Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Untold Paradox

Partners in crime

by Dondon1827 1 review

The End?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-22 - Updated: 2008-08-22 - 1393 words

I know, I posted two chapters in one day, but its coz Im goin on holiday and thought you lovely readers deserved two posts. Explains more at the bottom, enjoy le chapter.

Cassie had been watching the whole time as Frank left in the car with his case, she saw Jamia run into the house and then the rest of the girls arrive soon after. She went straight over to Jamia's house and found the door was open so she called in "Hello, Jamia? Frank?" she said knowing fine well Frank wasnt there. Christa came into the hallway to find Cassie at the door

"Oh hey Christa, I came over to see Frank and Jamia again, is this a bad time?"

"Yeah sorry it is" she said going closer to Cassie "Frank left Jamia, and she is really upset, I think you will have to comeback another day"

"Oh Im sorry to hear that, Tell Jamia I was asking after her" she turned and walked out of the door, feeling a great sense of acheivment. The first part of the plan was complete, she hadnt felt this great since the last time she and Frank met.

/"Come on Cassie, we have to get there quick" said Greg, who was already in the van ready to drive away. "I know, Gimmee a minute" she said hitching up her pencil skirt and getting in. They drove for what seemed hours but eventually arrived. It was just as she had been told, Gerard lying on the floor surrounded in his own bile, drunk out of his head. This was going to be her biggest story yet. The van pulled to a halt and she got out, taking her things with her. She rushed up to a short man with black hair, "Hello, Frank right?" she said sticking out her hand for him to shake. He looked puzzled but greeted her back "Yeah, and you are?" he wondered. "Cassandra Reynolds. But you can call me Cassie"
End Flashback

As she crossed the road back to her house, Cassie pulled out her phone and dialled. "Yeah, its me, its working perfect, time for your part, tonight." she hung up and went inside, eager for morning to come so she could gloat at the outcome.

No matter how much they all tried, none of them could get Jamia to stop moping around. They didnt blame her but they couldnt stand seeing her like this. She and Frank shouldnt ever be apart, they love eachother too much and it was obviously killing Jamia. More than they actually knew. She wouldnt eat, sleep, she would barely move unless someone forced her too, although when she was forced to go to the bathroom she took longer than any normal person should. Alicia had noticed this and Jamia always wore Franks long sleeved hoody, she assumed it was because it was his and would smell of him, but she was still wary of this so decided next time she went upstairs she would follow her.

Frank and Gerard were at his house when Frank got a text, he whipped his phone out hoping it was Jamia but it wasnt, some unkown number.

*Frank, we should catch up
Meet me at The Horses Head tonight
10pm for a drink dude. Tony*
He was shaking with rage by the time he had read it, how fucking dare he think he can lie and not admit what he did to Jamia. Gerard, who knew everything that had gone on, asked him what the text was about. "Its from fucking Tony, wanting me to go for a drink with him" Frank snarled. He shrugged "Well go"
"Go? You do remember what he did Gerard...?" He nodded, "Yeah I remember, but just go and act as if everything is normal, that way when you beat the crap out of him at the end of the night he wont be expecting it"
"Thats a good idea, but I cant stand to fucking look at him" Frank replied. "Trust me, it will be worth it" said Gerard. Frank nodded but knew fine well he couldnt wait till the end of the night to lay into him, he would beat the shit out of him until someone broke them apart or he killed him, whichever one came first. For Jamias sake he hoped for the second one.

It wasnt long before Jamia headed upstairs again and once she was out of sight Alicia sneaked up to follow her. She watched as Jamia went into the bathroom, but she actually was using it so Alicia turned away and waited for the chain. Just as she thought the chain was pulled and Jamia went to the cabinet in the corner, pulled out a shiny new razor blade and studied it for a while, watching it glisten under the light. Then she slowly directed it towards her arm, Alicia could see her hand shaking but Jamia never cut herself. She got so close to her arm, then stopped herself and put the the razor back. Alicia darted downstairs just as Jamia came in behind her "You okay Jamia?" she asked catching her breath. "As good as I can be" she sighed. Katlyn came in with coffee's for the rest of them when Lyn-Z's phone rang, she excused herself into the hallway and when she came back in her face was drained of blood and she was blank. "Whats wrong, you look like you just saw a ghost" said Katlyn, Lyn-Z shook her head "Its nothing important" she lied.

Before long it was time for Frank to go, he was going an hour early so he could prepare himself for meeting Tony, for the last time. Gerard wished him luck "Remember what I told you dude" he said as Frank walked out of the door. When he got there it was empty apart from the bartender who asked Frank what he wanted "Double whisky" he said, he needed to be full of alcohol if he was going to kill someone. At about 9:50 the bartender dissapeared around the back and came out just as Tony was arriving in the bar. "Frank, whats up" he said patting him on the back, Frank was so drunk he didnt care if he blew his plan "You fucking lying bastard!!" he slurred as he swung for Tony who dodged it and turned to the bartender "Vodka please, no ice"
"So Frank, Jamia told you eventually"

"Yes she fucking did, your a dick, how the fuck could you do that to her"

"Ohh quite easily actually, she is a very pretty girl, good in bed too" he smirked, he was purposley trying to make Frank angry, which was working.

"Dont fucking talk about her! You had no right to do that, she did nothing to deserve it" Frank said swinging for him again. Once more Tony turned to the bartender who nodded as he handed him his Vodka. "Well Frank, you think you have got me. But its the other way around, silly silly man" he said downing his drink.

"I dont understand" he said to Tony

"You wont, your drink has been spiked by the 'bartender' over there who is actually in on this whole thing" said Tony nodding to the man behind the bar. Frank didnt understand, what whole thing?

"I know, its isnt fair is it? Well there is one thing that is fair" said Tony

"And what the fuck is that?"

"After I had my way with your girlfriend that night, I told her if she ever told you I would kill her. But Im not going to, because Im a decent man." Frank scoffed at this "Decent man that raped my Girlfriend. "Like I said, Im not going to kill her" he repeated as a shadown emerged from the doorway. "Iam" said Cassie.

A/N- Hey guys, here is the deal. Im going on holiday today so this maybe the last post for a week (apart from in the morning). If there is internet connection down there I will carry on posting, but if not I will write a chapter each day as normal but post them when I get back, so if there is no internet I will post 7 chapters when I get back. Sorry, love to you all!! Have a great week!!! xoxo
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