Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Bite Me

10. Bite Me (The End) [Brendon Version]

by WaYcEsTisLoVe 4 reviews

This is it, guys.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-09-14 - Updated: 2008-09-14 - 1594 words - Complete

My jaw dropped.

"Do you have any idea how angry Beckett will get when he hears I'm in the mansion? Let alone playing the mate of his second-in-command!"

"That's the only way I can get you in without you ending up in his chambers. Do you WANT that to happen?"

"No, but there must be-"

"There isn't."

"Well... can't we-"

"He'll order your removal from the dungeons."

"What about-"

"He'll know you're disguised."

"Bren, he'll hurt you when he finds out. I can't let that happen." I grabbed his hand in mine to stop him from continuing down the alley.

He sighed and turned towards me, a look of absolute sadness on his face.

"I wouldn't be able to bear knowing that he had taken you. At least this way, you'll be safe."

My eyes teared up at this.

"But you won't." I whispered sadly.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him, stroking my hair affectionately.

"I'd rather you be safe than me. Not to mention, if anything happened to you, Pete would stake me, collect my ashes, have a dog eat them, then throw the dog into a river." He said, trying hard to lighten the mood.

He succeeded in doing so, causing me to let out a little laugh at how true it was.

"Why does he care so much?" I asked, the thought bouncing to the front of my mind for the first time in a few days.

"Have you not noticed?"

I shook my head, completely at a loss for an explanation.

"The guy is totally, uncontrallably in love with you, Nami. According to Beckett, he has been since he first saw you in the alley." He said it monotonously, hoping to lighten the blow of his comment.

It didn't work.

"WHAT?! What possible reason could he have for falling in love with me?! I barely know him!"

"Nami, calm dow-"

"I won't! How do you expect me to be okay with this?"

"I don't. You needed to know."

I looked at him before responding.

"Did I? Or did you want things to be weird between me and Pete so you wouldn't have any competition?"

He made no response, his gaze falling to the ground at his feet.

"That's what I thought."

Without a second glance, I turned on my heel with every intention of leaving him behind, when I slammed into someone.

"Are you going somewhere, love?"

My eyes widened at the familiar voice. Dandies surrounded me from every angle, blocking all possible exits. My mind froze as it landed on the only logical explanation. I turned back around to face Brendon, whose eyes were still on the ground.

"This was a trap?" I whispered, already knowing the answer.

My eyes filled to the brim with tears. I had truly trusted Brendon, though I had no reason to.

"Indeed it was. In fact, it worked so flawlessly that you were hand-delivered right to me."

I tried to hold the tears in my eyes back; showing weakness isn't smart around vampires.

"Oh look at that, Brendon. You seem to have broken her little heart."

His [Brendon's] eyes finally met mine and I saw he was geniunely upset over what was happening. He HAD to have been forced into this somehow. My cold gaze fell on Beckett again.

"Don't patronize me, you sadistic bastard. At least I'm not a cold shell, lacking all feelings and emotion." I spat, a fire blazing inside me.

The amused grin on his face disappeared and was replaced with an uncontrollable anger. He stepped forward threateningly, but I didn't flinch. He needed to know I wasn't afraid of him.

At this, his hand came down on my face, sending me to the ground in a large amount of pain.

"Nami!" I looked up to see Brendon restrained by two Dandies, one on either arm. "You swore you wouldn't hurt her!"

Beckett shrugged carelessly.

"I lied."

Confusion clouded my face as I tried to make sense of what was happening.

"Oh. You didn't tell her? Well, then I must. You see, love-" I scowled at the nickname, "Brendon, here, has traded your freedom for your safety." My eyes widened as the impact of what he was saying fully hit me. "Trouble is," he added, "he didn't know that I had no intention of keeping up my end of the bargain."

A soft breeze blew through the alley, and I caught several familiar scents on the wind.

I tried to keep the grin off of my face as I responded.

"Well, it seems I have no choice in the matter. I'll just accept my fate as it's given."

