Categories > Original > Historical > Before I Wake Up: Memories of Ada

Chapter 3: Dowidzena (Do-vid-zain-ya)

by Anna-wa 0 reviews

Category: Historical - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-08-27 - Updated: 2008-08-27 - 451 words

I did however know what happened to my friend.

That was the next part of my nightmare.

A few days after she had told me what happened to my mom and my brother, she had been caught by the Germans.

However, her mother had said, they didn't use a single rifle.

Instead, they had told her that she had to come with them.

"Out, you d amned Jew!" they had shouted through the house. "We have your daughter, and if not one of you comes out in ten seconds we shall k ill her."

No matter what the cost may be, her mother had come out too. I remember Hannah (my friend) always describing her mother as her best friend. This really did prove it.

The Germans then took both of them by their ears and dragged them to some place.

Hannah's mom didn't know what it was called, but it was sure not a happy place.

She had described it to me as a 'forest without plants'. They had been locked up with several others in a 'cage' for several days. Ironically, both of them survived the prison days.

"Out, d amned Jews! It is time for the 'long walk'," the Germans had yelled early in the morning one day.

Neither Hannah or her mother knew what the 'long walk' was but the Germans made everything sound horrible.

Indeed it was horrible. It was what became known as a 'D eath March'.

Everytime a body fell on the ground, the Germans would always yell "up d amned Jew!" then sharply put their foot against the body.

If they didn't respond, they were marked d ead.

Near the end of the d eath march, Hannah's mom had looked behind her and there was her daughter; laying on the cold grounds.

She had kept going though, not wanting to hear the Germans call her daughter a da mned Jew.

After the D eath March was over, Hannah's mother had survived. She then returned to the Ghetto.

When I received the news, I cried. What was even worse, we didn't even have her body. The Germans had probably buried her where she was. I've heard that being done to other Jews before.

I did have one trace of her left though. She had once given me a necklace. I had worn it everyday. No matter what the Germans said, I will never take it off.

That day, I sang the Polish song "Dowidzena" all day. Except I changed the "my friend" part of the song to "Hannah".

"Farewell... Hannah, until we meet again. Farewell, Hannah, until we meet again. Farewell, Hannah, until we meet again. Farewell, Hannah, until we meet again," I sang.
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