Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Lost In Middle Earth

TIME 3v4 : Shiny White Telephones Part 2

by sammywrae 0 reviews

The Battle of the Pelenor Fields is fought.....

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Draco,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Neville - Published: 2008-08-14 - Updated: 2008-08-14 - 2384 words - Complete

"Gandalf" Fred stood up as Luna entered the chambers they were sharing "What's going on?"

"Faramir and his company came back"

"That's good?"

"He is on the verge of death"

"So not so good then"

"Osgiliath has fallen"

"So really not good then"

"And the enemy is now swarming across the river, and The Pellenor Fields, and will be here within an hour"

"Is there any good news?" Luna paused for a while, then shrugged.

"There is the chance they might get lost on the way?" She said with a smirk.


"My Lord, where are you going?" Luna and Fred strode in to the throne room "The enemy is swarming and you should be running your city"

"Screw the city" Fudge yelled back, walking towards a side door "My son is dying, and I mean to spend the last few minutes of his life making him regret every single mistake he made"

"That's sweet of you, Lord Steward, but you have a duty to the city"

"You do it" He turned and sneered at her "I for one am going to spend my last hours on earth doing something I enjoy"

"Screaming and yelling at your son?"

"It's what I do best" Fudge walked out and Luna watched him go.

"He does have a point" She turned to Fred "Go with him, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid"

"This is Fudge we are talking about"


"I know, I know - I'm going" Fred walked out to follow Fudge, then turned "Gandalf?"

"Yes, Pippin?"

"He's three times my height and twenty times my weight. How am I going to stop him doing anything stupid?" Luna smirked, and held her staff up. Fred gulped, and nodded. Luna watched him go, then smirked.

"I love my job"


265 : Use the imperius curse to make him think he is a chicken.

266 : Give him a copy of Order Of The Phoenix to read - that will take him forever.

267 : Try to explain the LBW rule to him.

268 : Tell him he needs the other nineteen rings before he can operate the twentieth one properly.

269 : Cause a wild moose stampede and watch him run!


"Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me"


"Yes Cedric?"

"Stop singing or I will keelhaul you"

"What's keelhauling?"

(a few moments later)

"Okay - no more singing"

"Thank you"

"People really do that?"


"And yet you think Voldemort is evil?"


"You people are weird"


477 : Tell him the Rohan Quidditch team is looking for a keeper.

478 : Tell him that Aragorn is hitting on his sister, and watch him go.

479 : Let Hermione have her wicked way with... Sorry. Ignore that.

480 : Throw the ring at him - he catches worse Draco

481 : Give him a portable DVD player - if he's anything like his dad, he won't do anything else for days.


"My Lord Steward..." The aide trailed off "Where is Lord Denethor?"

"He is taunting his son" Luna said "He left me in charge"


"Yes, really. What's going on?"

"The enemy have started their attack. We think it is being led by a guy named Ron"

"But Ron is in Mordor"

"Pardon me?"

"Never mind. Let's go"


A few minutes later, Luna was staring down at the advancing army.

"Wow. Tall, topped with red-steel and incredibly thick... it really could be Ron"

"Pardon me?"

"Never mind. Sound general quarters, and get a lot of guards down to the gate"

"Sir, yes sir"


972 : See if you can blow his mind by telling him Elrond is gay.

973 : Tell him the Cracks Of Doom is a known hang out for Acromantulas

974 : Ask him about the whole history of The Chudley Cannons...

"That won't work" Hermione said, glancing at the skulking figure behind them.


"He doesn't... that's it!" Hermione jumped to her feet "I know how to do it!"

"How?" He turned to her, but she shook her head.

"I will tell you when we get there"

"I hate you"

"I know"


"So - these gates - they secure?" Luna asked one of the gatewardens.


"Securist in the realm"


"No one has ever got through them?"


"No. Never"


"What never?"


"No never!"


"What - never?"


As the gate collapsed, Luna turned to stare at the gatewarden. He shrugged.

"Well - hardly ever" The gatewarden looked up, then turned and fled. Luna watched him go, then turned back to see what had scared him, and her mouth fell open in surprise.

