Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Chosen One

Chapter 2

by omega13c 2 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Harry,Petunia Dursley,Vernon Dursley - Published: 2008-08-26 - Updated: 2008-08-26 - 2487 words

Andrew walked down Privet Drive to his aunt and uncle's house. The Potter account manager, a goblin by the name Dragnut, had gotten him the form needed and told him if needed anything else, legal or finical advice, to ask him. Dragnut recommended Andrew adopt his younger self. He explained that magical children used a connection to their parents' magic to help ground their accidental magic. Orphans, or Muggle-born children didn't have those kinds of connections and that is why they had a higher rate of accidental magic and why it took them longer to grow out of accidentally causing things to happen. Andrew remembered blowing up Aunt Marge when he was 13 and didn't want his younger self to get into trouble for something like that happening, so he reluctantly agreed to be his own “father”.

Dragnut said because of Andrew wasn't married and was so closely related by blood to his younger self, a blood adoption ritual was out of the question as that it would make his younger self inbred. He said a magic anchoring adoption ritual would be the best choice and scheduled for it to be done late that evening at the Potter Manor. When Andrew got married, if that ever happened, him and his wife could blood adopt his younger self.

After he was done meeting with Dragnut, Dragnut showed him to the Potter family vault. If he thought the vault for trust fund he had a lot of gold, the family vault had even more. Not only money, but there appeared to be furniture, paintings, and other artifacts scattered threw out the vault that seemed to have no end. Dragnut showed him the portkey to the Potter Manor. It was an old fashion, large, brass key that could barely fit inside the pockets of some muggle blue jeans. All he had to do was to touch it with his wand, say a password, and he will arrive at the Potter Manor with who ever was touching the key at the time. He choose the password “Quidditch” for now. Dragnut also showed him a wand that only worked for the head of the Potter family. Dragnut recommended that Andrew use that wand instead just in case his younger self ends up getting the version of his wand in this time period.

While he was in the family vault, he took out enough money he thought could buy him and his younger self clothes and food. He didn't want his younger self to be stuck where those over sized hand-me-downs from their cousin Dudley. He also wanted to buy his younger self some toys since when he was younger, he never got any of his own. Just the stuff Dudley didn't like or broke and nearly the time, Dudley would eventually want them back.

As Andrew approached his aunt and uncle's house, he kept thinking about why he wasn't told about all that he learned in that day. If had learned that when he turned 15 that he could claim Headship, who probably wouldn't have been put on trial for using magic to save him and his cousin's lives from those dementors. He figured Dumbledore must have known since he was the head of the Wizengamont. Maybe Dumbledore told his aunt and uncle and his aunt and uncle in a letter Hagrid mentioned Dumbledore gave his aunt and uncle when his parents died. His aunt and uncle never showed him the letter even though they were supposed to from what he was told.
Andrew walked up to the front door of his aunt and uncle's house and knocked. He had the papers ready. All he needed to do was to get them to sign them and he would legally be his younger self's father that night.

It was early in the evening. Andrew knew his uncle would be back from work. He just hoped things would go smoothly. His aunt answered the door.
Not wanting to give away the fact he knew who she was, he calmly asked, “Are you Mrs. Petunia Dursley?”

His aunt looked confused and a little scared. “Yes... Why don't come inside...” his aunt Petunia nervously said.

Andrew figured his aunt probably saw a strong family resemblance he had to the other members of his father's family and was scared he might do magic, or worse - tell his younger self about magic.

“I would like to have a word with you and your husband.” Andrew said.

“I'll go get Vernon...” Petunia said, still nervous.

Andrew sat down on the couch in the front room. The place was as he remembered it. He looked at the pictures of his cousin. How much his cousin looked like a pig wearing a wig he thought to himself.

His aunt returned a minute later with his uncle.

“Well, what kind I do for you Mr...” Vernon said trying to be nice.

“Potter. Andrew Potter.” Andrew replied.

If his aunt was scared, now she looked terrified. His uncle was doing no better had hiding his emotions. His face was turning red and his mouth was twitching.

“You're one of them?” Vernon managed to ask.

“If you mean a wizard, then yes.” Andrew replied.


“I would gladly but I recently found out about my cousin and would like to adopt him.” Andrew said, not only trying to remain calm, but to keep his cover story.

“If that's the case, you can have him. He's nothing more then a worthless freak like you.” Vernon said relieved.

“Okay. All you have to do is sign these papers...” Andrew calmly said as he took the papers out of his pocket. 'This is going smoothly' he thought to himself.

“Petunia, give me a pen.” Vernon commanded.

“Vernon... The neighbors... What would they think if they don't see Harry around anymore? They'll ask questions...” Petunia protested reminding Andrew of when his uncle tried to through him out of the house after finding out the Voldemort was alive and wanting to kill him.

“Who cares what they think... If they see him do anything freaky, they'll spread rumors. Now give me a pen!” Vernon demanded.

Petunia reluctantly got a pen and Vernon signed the papers. When Vernon was down, Andrew put the papers back in his pocket.

“Now, where is Harry?” Andrew asked looking around even though he had a strong feeling where his younger self was.

“I'll fetch him from his room...” Petunia replied.

“No, I'll get him. I think I know where he is...” Andrew said as he got up and headed toward the cupboard under the stairs. Petunia muttered something to her husband and headed upstairs as Andrew opened the cupboard using Alohamora.