Beckett's eyebrows rose, but he seemed happy none-the-less.

"That's a wise choice, Nami. Come along, then."

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere with you." I said, just as lighthearted as before.

"Is that so?" He asked, his voice becoming considerably darker.

"Yeah. It's so."

Beckett whipped around at the familiar voice and was stabbed straight through the heart by one of Pete's stakes. Andy and Joe emerged from the other end of the alley, taking out the Dandies on either side of Brendon. Two shots rang out as Mickey stepped into the light right behind Pete, my S&Ws in hand. By the time Patrick appeared, all the Dandies were dead. (Unless you still consider Brendon a Dandy.)

I had a genuine smile on my face, but a confused look to go with it.

"How did you guys know where to find us?"

"Patrick hooked one of his doohickey-majiggers to Brendon, and then we just followed the 'BEEEEP BEEEEP' noise until we found you." Joe answered, seemingly proud of his explanation.

I looked at the rest of the guys, hoping for one I could understand.

"I fitted him with a tracking device." Patrick clarifyed simply.

"You didn't think we'd leave you alone with the enemy, did you?" Pete asked.

I whirled on him, a look of anger in my eyes.

"The enemy?!" I asked indignantly. "The entire point of this mission was Inter-faction Vampiric Cooperation. To make allies."

"I think he has a bit more than an alliance on his mind."

"Is THAT what you think?!"

"Yeah, that's what I think."

"Well I think you're just jealous that I fell in love with him instead of you-" I slapped my hand over my mouth, realizing my mistake.

Everyone went completely silent. Andy, Joe, Patrick, and Mickey slowly backed away, hoping to avoid the future awkwardness.

Pete had a look of absolute heartbreak on his face that made me want to kiss him hard and long; to tell him I was lying and that HE was who I wanted.

But as I pondered this thought, it occured to me that I WASN'T lying. I had spoken the complete truth from the beginning.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ray's sudden movement. His hand flew to the inside pocket of his jacket with every intention of staking Brendon.

I threw myself in front of him [Brendon] with my arms outstreched protectively.

"Ray, if you kill him, you'll have to kill me too." I said in a low growl.


"I LOVE him." I said a second time. It sounded less peculiar and more fitting when I did. "If he dies, I die too." My tone left no room for arguement.

Ray retracted his hand from his jacket and sighed auidibly.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Nami."

I smiled gratefully and hugged him tightly.

"I always do."

He nodded, before disappearing back the way he came from.

I slowly walked over to Pete, knowing I owed him some sort of apology.

My hand cupped his chin and forced him to look into my eyes. The sadness in his [eyes] had doubled after the confirmation of my previous statement. [That I loved Brendon.]

"I'm sorry it has to be this way, Pete. It wasn't intentional."

He didn't seem at all convinced, so I came up with another idea.

"Well, what about Mickey? I saw the way she was eyeing you. And look at it this way: She's eternally 16, and you're eternally 20." There was a brief pause. "It works perfectly!" I added, trying to coax a smile from him.

He turned his head away to hide to grin that had devoured his face. When he thought he had properly composed himself, he turned to face me again.

"So... Mickey, yeah?" He asked, the famous Pete Wentz smile covering his face.

"Yeah." I answered, a smile to match his.

He smiled at me one last time before following in Ray's path, leaving Brendon and me in the alley alone.

I walked over to him, stopping within arms length.

"Is it true? What you said, I mean." He asked, his eyes shining hopefully.

I bit my lip nervously before nodding.

A huge grin broke out on his face as he grabbed my head and pushed his lips to mine feverishly.

I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

When we both needed air, we pulled apart, our foreheads resting against each other.

"So," he breathed, "out of all the vampires you could've chosen, you chose me?"

I rolled my eyes at his cocky tone.

"Oh, bite me, Urie."
So there's the end. If any of you want her to end up with either Ray or Pete, leave a review and I'll make it work!

Now that this is done, I'll get to work on the sequel... unless you guys don't want one. LET ME KNOW!!! =D
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