Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Babysitter

Chapter 12........

by dtng101 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-18 - Updated: 2008-08-18 - 423 words

A/n:okay so I'am going to write as much as I can,since accidentally I burned my finger.SO[it hurts really much to type.S[o I make no promise if it's going to be long
Noramal Pov.

Karina looked down at the red Formica table.
"I'll be right back I need to go to the little girl's bathroom,"said C-line as she got up.
"Be careful don't fall in,dear mother,"said Frank laughing
She looked at him,and stuck out her middle finger,and made her way inside.
That was another kind of nick name he gave her besides c-line,or c.Because either though she was his younger sister,he always saw her as a mother since their mother passed away a while ago.Which made Caroline the only female in the Iero household.
The only reason why Caroline left Karina and Frank alone.Was because yes indeed she had to go really bad,but she wanted to see them get along.And not make cocky remarks at each other for everything they did.
Karina thought,'should she try to have a conversation with Frank,or should she make an excuse and leave,too?
How was she going to get his arm off her shoulder?Either though he wasn't very tall his hand weighed a ton!

"Could you scoot over to other side?"she asked,deciding to try to talk with him for a short a while.Before C-line returned,that wasif she planned to return.
"You want me to stay?"He looked very surprised.he scratched his black hair,and pulled himself around to other side of the booth so that he was now facing her.
"So when did you two move to Harrison?"Karina asked.It was a test question to see if he could be serious.
"Well C-line,dad and I came here from Mars years ago."
Uh oh.He was flunking the test.
"And what kind of spaceship you guys fly in?"
Karina asked rolling her eyes."Did you come to defeat our planet,or on a peace mission,or what?"
"No,really,"he insisted."We came from's just north of Pittsburgh.In Pennsylvania."
"Your putting me on,right?"
He laughed.He had a nice laugh,that just made you want to laugh along with either though if it wasn't funny what he was saying.She thought it was kind of cute,but goofy also.
A/n:uhh my finger still burns like please leave comments.:D
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