Categories > Original > Fantasy > Moonlight


by Ashley_Renee 0 reviews

Lucian's point of view.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-08-01 - Updated: 2008-08-02 - 1889 words

I knew what I was doing was dangerous. I had always been warned not to get close to anyone. But Anna was not just anyone. Her beautiful smile lost me when we first met. I knew that I should've stayed away, for her own safty. I tried, but when James decided to intruduce himself, I couldn't resist.

From the start I knew she didn't like me. That little girl, Aimee, must've told her about me. When I saw Aimee siting next to her, I felt the need to protect her. I knew Aimee well enough that the friendship wouldn't last. But I was blown away when she first met me. Her smile disappeared, and hatred swept across her face. So when I saw her in the gym, I had to explain. She was about to walk off when I pulled her into that storage closet.

The moment she saw me, her expression changed; it was somehow hurt. Like I made her sad. I instantly took my chance, and blew it. The moment I called her selfish, she toke off to her little Ford Focus in the parking lot. But to my surprise, she didn't leave.

James laughed when I told him about it. He said it was just the stories getting to her. But I could see the questions flowing through his mind. Why did I care so much about what she thought about me. My whole life I never had given anyone, except my family, a second look. I felt no need. I had what I wanted in life, and I had no need for anything extra.

What really surprised me, was that I couldn't see through her head. Unlike my family, who had specific talents, I had many. I could do everything that they could, and even more. I was faster than them all, too. So when I tried to read her thoughts, a wall of steel stoped me. I couldn't change her emotion, either. Nor could James. I could see why mind tricks did not work on her. But neither did the physical. That is what made me most curious about Anna.

That day, when I saw her car still in the parking lot, I knew something was wrong. Had I really hurt her that much?

I tried to open her door, but it was locked. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I did. I could've been caught, and that would mean the unthinkable. I was in and out her car in a second. It was extremly hard to unlock her car, since spiders had such thin legs. I decided to turn back, and unlock the car from the front seat.

She didn't catch me. She didn't even hear me. The moment I climbed back out her window, she saw me. I knew her insticts. But she went against them. I crawled on the cold pavement until I knew I was out of sight. I switched back. I headed back to her car, and looked back through the window. This time she saw me, and yelled, telling me her right to privacy. The voice inside my head told me to back off; why risk it all for one human? But another voice told the other to shutup. They were still arguing when I opened her door and grabed her. I apoligized, and she excepted, probably hoping I would leave after it. I drove her back to Diana's. She was asleep when I pulled up. She got out, and insisted on me leaving. But I wouldn't. She began to walk off, but I caught her, carrying her to her room upstairs. She insisted on me going through the back, so I wouldn't wake her mother. I tucked her in, and watched her for a few minutes. She had stopped crying, and her breathing was slow and steady. I couldn't leave her. I knew I should have, for they would be wondering where I was the next day. But I settled next to her. I didn't sleep. It was weird to lay next to her all night, waiting.
The moment she started to stir from her sleep, I was out the door and headed home.

Davina was on the couch, watching the news when I walked through the door. She didn't even glance my direction, but I could tell she was trying to read my thoughts. She wasn't as skilled as I or Sarah, so she gave up almost immediatly. I laughed at her failed attempt, and rushed upstairs. I passed Sarah's room. She was deciding what to wear. She didn't even notice me walk in and sit on the side of her bed. But when she focused on me, her face lite up.

"So, you have a girlfriend now?" she asked me playfully. She was the closet one to me of all of us, so we instantly became friends.

"Sarah, what should I do? I can't help myself around her. Its like she pulls me in, somehow." I sighed.

"Well, I hate to remind you, dear brother, but you must stay away from her the most you can. Your risking our secret, being around her." i could tell she was reading my memory of the gloomy afternoon. "Ugh, Lucian! A spider! How low is that?" she asked. She laughed. "I could do so much better."

"And so could I. What was I to do, turn into her mother or someone she would allow in. Then change back and say "Surprise!" That wouldn't help it anymore than the spider would. She didn't see me. So don't worry." I explained. "Don't tell the others, Sarah. I will eventually, but now I need to see what happens next."

Sarah nodded once, and I headed to my room. I collasped on my small couch, and relaxed. Many questions flowed through my head. One hour and 100 questions later, I heard Damien urging me to hurry up. I was next to the car in 2 seconds, surprising Davina and James.

