Categories > Anime/Manga > Beyblade > Cheating Death

Death's Design

by Bloody-romance 0 reviews

It all becomes clear

Category: Beyblade - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Horror - Characters: Kai, Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-03-03 - Updated: 2006-03-03 - 866 words

"Let me get this straight. Ming-Ming's going to get killed by Piegeons?"

Jemma could tell that Tala didn't believe her. "I'm not sure. Her death has something to do with Piegeons, that's all I know." The english girl replied, as Kai parked the hummer.

"So where is she?" Faith asked, looking round the car-park.

"There!" Tala called, pointing to Ming-Ming's figure walking out the mall. As the gang ran over to her, a flock of piegeons landed infront of them. Jemma looked up, to see Ming-Ming walking on, as if nothing was gonna stop her.

"Ming-Ming! Stop right there!" Jemma shouted. Ming-Ming came to a halt, eyeing the gang a little.

"What's up?" she asked, before seeing the piegeons. Ming-Ming remained in her spot, shaking. Suddenly, a piegeon smaked into the back of Ming-Ming's head, making her fall to the floor. Ming-Ming fell into the group of piegeons, making them fly up.

Above Ming-Ming was a large sheet of plastic, held by a crane. A piegeon hit the man controlling the crane, making him hit a switch, he wasn't ment to hit. Everyone watched in horror as the sheet of pastic came down from the sky, at an alarming rate.

"Ming-Ming! Move it, get up!" Jemma yelled, running towards the wannebe singer. Only Kai held her back.

"Let me go Kai!" Jemma screamed, trying to struggle against the stronger russian.

Ming-Ming stood up, and then looked up. She had no time to scream, when the sheet squashed her upon impact. Ming-Ming's short body was even more shorter.

Faith turned away, throwing up, while Tala closed his eyes, shaking. Jemma stopped struggling and cried in Kai's chest.

"It seems strange that you're here." a policeman muttered, looked the four friends over.

"Why?" Kai asked bluntly. The police man pointed to Jemma, who had refused to speak at all.

"If I remember, she was the only who freaked out at the rollercoaster." he replied, ignoring the tears welling up in Jemma's eyes. She hugged the jacket tighter around her, and bit her lip. Faith sensed her friend's emotion and sat next to her.

"Hey asshole, watch what you say, huh? That's still a touchy subject with this poor girl." Faih snapped, pulling Jemma into a protective hug. The police officer muttered Sorry under his breath, and flipped his notebook open.

"Okay, What were you doing here?" he asked, looking at Tala and Kai. Neither of them said anything. The officer looked at Faith, who glared back at him. Jemma decided to talk for them all.

"Trying to save Ming-Ming." she mumbled, sniffing slightly. The officer rolled his eyes, but wrote the reply down anyway.

"How did you know Miss Kioko was going to die?" another questioned. Faith glanced at Jemma, as the english girl took a deep breath.

"I had this feeling. Like the rollercoaster, like Mariah and Emily's death. Call me crazy, but everytime someone dies, I can sense it." she explained.

The policeman rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right, you're crazy." he muttered.

"If anyone would like to say a few words about Ming-Ming Kioko, pleae step forward." The priest called out.

Salima stood up, with her boyfriend Kane. It was quiet, as she stepped forward, with Kane's arm drapped round her shoulders.

"Ming-Ming was a fun loving girl. She loved making friends, but her biggest passion was her singing. She was looking forward to the talent competition that was coming up, and I'm sure everyone knew she was going to win. She had..." Salima broke into tears. Kane took over.

"She had Talent. Our question is why she had to be so cruel taken away from her friends and family? Why such a wonderful girl, who had her life ahead of her, had to meet a terrible end? Rest in peace Ming-Ming, we hope you have found your peace." Kane finished, cradling Salima.

Jemma lent next to Kai's ear. "I need to speak to you, Faith and Tala. Meet my by the large weeping willow tree." she whispered, and took off before Kai could question.

He frowned, but knew that Jemma never liked Funerals. Three in the space of a few weeks, was not good for her at all.

Jemma waited for Kai, Tala and Faith to walk towards the tree. She was shaking, and deep down she hoped she had everything worked out. "What's up?" Faith questioned. Jemma took a deep breath.

"Death's design." She simply began. The trio stared at her.

"What?" Kai asked, clearly confused. Jemma rubbed her forehead. Something both Jemma and Chester did when they were either fed up or annoyed.

"Listen, okay. Chester sat next to kenny. Tyson sat next to Max, and Bryan was on his own. Emily and Mariah sat behind him, then it was Ming-Ming, then Hillary, then it was Salima and Kane, then Steve, then Faith and Tala and final me and Kai. Death's designs." she explained further. Tala and Kai were still confused, but Faith guessed it right away.

"You're telling us that the surviours are dying in the order, they should of died on the rollercoaster." she stated. Jemma nodded her head arms crossed over her chest.

Kai smiled slightly. "Death's design." he muttered.
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