Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Would You Be There Should I Stumble And Fall?

Chapter 4 - Cause I Mean This More Then Words Can Ever Say

by x-The-Black-Parade-x 1 review

Who is the person coming down the stairs ?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-09-05 - Updated: 2008-09-05 - 336 words

Chapter 4 - Cause I Mean This More Then Words Can Ever Say

Me and Bob both stared at the door, not wanting to know what was on the other side, but at the same time desperate to know. The handle to the door rattled a few times, you could tell the person on the other side, was losing their temper.

“LOUISE! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!” my step-father shouted as he kicked the door.
“That door has been locked for years, I lost the key when to it when Bob was small... he used to try to keep on getting in there, I was afraid he might hurt himself, so I kept it locked and I hid the key in a safe place, and you know how it is, I’ve forgotten where that safe place was” Louise said in a strangely came voice. Me and Bob just sat there, leaning against the stone wall shaking from terror.

“Mr Robson, would you please kindly get out off of our premises NOW, and take Ms Moore with you, otherwise we shall be forced to call the police...and nobody here would want that now would they?” Matt said, in a strong voice confident voice sounding like he would keep to his word.

I his footsteps as he went back up the stairs

“You havn’t heard the last of this” I heard him say to Matt

“No, I don’t suppose I have” came the sarcastic reply.

And with that statement, I heard my mother shout something to me, but I didn’t hear what it was. After that, I heard the front door slam shut, and a couple of minutes later, Louise knocked on the door to tell us it was safe to come out now. We both got up and went left the basement.

A/N: hey, sorry I know it's really short this time, but I've been really busy.. and I know it's kinda crap... I promise it will get better =] r&r? please?
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