Andrew saw his nearly 8-year-old self sitting on the end of his cot. The young Harry's arms were wrapped around his knees which were folded up to his chest. The child looked at Andrew with his green eyes studding him, recognizing familiar features, and coming to the conclusion that Andrew really was family and not some cruel joke their aunt and uncle were playing on him.
Andrew remembered at that age, he would dream some relative to show up and take him home with him. While the person who he dreamed that showed up changed, the one thing always remained the same was the hug. Andrew didn't remember ever being hugged before he started Hogwarts. His aunt and uncle would say he was unworthy to be loved by a grown up and never gave him any hugs while they gave tons of them to Dudley. Andrew got closer to his younger self and his younger self uncurled himself, preparing to be hugged for the first time.

As they hugged, he could help but think of what Hermione would say about what he was doing. Hermione would no doubt be scolding him about changing history and that terrible things happened to those who meddle with time. He didn't care what the consequences of his actions were, as long as the new time line was better and that he didn't end up in Azkaban. When they finished hugging, Andrew told his younger self to get his things and that he was going to go live with him and would never see the Dursleys again.

His younger self looked excited and got what few over sized clothes he had and a couple of discarded toys Dudley didn't want at the time. Andrew asked if there was something they could carry his younger self's things. Not surprisingly, Vernon got them a trash bag. At that point, Petunia came back with an envelope that had been opened.

“I swore I would never look at this again, let alone touch it but the old man who left Harry with us wanted us to give Harry this letter a few months before he started that school your kind go to when he's 11. Since he is now yours, you should be the one to give it too him. I think you should read it before you give it to him. It explains why Harry was placed with us and some other things...” Petunia said handing Andrew a letter. Andrew recognized the handwriting on the envelope. It was the letter Dumbledore left for his aunt and uncle. After all these years, he will finally get a chance to read what Dumbledore wrote.

With the letter, his younger self, and the few things his younger self had, he left the Dursleys', hoping never to see that place again. Once they got to the alley where in the future him and Dudley were attacked by dementors, Andrew took the portkey out of his pocket.
“This may sound strange Harry, but would you touch this key?” Andrew asked his younger self.
His younger self looked a little confused, but touched the key. Andrew took out his new wand and touched the key with it. “Quidditch.” he calmly said. Andrew soon felt the familiar tug at his navel and next thing he knew, him and his younger self were in garden in front of a large mansion that Andrew assumed was the Potter Manor.

“How did we get here?” his younger self asked, scared and confused as to what just happened. Andrew realized he made a mistake by not telling his younger self what would happen.

“Magic.” Andrew explained.

“But Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon said there's no such thing...” his younger self said confused.

“Harry, your aunt and uncle are horrible people and are liars. Magic is real. If it wasn't, then how can you explain how we got here?” Andrew said smiling.

His younger self looked confused. Andrew in that moment realized he need to stop thinking of the boy as his younger self and as a separate person as the boy will no doubt have a different life then how he did. Already he's had his dream of being taken away from the Dursleys come true and is now finding out magic is real, three years before he did in the old time line.

“Also, Harry, you, like me, are a wizard and can do magic.” Andrew explained.

“No... I can't be...” Harry replied.

“Anything strange ever happen around you when you were scared or angry?” Andrew asked, remembering the question Hagrid asked him when he had doubts about being a wizard.
Harry then paused.

“Yes. They started happening last year...” Harry replied nervous.

“You see, you are a wizard and do magic.” Andrew said. “Now, why don't we go inside. I don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry.”

“You live here sir?” Harry asked.

“I just got the place today. I haven't been inside yet though. And please, don't call me sir. My name is Andrew though you can call me dad if you want since I've adopted you.” Andrew answered. He hadn't finished the adoption process but will be done with it shortly.

They went inside and were greeted by a house elf named Loki. Andrew had to explain to Harry what a house elf was. Loki explained that he and the other house elves sensed that masters were coming and had made a dinner for them. Andrew was surprised. He didn't think there would be any food in the house and would have to eat out somewhere. After he finished, Andrew decided to read Dumbledore's letter. Harry continued to eat. Andrew figured that he didn't eat much that day.

The letter was long and it explained about how his parents died. It then talked about the blood wards and that as long as he lived with his aunt and uncle, all four people in the house would be safe. Dumbledore went on to say to love and treat him as her own as his mother would would do for his cousin if his aunt and uncle ever died. Then it got to a part that caught Andrews attention.

When Harry is 15, he can, if you permit him, be aloud to claim Headship of Potter family. I cannot force you to but I strongly advise that you do. Doing so will make him legally an adult and be exempt from any underage wizardry laws so he can receive extra training in defensive magic during the summers without the Ministry knowing he is doing magic. Voldemort is not dead. Just weakened and when he recovers his strength (it may take years), he will no doubt make another attempt on Harry's life. Harry cannot have a fully trained wizard with him every second of his life and will need to know how to protect himself if he finds himself in a bad situation.

It suddenly made sense. The howler his aunt got after him and Dudley were attacked by dementors... Dumbledore sent it to remind her about what he said in this letter. If she did, he may never have been accused of underage wizardry. He almost got expelled for using a Patronus Charm to save himself and Dudley from those dementors. No wonder Dumbledore sent her a howler...
He was about to tell Harry what he read in the letter when Loki came up to him.

“Master Andy sir, there's a couple goblins wanting to come through the Floo to finish the adoption.” Loki said.

Andrew almost forgot. By then Harry was done eating. The two of them fallowed Loki to the fireplace so the adoption process could be finished.

Chapter Notes

There. It should be clear now that this story is taking a different route then Second Life. Dumbledore is not going to be bad guy.

Also, I know I started a story called “Evil Look Alike” but I don't think I will work on that story much. Not many people seemed interested in it considering the reaction of one of my friends when they read its first chapter.

Anyways, reviews please!
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