Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Untold Paradox


by Dondon1827 3 reviews

Hope this doesnt confuse you all

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-25 - Updated: 2008-08-25 - 947 words

Narrators POV
Four gunshots sounded. Tony had taken two bullets and was killed instantly, the bartender was shot and slowly bled to death, these three bullets were from Katlyn. Frank had taken Cassie's bullet. "No! Thats not how it was meant to happen!" screamed Cassie as she looked at Frank. He had protected Jamia and in result he was shot, instead of her. Gerard and the rest of them were still unable to get free from the chairs, so could not help there friends. "Cassie let us go you fucking bitch, Frank needs help" screamed Alicia trying to get loose. Cassie turned and pointed a gun at them all "You will stay were you are or you get shot aswell, simple really." They knew they had no choice but to stay were they were. Katlyn however was not tied up and as Cassie had her attention turned on Frank she had slipped out of the pub to go and get help. The rest of them could do nothing but watch as Cassie paced around the room wondering what to do next. She made her way over to Frank and shoved him off Jamia, he winced in pain as his bullet wound slammed off the floor. Cassie grabbed Jamia by the hair and pulled her up, holding the gun to her head. "NO!" Frank shouted as he tried to get up, but the pain made him fall straight back down, the rest of them were shouting abuse at Cassie too, but this didnt bother her at all. "Please Cassie, let me go" Jamia begged but she was having none of it, she dragged her out of the room into a little side door out of sight.

"Fuck" said Frank as he collapsed on the ground trying to hold back tears. The others were trying to calm him down from were they were trapped, it was taking his mind of it until they all heard Jamia screaming. They closed there eyes trying to block out the noise of her pleading for Cassie to stop. Frank was bleeding much heavier now and was moaning from the pain. Finally Jamia stopped shouting and Cassie came back into the room, covered in blood. "What the fuck have you done to her Cassie" said Frank trying to stand. She simply ignored him and went behind the bar, stepping over Tony's body and washed her hands. Suddenly Katlyn appeared in the room accompanied by two poilcemen and a paramedic. "Thats her" she said pointing to Cassie. The men rushed over to her and put her in cuffs. "We have reason to believe you have been involved with the kidnapping and assault of these people" said one of the officers. Cassie just put out her hands and let them take her away, before she left she turned to them all warning them "Believe me, this isnt over yet."

The paramedics called in another ambulance for help and they got to work. Tony and the bartenders body were carried out while someone attended to Frank's bullet wound. "My..My girlfriend" he coughed nodding his head towards the room Cassie had taken her too. One of the paramedics got up and went in "Holy shit, Carol get in here" he said calling the woman helping Frank. She went in and then came back out and quickly dialled something on her cell. Minutes later two more paramedics arrived and went into the room to help Jamia. Katlyn had set to work untying the others from there chairs and they just sat and watched as Jamia's body was brought out. It was an awful sight. Her hair was all over the place, some of it had been pulled out, her clothes were ripped and covered in blood. She had cuts all over her face and arms. But it was her stomach that was the worst, it had a deep slit going straight across it and it was still bleeding badly. When Frank saw this he didnt know what to do, or think. He broke down crying next to her body "Oh Mia, baby what has she done to you"
The paramedics took her out into the ambulance, but nobody was allowed to travel with her. There was a seperate ambulance for Frank and the others followed them to the hospital in the car they came in. When they arrived they had to wait for about an hour before they were taken up to see Frank, he was sitting on the edge of the bed , head in hands. "Any news on Jamia?" said Bob as they all went in and sat down by him. Frank didnt say anything, he didnt move or even acknowledge them, a doctor walked in and Bob asked her about Jamia. "I am afraid its not good news" she said, they all held their breath waiting to be told. "Miss Nestor was very badly injured when we found her and she is now in a severe coma"
"How long for?" asked Alicia, tightening her grip on Mikey's hand. "Were not sure how long Im afraid, there is only a 30% chance she will even survive" This was the worst news they could ever hear. The doctor left and they all sat there in silence wishing more than anything Jamia was part of the surviving 30%.
End Flashback

Hey guys, hope these two fillers keep you sane till the proper chapters come on saturday. I have started to write the one following this and it is quite emotional if I do say so. I was on the verge of tears when I was writing parts of it, what a softie. Anyway, till saturday, Enjoy and please review :) xoxo
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