In rode the Lord of the Nazgul - a great back shape against the fires beyond. He loomed up, grown to a vast menace of despair.

In rode the Lord of The Nazgul, under the arch that no enemy...

"Oh give it a rest already " Luna yelled "Why is it you narrators always feel the need to state the bloody obvious? We can see that he is riding in and that he is a very scary figure!" She threw her arms up in disgust, then turned back to face The Lord of The Nazgul and spoke calmly "You look well. Haven't seen you in a while"

"Do I know you?" The figure asked, then suddenly nodded "You must be Eric's daughter. My son tells me you are crazy" Luna stared at him in surprise.

"Lord Voldemort told you? About where you are?" She asked.

"He thought it best. Now - are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

"What's the easy way?"

"You stand aside, I bring my forces in to the city, kill everyone who opposes us and then rule the land for the rest of time"

"And the hard way?" Luna asked.

"Same thing, but I kill you first" He smiled "So - which way do we go?"

"I would answer you, but it doesn't matter" Luna smirked "Can you hear that?" They both fell silent for a moment, then Lucius' face fell "That's right, Lucy - the cavalry are here" Lucius span round to see The Rohirrim riding down towards the battlefield.

"Well - this isn't good" He glared at Luna, then turned, and spurred his horse away. Luna watched him go, then smiled.

"I love it when a plan comes to...what the the hell you want?" She turned to Fred, who was tugging on her cloak "You better have a good reason for interrupting me when I was monologuing"

"Denethor's gone nuts"

"Define nuts"

"He's taken Faramir to the... burying houses, locked himself and his son in, and is now threatening to kill them" Luna stared at him.

"Okay. That's nuts" She looked out on to the battlefield "This is going to end badly, isn't it?"


"It was a rhetorical question, Pippin"


As the Rohirrim rode down on to the battlefield, Theoden turned to his nephew.

"Where is the chief Captain of the Enemy?"


"I am in charge - we have to fight each other"


"Because its tradition"


"Just tell me, okay!" Arthur turned to his son "What's the problem?"

"The Lord Of The Nazgul has come forth, and apparently invaded Minas Tirith single-handedly" Eomer replied "And you are not at your best..." He saw the look on The King's face "Never mind. But will you at least take someone with you?"

"Yes, nephew of mine, I will take someone with me" He looked around, then waved over another rider "Would you like to accompany your king to war, my man?"

"Yes, my Lord" The rider replied, then muttered something under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh - nothing" Ginny shook her head, then muttered "God-damn unflattering armor. My man indeed!"


"Open the door" Luna yelled. He and Fred were stood outside the tomb that Denethor had locked himself, and his son, in.




"Fine" Luna raised her staff, and blasted the door in to smithereens. She and Fred walked through the door to see Charlie lying on top of a bonfire, and Fudge staring in to...

"A shiny white telephone?" Fred turned to Luna "Did you know about this?" Luna stared down at him "I guess not"

"Denethor - put your hands up and step away from the shiny white ball"

"You're not the boss of me" Fudge turned to growl at him "Go out and play with your puppets, wandering wizard"

"I can't do that, my Lord" Luna turned and gestured to Fred.

"Your son is not dead, my Lord" Fred said "We have to take him to the houses of healing"


"Wingardium Leviosa" Luna levitated Charlie off the pyre, and out of the door. Fudge stared at her in surprise, then turned back to Fred "What did you do?"

"My duty, my Lord" Fred said "Now - you should come with us" Fudge stared at him, then laughed maniacally. Then he threw up his hands, tossed a torch on to the pyre, and then walked deeper in to the tomb. A moment later Fred felt himself flying backwards out of the room, until he fell on the floor in front of Luna "You know I can see up your robes from this angle?"

"Do you want me to smack you?" Fred paused for a moment, considering it. A moment later, about the same time as Luna raised her staff, he rolled over and sat up.

"So - what are we going to do now?" He looked back at the tomb, where smoke was billowing from the remains of the doors.

