Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Daughter Diary

The day you called me 'Dada'

by Dondon1827 0 reviews

Chapter 2- Daughter Diary

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-09-18 - Updated: 2008-09-18 - 268 words

First words. You had grown up a lot, and quickly. Your bright blonde hair was growing fast and your little eyes were as blue as ever. I would say you were about 14 months old and you had already developed your own little character. You would run around in the garden and scream at the top of your lungs, not because you were mad but one of those cute happy screams, and you would always fall over but never cry.

This particular day I was making dinner in the kitchen and you were playing in the back yard were I could see you, mommy was upstairs resting. I had turned away to grab something out of the fridge and when I turned back round you were there at my feet. I smiled down at you as you waved happily, I told you that dinner would be ready soon and you nodded. I bent down and kissed you on the cheek and asked you what I always asked you, "Who does Angel love?" and usually you would reply by pointing at me, but today was different. You giggled and I asked you again. "Come on, who does Angel love?"

"Dada" was the word that came out of your mouth. I thought I would burst with hapiness, I hugged you and cried happy tears but then wiped them away as you looked at me, lip trembling wondering why I was crying. "Daddy is okay Angel" I said and you scampered back out into the yard to play. I vowed I would never forget that day, they day you called me dada.
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