"Lets go, lil' bro. Time to get to school." Davina said, heading for the backseat.

"How long till school starts?" James asked.

"40 minutes and 35 seconds." Sarah answered lazily.

"Well, with Lucian's driving, we'll be there in 2." Damien teased.

I turned on the ignition, and hit the gas. Soon enough, we were in the school parking lot. I could see Anna's car, empty, not far from my own. I jumped out, and said farewell to my family, as I speed to the cafeteria. I looked around, but no sight of the brown haired beauty crossed my eyes. I decided to goto class, but unsuspectingly saw Anna. She was walking fast, as if trying to get somewhere important. I caught up, but she just kept going.

"Well, isn't it Anna." I said.


"Whats the matter?"

"Oh, nothing. I have to go. Have a nice day." she said, running. I was confused. This wasn't the normal Anna. What was frightening her?

I caught up. "Anna, class doesn't start for another thirty minutes." I shoke my head, still trying to come up with a logical answer to her attitude. I looked at her, and imediatly it hit me. She knew what I was. I hesitated. How could she know? She didn't see me in the parking lot. How could she know that we even existed!?

"You know, don't you?" I asked her. She tried to play stupid, but I hissed at her.

"Don't...tell me the truth!" I demanded.

"Ah...Yes, Lucian. I know." she said in defeat. I knew what had to be done. We would both be missing school today.

"Well, you won't be going to class early today." And while she informed me that she could be trusted, she headed to her car. I caught her, sighing.

"You make this so difficult, Anna." I headed into the woods, carrying her on my shoulders.

She tried to kick and escape, but my hold was too tight. I came to a familiar meadow, next to a small river running near my house. I dropped her, and began pacing, thinking of what to do.

"Your scared of me, arn't you?" I asked her.

I could see her hesitating, before replying. "I'm not scared of you. Just of what you are going to do to me." she gasped.

I looked at her, amazed. I smiled at her. "Your not scared of me?"

"No, I'm not scared of you." she added. "What are we going to do, Lucian?"

My mind exploded into a frenzy. She's not scared of me! I couldn't believe it. I could have almost flipped for joy, but I held that in. I couldn't help but smile.

""We're not going to do anything. But you realize that now that you know, you'll have to be on guard. My family has to know." I finally said.

"Ok. Fine. As long as they don't kill me, either." she teased.

"Oh, I wouldn't let them do that."

I couldn't help myself. I lifted her leg to my hip, and looked at her. She was so relieved. I soon found my cold lips upon her own. They were so smooth; almost irresitable. My mind melted, and time itself, stopped. The world could've stopped spinning, but I didn't care. It ended soon, to my discomfort. But if it didn't, we would've died from lack of oxygen.

We sat down, talking for a few hours. I knew she was needing to get home, and happily I picked her up.

"Did your friend tell you about our gifts?" I asked, remembering her story of how she had figured out my secret.

"Um, what gifts?"

"Well, some of us have special powers, as they say. My family has them too. Sarah can hear your thoughts, Davina can see your future, James can control your feelings, Damien can heal, and I am like superman. I can do a little of everything." I laughed. "We all are very fast, and our movements perfect." I winked at her.

I began running, and to her surprise, I hummed the lullabye my mother used to sing to me. When we reached her car, she somplained about her wanting to drive. I laughed, and said no. When we got to her house, I ran upstairs before she could object. I could hear the argument downstairs. I should've brought her home sooner, I thought. She came in, locking her door. She came to lay on the bed, complaining how tired she was. I tucked her in.

"Arn't you going to leave?" she asked me. I knew she wouldn't want me to.

"Do you want me to leave?" I knew the answer already, before she opened her mouth to reply.

"No." she wispered.

"Then no, I am not leaving. Goodnight Anna." I said. I hummed my mother's lullabye, and soon she was asleep. I closed my eyes, too, but not for the same reason. I was remembering the day before my mother died. The day before I became this animal. My mother looked so perfect. We toke a walk into the woods, not knowing what would happen. We didn't care. We were too happy to care what was coming. We just cared what was happening then. I smiled, and relaxed next to the sleeping beauty of mine. I was finally complete. But I still wondered. What would my family do?
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