Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Siren song

Secrets and silences

by emzigale_07 0 reviews

The hero's find out Danny's secret and dont react the way she'd like.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-08-31 - Updated: 2008-08-31 - 875 words

chapter 4

Safely hidden away in his new hide out Cronus stood round his enchanted pool and watched his latest plan unfolding, how delisious it was to see them skwerm. He had planted the seeds of doubt in the minds of these so called hero's, how could they unite against him when they were too busy fighting themselves? But this was onlly phase one of his latest scheam, and it was time to get a move on with phase two.


There was a perfectly good reason why Danny hadnt told the others who she was, and it was exactly the reason Cronus had mocked her with. she was scared, she was afraid they wouldnt treat her the same, so when the other seven hero's questioned her about what had just been said, she didnt know what to say terrorfied to give the wrong answer she said she didnt know how to explain it, they wouldnt belive her if she told them.

Danny was relived when they didnt press any further, though Archie definatly wasnt convinsed, but still at least he droped it. The next day, a riddiculusly sticky warm summers day, they headed to the school to speek with Chiron it turned out Odie had stolen Cronus' next ingrediant from the crate and since Cronus hadnt opened the crate again he had no idea the hero's had it. The abnormaly large dirty mushroom had just fitted into Odie's jacket pocket unditected by Cronus' giants, over the moon at their friends sneekieness the hero's had observed the mushroom, what did Cronus want with such a thing.

Thats how they ended up in Chirons office, hopeing the cenator would have the answers.

"So what do you think it is?" asked Jay who had just handed the mushroom over.

"What Cronus wants with a dirty, scruffy muchroom is beyond me" said Neil " I bet it dosent taste very nice." he said inpecting the mushroom in Chirons hands.

The others (sniggering slightly at Neils coment) waited for Chiron's answer.

"Its a seirina muchroom." said Chiron, Danny's heart stopped she knew that greek word.

"Whats that?" asked Atlanta.

"Seirina is a greek word meaning..." started Chiron.

"Siren." Danny cut him off.

"Yes." said Chiron handing the mushroom back to Jay.

"You mean siren as in the greek siren's right?" asked Theresa.

"Yes those Sirens, which means Cronus is attempting to make the Seirina potion, a nasty concoption with limitless unplesant capabilitys. And for that Cronus would need actual Siren's, which means he will have a few helping him." said Chiron.

"The Siren's who sedused sailors? And lead them to their deaths, those greek Siren's." Asked Odie with a gulp.

"Yes those sirens." Repeated Chiron.He looked over a Danny stareing at her feet.

"So what if Cronus has some anchient sluts helping him, we'll still take them." said Archie, Dannys heart plumited at the word "Slut".

"Yeah." the others corused at Archies words.

Chiron tuned to Danny pasty white and refuseing to make eye contact with anyone.

"You havent told them?" Chiron asked, the others quietened and watched confused.

Danny shook her head still gazeing at the floor.

"Told us what?" asked Atlanta worried, her friend looked about to throw up.

Danny looked from all the confused conserned faces, and stopped at Herrys. He was looking at her smileing, trusting, encorageing her to say what she had to say.

"Danniel is a..." Chiron started once again only to be cut off by Danny.

"Siren." she said gazeing at the floor again.

Danny felt as if all the air had left the room, no one dared to breath, you could practicly cut the atmosphear in the room with a nife.

"Right then" said chiron " Now thats sorted i'll go and get my book."

when Chiron left the room Danny summoned the corage to look up, no one was looking in her direction as if afraid to look her in the eye, this annoyed Danny, she was a siren not a gorgon. Judgeing by the looks on her "friends" faces they were itching to take a step away from her, for a while no one spoke.

"Errr, I didnt mean what I said." said Odie glanceing over at Danny but not realy seeing her. Before Danny could open her mouth to speek Archie bet her to it.

"Don't apologise Odie" He said "Its not your fault she lied to us." his words cold as ice.

Unable to speek Danny just stood their open mouthed.

"Leave it Archie." said Jay.

"No, I wont! Dont tell me your not all thinking the same thing." He said.

"Arkword." said Neil.

"Archie dont." said Theresa.

"Look how do we Know she hasnt been useing her twisted magic on us all already? Sirens are all sluty seductresses so how do we Know she's any diffrent?" He shouted.

It was the last straw for Danny, she didnt have to sit here and take this. One glance in Herry's drection told her Archie was telling the truth, trying to catch Herrys eye it hurt Danny that all he did was look away, she could she the mistrust and the discomfort on Herrys face. So she walked to the door and answered Archies question.

" You dont." she said and was gone.
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