Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Deadly Chemical Life (Sequel to My Simple Chemical Life)


by Moonshyne 4 reviews

Bobby says his first words but who are they to?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2008-09-06 - Updated: 2008-09-06 - 1635 words - Complete

Narrator POV

Holloway walked into the Chicago Police Department CSI lab excited, “We got the court order to get the persons connected to the first few days hits.”

Even though it was Saturday court orders were being sent out to MSN, Yahoo and AOL for areas of interest of specific IP addresses. Four were from various spots in New Jersey, three from various spots in Illinois and one from New York. Holloway knew exactly where the spots in Jersey were but in order to get a warrant he also knew he needed something from the Internet Provider stating the name.

The problem is they have already done searches of all the houses and found nothing. It might just lead to another dead end. The one in Manhattan intrigued him as it was a few days later than the rest after the searches. Maybe there was a hotel he was staying at. It was a matter of time before he caught up with Bryar and he was a patient man.

In Downers Grove area

Ali went to put up the latest video of Bobby, she decided to check out the previous videos she had put on.


“Yeah hun,” he said as he came running out.

“Hundreds of thousands are viewing the videos I’m putting up for Bob.”

Jim smiled, “Really that many?”

“What do you mean really that many?”

“I threw Bobby’s birth certificate along with a link to the first video.”

“You did what???”

“Ali I had to do something you practically gave him away to the police by telling them you put it on You Tube. So I decided to help convolute things. I know my cousin and he would never kill anyone. Not even for someone he loved. You don’t believe he killed him, do you?”

“I don’t know. But it was a pretty convenient way of getting rid of him so we can start our lives together.”

“Ali I want to start our lives as soon as possible too, but Bob’s innocent.”

“Do you really know that? Eloise told me how Madison looked that night, that she had marks around her neck from where Mark choked her. Her face was swollen and bruised and he raped her. I’m not stupid Jim he still loves her. I know he thinks he loves me and maybe he does, but it’s her that invades his dreams at night. Every night I wake up to him moaning her name. He takes Bobby’s early morning feedings and I’ve watched him feeding Bobby and he’s staring into the fireplace trying to see something he lost and when he knows it’s not there, I can see the sadness. He never loved me like that. So if you ask me if I think that Bob would kill for Madison my answer is I don’t know.”

“Well I do. My cousin didn’t kill anyone. I just hope I helped him.”

In the distance there was a cry and James left the living room and got Bobby.

“You hungry baby?” he asked as he lifted Bobby out of his crib. “You know daddy loves you so much, and so does your uncle Bob.”

Bobby pulled himself to a sitting position and reached out his arms and said, “Dada”.

Jim smiled at his son and thought his heart was going to burst he was so happy. He thought after picking up his son, ‘After this mess was over and Bob was cleared he would tell him everything. He has the right to know.’

Jim brought the baby to Ali who lifted her shirt and started feeding him. Jim sat next to her and was stroking his blonde hair as he nursed.

“He said dada.”

“He’s been doing that for a while now.”

“He wasn’t blabbering it he called me it.”

Ali looked lovingly at Jim and he leaned in and kissed her. Then he said, “Thank you for giving me my son. I know I was a jerk when you first told me, but I can’t imagine life without him.”

Ali smiled as she watched Jim give Bobby a kiss on the forehead. She knew that Bobby and Jim had this bond that he just didn’t share with Bob. Even if Bob didn’t know he wasn’t the father Bobby did. And Ali wasn’t surprised in the least that he called Jim dada.

In Andover, Massachusetts

Bob’s POV

I lay here in my bedroom going crazy since my fight with Madison. We barely talk. When we do it’s her telling me I can’t go anywhere or her latest findings. I know she’s right about not going out but I also know I miss Bobby like crazy. I just need to see him again.

When Ali showed me she was pregnant I didn’t know what to think and was so confused. I was happy and mad at the same time. Happy that I could possibly be having a son, mad for the same reason. Ali fucked around on me so much I was pissed that she was gonna use me to support her and her son that wasn’t mine. But then the paternity test came back ninety percent positive to me being the father I was ecstatic. The paper work said the only other possibility was a very close relative and the only one she had met was Jim, and she hated him with a passion. All they did was fight and more then once the police came knocking on my door. I never had seen her so happy when I threw the fucker out for forging checks and stealing from my account. I really thought at that point we were going to be happy. But no I go on tour and she was screwing around on me again.

But this time I know it’s different we share a kid, this time we’ll make it work. The only thing standing in our way is behind the door because despite everything just the sight of her makes might heart race. I know I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love her, ‘cause I never stopped loving her.

I love watching her take charge of everything. Funny it’s the thing that broke us up, her taking charge but not sharing. She learned her lesson I guess because now she’s sharing every single detail, I’m not listening though. I see her lips moving and can only think is that I want to shut them up with a kiss, so I just look down. I made vows and I intend to keep them no matter what.

Elisabeth’s POV

Maddie and Bob are driving me crazy I see how they look at each other when the other’s not watching. The want and desire is just oozing out of them. I just want to throw them in a room and throw away the key then take bets before on how long they would last without giving in. Personally I think five minutes would be way too long.

My thoughts are shaken by the sound of my cell phone ringing. It’s Natasha.

“Hey what’s up?” I say.

“I found it!!! I was able to separate the filming sequences. Not only that I can show how it was super imposed. He hired someone very talented. But I guess I’m more talented.”

I had to laugh. I’m so proud of her and she really needed this boost since she and Rick called it off. It was mutual because they were going to other schools on opposite coasts. Natasha got a full scholarship at USC in California to further her film study and Rick was going to Princeton with a major in business. Derek had a full scholarship to MIT for computer sciences and I’m going to Harvard to study law. I had so many offers and couldn’t decide on which one until Derek found out where he was going then it was a no brainer. Our schools were less then two miles apart. Besides Harvard really was the best academically. Dad was so proud when I got accepted. He died the next day, so also as a honor to him that’s where I’m going in the fall.

“Bring it over Madison will be so happy.”

I can’t say how relieved I am she found something as graduation is tomorrow. Derek and I are leaving for Alabama with Adam who is arriving in about an hour we’re all going out to eat. Well almost all of us Bob has to stay in the hotel. I don’t even think Adam knows he’s here and that’s a good thing the less people know the better. Bob had better watch out though, at my Dad’s funeral Adam confessed that he had strong feelings for Madison and the way Bob keeps pushing her away I’m afraid she might start to like him back.

Bob’s POV

They all left and there sits Marks computer, just a glance is all I need. I noticed that the password protect was gone I logged onto You Tube and typed in Bobby Ali and then sorted it by date added. All I could see was him I clicked on it and watched my son crawling around like crazy then he stops and puts him self in the sitting position reaches his arms out to the camera calling ‘dada’. My heart broke because I fucking miss him so much.

Chicago CSI

“Boss you’re gonna love this. The name registered to that IP address in Manhattan is none other than William Trenton.”
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