Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Will Follow You Into The Dark

Chapter 11

by xXBrokenxRosesXx

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2008-08-03 - Updated: 2008-08-03 - 1114 words - Complete

Don’t read this chapter listening to Coldplay’s Fix You, I did when writing it and started crying ):

Gerard’s P.O.V

I slowly walked down the stairs shortly after Frank had left. I felt dazed and confused. Everything had happened so quickly, my tears left drying tracks on my cheeks as I called Mikey’s name. No answer. I went down to my basement bedroom door and gently knocked on the door.
“Mikey?” I called out gently, my voice shaky. I tried the door. Locked. “Mikey please,” I begged. I heard only a crash from inside. Frank was suddenly by my side, he put his hand on my shoulder.

“Go get a shower ok? I’ve just got some fresh clothes of Mikey’s for you, they’re in the bathroom. Don’t go back into that room; I’ll clear it up for you ok.”
I nodded numbly and headed to the upstairs bathroom hearing Frank’s gentle knock on the door.

Franks P.O.V
“Mikey?” I called out gently. “Mikey, it’s me Frank. It’s only me. Let me in ok,” I tried the door again, it opened. I slowly pushed it open, afraid of what I’d find.
“Don’t come any closer.” I heard a harsh whisper as I stepped inside the darkened room. I stopped short, my eyes trying to distinguish the shapes in the dark.
“Mikey?” My hand scraped against the wall, desperately searching the flat, never-ending surface until suddenly the room was filled with a dull glow. I slowly took my hand away from the light switch, my eyes adjusting to the light and falling upon Mikey’s huddled up naked form, hidden under a towel, shuddering as he tried to press himself further into the wall.
“Close the door.” I heard him say, his face hidden by his hair as he drew the towel tighter around himself. I went to step closer.
“I said to stay where you are.” came Mikey’s hysterical cry. Once again I stopped.
“Mikey? I’m not going to hurt you ok? I promise. I just want to check that you’re ok. I won’t do anything your not comfortable with, I swear.” I said calmly in my most reassuring voice.
I heard only a whimper. Eyeing him closely I saw a hesitant nod.
“Is it ok if I come closer?” I asked. Another hesitant nod.
I started slowly walking closer, holding my hands out in front of me and stopping a good 3 feet away where I crouched down so I was at eye-level with him.
“Mikey? I’m not going to come any closer just now ok? Can you tell me what happened?” I asked softly. Ok so I already knew the basics but I figured he would be better talking about it to me instead of bottling it all up; to be honest I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I think I just wanted to keep him talking, it’d be normal for him to be afraid of guys and I didn’t want him to afraid. Especially not of me.

“He...he raped me,” he said quietly, tears running down his face. “He made him rape me.” The events of his torture came back to him and he broke down, sobbing hysterically. I slowly reached an arm out and placed my hand on his shoulder. When he didn’t react I moved closer and tentatively put my arm around his shoulder. He acknowledged my presence and moved closer to me, burying his face in my shoulder and crying inconsolably. I hugged his slight body closer to me as tears streamed down my face, crying for what had happened, for all he had gone through.

It seemed like hours later when a hesitant knock came at the door to the basement. Gerard poked his head around the door.
“Frank? Mikey?” he asked, his voice wobbly and his eyes red from crying.
Mikey stiffened next to me for only a moment before crying again.
“Get away from me!” he cried. “Stay away from me.”
Gerard looked heartbroken and tears immediately began to fall from his once life and love filled eyes, all that was left now was emptiness.
“Please Mikey, please you gotta believe me. I didn’t want to, I never wanted to. He made me, please.”
“Please just go,” Mikey whispered.
I looked over at Gerard, I wanted to comfort him but Mikey needed comforting too, and I wouldn’t be able to comfort them both at once, Mikey was hysterical at the thought of Gerard being even remotely close to him.
I caught his eye and tried to tell him I would see him shortly, holding up my finger to signal I’d only be a minute. Nodding slightly, Gerard backed out of the room.
“Mikey?” I asked softly. “Mikey, I need you to get changed ok? You can get cleaned up later right now I think it’s best you get changed and get some rest.”
I spoke as if I was speaking to a child, out of the corner of my eye I saw a packet and I reached over to grab it, Mikey winced when my hand passed his face.

“Shhh,” I cooed, “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
I picked up the packet and read over the back.
“You can take some of these, ok, they should relax you.”
“Don’t leave me Frankie,” he whispered.
“I won’t. I’m going to speak to Gerard for a few minutes then I promise I’ll be back ok,” At the mention of Gerard’s name, Mikey tensed but soon relaxed once again. “I promise I’ll be back,” I repeated.
I stood up and crouched by Mikey’s side. “Let’s get you stood up eh?”
I put Mikey’s arm around my shoulder and slowly rose, standing him up with me. I led him over to the bed.

“You want help? Or you ok on your own.”
“Stay with me, just, t-turn around.” He stuttered. I nodded then did as I was instructed.
“Ok,” came Mikey’s small voice. I turned around, seeing he was already in bed. I handed him two of the sleeping tablets from the unit and a bottle of water, it was probably old but it would do. Mikey took the tablets and lay back against the pillows.
“I’ll be back soon ok? I promise,” I said gently.
“Thanks Frankie,” he said, eyes already closing. “Thanks for saving me.”
Tears built up, warm and stinging behind my eyelids. I touched his hair gently before leaving the room.
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