefully.

“Well sor-rey! I was just asking, you’re the closest to Mikey” Frank said.

“Dear God must there always be shouting in this house at this time in the morning, no particular idea why it's all about me? Look I’m doing…better” said a fully awake smiling Michael Way.

“Well what’s got into you? Seeming so happy, it's not like your brother has di-“

Yes Mikey why the happy smile? Did you eventually decide to put the shower on last night or was it just by luck?” Ray Chuckled.

“Well I donno, it's jus I donno I’m feeling in a better mood, and yes Frank it's not like I have forgotten about Gerard, it's just like I don’t think he wanted me to be sad or mop around for the rest of my life, I’ll miss him I know that, it's just I have no idea” Mikey said grabbing a piece of Frank’s toast and walking away.

“Okay…?” Ray slowly said with a confused look on his face.

“Bastard! You can pay for that piece of toast bitch!” Frank shouted back in the direction Mikey walked away in, laughing slightly.

“Well you all seem like a happy bunch the s’morning”.

“Why hello Robert!” Yelled Frank rather strangely.

“Hello young Franklin!” Bob yelled back, swinging a arm over Frank’s shoulders.

“Why is everyone so damn happy round here?!” said a frustrated Ray.

“Aww did someone not get enough sleep last night RayRay?” cooed Bob in a baby voice.

“You can say the same! ‘Cause I certainly didn’t hear any sleeping goin’ on!” laughed Ray.

‘I’m stuck in parallel worlds its something supernatural it won’t let me go’

“Lovely ringtone Bob” snickered Ray.

“If you people don’t shut up in there I’m going to stick a barge pole up your ass!”
“Sorry Grace, someone wants their sleep”

“Elliot Minor Bob?” Questions Ray

“What? They're good!”

~Later On That Day~
Grace’s POV

“Yeah I'm just gonna go into the kitchen” I say to the three slumped over men watching The Notebook.

“Hey Frankie, whatca doing?” I ask a bored looking Frank.

“Umm, nothing much I was just thinking about the outside world and such” Frank looked at me.

“By that I know you're thinking of your family, aren’t you?” I took an apple from the bowl.

“God, well yeah it's just it gets me thinking, what would life be like not being…not being like this? I miss them even though I got through out for being ‘A Party Animal’ as Ray puts it, I was ten! I just wish I could be there again”.

“Truth to be told, I miss my family too. Actually being a family and I feel sorta at home here” I said. It is the truth I do like staying here, it makes all the wonders in the world disappear.

“Yeah these guys are my family now, I miss Gerard though so fucking much” Frank lowered his eyes.

“Yeah so like what was your family like?” I asked out of complete curiosity.

“Well my mum was really nice, she would come around often because I didn’t live with her, I lived with my dad. My mum was usually at work or another but yeah we got along pretty well. She comes and stays for a few months and then goes back with her work but yeah we was all pretty cool” Frank said thoughtfully.

“Yeah that’s weird, I don’t live with my dad but with my mum and shes usually off with business, but I don’t get along with my dad that much, well when my mum's there, she still hasn’t changed her name though since she got a divorce from my dad it's still Sarah Elizabeth Smyth”

“What?! That’s crazy 'cau-“

“Hey guys coming in to watch Titanic? We're drowning our sorrows” Mikey asked from the door in the kitchen.

“Ha ha only you guys would, umm yeah coming Frank?” I asked Franks so he wouldn’t be alone.

“Umm yeah I’m coming” he said sounding very distant.

Just as Ray was about to put the DVD into the DVD player there was a knock on the door,”I’ll get it,” said Bob
“Grace go into our room”
I obeyed Bob and went back to the room, we have to do this for safety because humans cannot be in this place. God knows what they’ll do with me and the guys if they found out.

~Bob’s POV~
I told Grace to go to our room just incase its someone who we don’t know.

I answered the door but luckily it was just Matt,

“Guys you’ve gotta go. Now.” Matt said sternly with panic in his voice.

“Why what's up?” I asked

“Somehow Sconall has found out Grace is here and has ordered ‘Them’ to come and find yous and her! You need to get out and get somewhere!”

“Matt! We can’t they’ll find out you knew and kill you too!” I couldn’t believe this was happening someone had betrayed us! How could this get out?!

“Look I don’t matter ju-“

“Well, well, well the man himself is at the door for us, no need of a struggle then Bryar” Craig, a ugly, muscular man, who worked as one of the guards for Sconall said.

“Fuck you Craig! Your getting nowere into this place!” I spat back.

“Oh that’s what you think, I’ve heard you’ve been keeping something which doesn’t belong here, am I right? Shaun, Corey, Joey get in and search that place top to bottom” Craig smiled.

“Bobs what's up? What the fuck are you bastards doing here?!” Ray Spat.

I looked at Mikey he gave me a nod and headed for me and Graces’ room.


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