Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > i scream into the night for you!


by vampiress_666 0 reviews

tokio hotel..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-08-04 - Updated: 2008-08-05 - 932 words - Complete

“…so you didn’t know that Bill was there?” Niki asked for the…lets just say infinite time in the past 2 minutes.

“I sure fuckin’ didn’t. I just felt like… something eerie and then when I turned around… he was just there, leaning against the doorframe of my closet.”

“then what?” I could tell she was interested in the story. She was pretty much interested in anything.

“he like started getting after me. Like he really cared or whatever. Then I started talking back and he tackled me to the ground--” Niki made a hurt face, mouthing the word ouch! “it didn’t hurt though. Then I sort of…went off in my own world while he continued talking. I was thinking about him…and the way he changed. he didn’t always used to be like this, you know. He was so sweet back then… now he’s this big jerk…so then yeah… we get up and I start walking away…”

“and he pulls you back and starts doing those sexual things to you while your heart starts racing and you have this huge urge to moan. Uh, yeah, Emma. I kind of just barged in on that”

We both laughed as we sat in her jeep listening to…who else? Tokio Hotel. We were in the parking lot of a McDonald’s…just chilling, doing nothing.

“I talked to Simone last night” we both said at the same time some minutes after the laughing fit. We laughed again.

“what did you talk to her about?” I asked before she did. She shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t really know what I talked to her about. She was chitchatting about…uhh…I forgot what she was talking about… but something not important. Random stuff…and you? Why did you talk to her about?”

“well first I called her to ask if Tom got home okay since he was going to go out last night. She said she thought he was with me…and then just as she said that, Tom walked in, grabbed the phone from her and said ‘Emma, I’m home. No worries.’ Then he handed the phone back to her. Then she started talking about how worried she is about the twins and all this nonsense. I wasn’t really paying attention. But I really had called her to say that… I don’t think I can choose.”

Niki drew in a sharp breath.

“damn. You’re so fuckin’ lucky” she smiled as she gave me a playful push and I hit the passenger door softly. “you have two guys that totally love you…”

“yeah…but they both go out and have sex with sluts and hookers and innocent girls who are simply infatuated with them because theyre rock stars”

“hey, hey, hey… I was one of those innocent girls”

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“y-y-you…innocent? Pssh…I’ve seen you giving Gustav the eye”

Again, she pushed me, but I could see the smile creep on her face.


I was in Bill and Tom’s backyard. It was about 2 in the morning. I was on the swing and was slowly swaying back and forth. It was a bit chilly, but I wasn’t cold. The sky was starless, but there was a full moon. I stopped the swing with my feet and looked up.

“hey…” I turned my head to the left and saw Bill. He was in the swing next to me. I didn’t even hear him walk my way or anything… strange.

“hi Bill” I replied in a whisper. Bill held onto the chains of his swing. He moved back and forth using his feet only, but not going up in the air all the way.

“what are you doing out here?” he asked.


He sighed.


I sighed.

“stuff, things, nonsense, all of the above.”

“thanks for being specific” he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

“what do you want?” I asked.

He muttered something.

“what was that?”

“I said ‘I don’t know…you’” he said slowly like I was some retard.

I stayed quiet. I didn’t really believe he wanted me. Maybe he was just saying that because Simone told him too. Or maybe he was saying that just because he wanted some.


“I have to go talk to Tom” I said as I quickly stood up and headed for the open back door of his house. He called my name behind me. I could hear him catching up to me.

“Emma, listen to me. Please! I want to apologize… for everything” he said as I went inside, made my way through the kitchen and living room, and headed up the stairs. Bill stayed 3 feet behind me the whole time.

I crashed into Tom as I headed towards his room.

“whoa, Ems. Slow down” he said as he held me in his arms.

“Tom” I mumbled into his shirt.

I heard Bill’s steps stop behind me, in front of Tom.

“hey Bill” Tom said.

“Tom, can I borrow Emma? I-I-I want to talk to her”

“why are you asking me? Its up to her on whether she wants to talk to you or not.”

I turned myself to face Bill without having Tom let me go.

“Emma, cmon. I just want to talk.” Bill pleaded.

I felt Tom’s breathe on my ear.

“just go.” he whispered.

I was confused. But I did what Tom told me to do.

Tom let go of me and I walked over to Bill.
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