Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Untold Paradox


by Dondon1827 3 reviews

Crazy right?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-08-31 - Updated: 2008-08-31 - 928 words

Katlyn rushed into the aisle giggling "Hey, your not Mikey" she said after studying the face "Whats the deal with you spying on us little dude?" she asked, totally oblivious to what had just happened. Jamia and him were just staring at eachother, dumbstruck. "Your lying" Jamia blurted out. The boy just looked at her, with a smirk on his face.
"Mom told me you would say that, she knows you well then" he chuckled. Katlyn still didn't know what was going on "Excuse me? Whats happening here" she asked. Jamia nodded her head in the boy's direction "He reckons he is Mikey's son" she said bluntly. "Iam and I have a name, Im James" he said, putting out his hand for them to shake. Only Katlyn shook it. "Lets go somewhere to talk, James" Jamia said, dragging out the last word. Once they had got out the store they made there way to the mall doors, finding bench outside and sitting on it. "So your telling me you are Mikey Way's son" Jamia said to the boy. He shrugged "Yeah, pretty much". She still didnt believe him, "So do Mikey and Alicia know your 'there child'" she said wondering how on earth they couldn't possibly know. "Well my mom, Alicia, gave birth to me so Im guessing she would know" he said smugly. Jamia didnt like his attitude, "And so how did you know me then?" she shot back. He looked at her for a moment then said, "My mom has a picture of you and her in the living room, I noticed you from that." Jamia smiled, Alicia still had a picture of her. "So why did you come here to find me then?" she asked.
"I have always wondered about my dad, mom said he was an asshole who didnt ever care about us and I never asked her again" he replied. Katlyn gasped at this "Your dad is the most kind person I have ever met, Alicia is the insane one, leaving without a word of warning" she said. He laughed "She told me you would say that too."
Jamia wondered for a moment, maybe this was Cassie? She could be doing this to stir things up, after all she got out of jail 7 months ago. "What does the name Cassandra Reynolds mean to you?" Jamia asked James. He drew in a sharp breath, "Mom told me to never talk about her again. She told me everything that happened with her. Im sorry" he said quietly. Jamia shook her head "Its fine, not your fault" she said. He nodded, "Im sorry for spying on you and if I freaked you out, I just wanted to know about my dad thats all, If he ever talks about me" he sighed. Katlyn and Jamia looked at eachother strangley. "James, your mom never told Mikey about you" she said. He raised his eyebrow, "But she said he kicked her out when I was little and said to never bother him again" he said, wondering what was going on, who to believe. Jamia's shock turned to anger "What? Okay this is crazy, Im telling you what really happened." she said raising her voice.
"James, you have to understand Mikey always wanted a baby, but he and your mom talked and they didnt feel ready for a child so your mom went to get an abortion. At the hospital lets just say things got complicated and your mom and dad had an argument. Your dad went outside to sleep and wait for your mom, but she never came back. He called her 4 times every night but she rarely answered, when she did she would always end up shouting at him. Then one day he never heard from her again. Fourteen years went by and he always assumed she had an abortion then left to go somewhere else. Im sorry your mom lied to you" Jamia said, feeling he had the right to know these things. The boy wiped away the stray tear from his cheek and shook his head "Your lying, your the crazy ones! My mom would never do that" he cried going to get up. "Katlyn bring the car round to the mall doors please" Jamia said grabbing onto James' arm. Katlyn's eyes widened "What?!" she gasped. "Just do it!" Jamia cried. She nodded and hurried aIway, Jamia had a grip of James' arm and he was trying to get free. She managed to yank him to the doors and she bundeld him into the car. He was screaming and kicking, drawing a bit of attention to them but Jamia managed to get him inside and lock the doors. "Okay I know your going to seem really scared but you have to believe me, Im not going to hurt you" she said, the calmness in her voice made James relax. "I believe you Jamia" he said. She leaned back in her chair and sighed as they drove away. "Were are we going exactly?" James asked looking out of the window. Katlyn looked at Jamia who nodded, "Were going to see your dad" she said.

A/N- Okay so I couldnt resist posting this as well. Im off out real early tomorow so when I post the new chap tomorow it will be late on, about 4ish or something but it will be long and worht it I promise, I am in UK so Im not sure what the US time difference is but after tomorow I will go back to posting one a day, Enjoy my lovelies :)
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