"Nothing much we can do" Luna sighed "Except heal Faramir, and hope the battle goes well while we deal with this" He turned to the aides, who were now bearing Charlie away "Hey guys?"

"Yes, Mithrandir?"

"If, by any chance, a young lady with red-hair, who might possibly be the princess of Rohan, I want you to do something for me"


"Don't let her talk to Lord Faramir. It won't end well"


"You think you can challenge me?" Lucius confronted Theoden and his escorts "You are old and weak, dotard, and I will feast from your blood and use your skull as an ashtray"

"That's nice of you" Arthur replied "But, if we are done with the random banter part of the fight, don't you think we should get started?"

"Well - I had a few more comments about the state of Edoras, but if you want to get to dying - lets do it" He drew his sword "You should know that, according to prophecy, I can be killed by no man"

"I guess he never read Shakespeare" Ginny muttered to herself, then looked at The King.

"Bring. It. On" There was a sudden flash, and when it cleared, Arthur found himself in a field, facing Lucius on a winged steed, and flanked by two of his riders, both on horseback. A moment later, the letters "BOSS BATTLE" appeared in the sky, and Theoden saw his health, attack and defence powers appear on a shield next to him. He looked around, and he could see three more shields, one next to each of the others. A few moments later, he felt the urge to attack.

Theoden : Attack (35 damage)
Nazgul Lord : Counterattack (250 damage)
Nazgul Lord : Attack!Critical Hit (700 damage)
Snowmane : defeated
Theoden : defeated
Eowyn : Attack (50 damage)
Nazgul steed : defeated
Nazgul Lord : Counterattack (25 damage)
Merry : Attack!Critical Hit (200 damage)
Eowyn : Attack!Critical Hit (200 damage)
Nazgul Lord : defeated.

"Well - that was odd" George said, then fell over.


"This is nearly it" Hermione turned to Harry "We are nearly ready to start the final leg of the trip"

"And you still won't tell me your plan?"

"Not yet" She glanced back at Ron "Are you with us Smeagol?"

"Yes Mistress" He crawled over to them, then reached out his hand "Does Mistress need help to carry the precious...yarhg!" He pulled his hand away when she slapped it.

"No, Mistress does not" She glared "Now - come on. Time's a wasting"


"King Eomer..."

"I'm not king"




"Not yet"


"See that my father's body is carried from the field, and that my sister and the hobbit are taken to the house of healing"

"Yes, King Eomer"

"We are totally screwed, aren't we?"

"Yes, King Eomer"

"You should learn to think positively"

"I am positive we are totally screwed, King Eomer"

"Very funny"



"Not yet"


"King Eomer - there is a large fleet coming up the Anduin"

"How large?"





"Yes" Aragorn smiled "You may do it now"


"You have got to be kidding me" Eomer's lieutenant finished off hacking at an orc, then looked up and caught sight of the banner the pirates were now flying "Since when do The Pirates use a Phoenix Banner?"

"They don't" Eomer laughed out loud "But you remember Eowyn's last message?"

"That we would meet again, even if..." The lieutenant turned and stared at him "Wow"

"I know" Bill beamed "I am hoping on getting his help with the Arnor Lottery next week"


"14, 16, 35, 36, 47 and 49" Cedric walked over to where Eomer was waiting, accompanied by Draco and Neville "But I want half"

"Very well, my Lord. Are you willing to enter in to the city as king?"



"Until we know whether we will live longer, or just make it seem longer, I do not want to declare myself to the people"

"But you raised your banner" Bill said.

"I know"

"And you stood on the front of the ship yelling 'I'm the king of the world' as your ship docked" Draco continued.

"I know"

"And you yelled 'Who's the king now, bitch' at the top of your voice" Neville added.

"I know" Cedric turned and glared at him "But I am NOT going to enter the city. Are we clear on that? There is nothing that will get me to enter the city" He turned as an errand rider skidded to a halt and jumped off his horse.

"My Lord - Gandalf does demand your urgent presence in the city" Cedric sighed, then turned to face Bill, Draco and Neville, who were all smirking.

"I hate you all"
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