Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Wait, Brendon Urie, He's Adopting Me?

Come on TAI Please Preform!

by panic_at_the_disco 1 review

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-09-24 - Updated: 2008-09-25 - 1314 words - Complete

Fast Forward a couple months

"So what are we doing for prom?" Marie asked us. We were at our usual lunch table talking.

Our prom was next week. We finally know everybody in our grade now. It's the last week of April and we're bored.

"The popular crowd is renting a suite," Kevin said.

"Then I say we do too," I answered.

"Great idea," Scotty answered. Scotty Bradley is Janet's current boyfriend. He nice, and really makes her happy, but the googly eyes are scary.

"Who's going to pay for this suite," Al asked. He's always thinking. Everyone stared at Marie, and me. Of course I have the rock star father, and cousin, Marie has the rock star brother.

"We'll chip in the most," Marie said. Everyone had smiles on their faces.

"So we need 3 suites," Janet asked.

We all nodded.

The bell rang and we all went our separate ways. Kevin and I went to Spanish. We always have Spanish 6th period, since 6th grade we have.

Janet and Al went to Social Studies. Marie went to Science, and Scotty went to Math. Next period is free period so we'd all see each other soon.

We were in Spanish 5 a college course; although I haven't spoken Spanish in a while it's still pretty easy. Sometimes Spence and I speak in Spanish to annoy Brendon. Gerelyn took Spanish 5 and she understands us completely. It's funny because Brendon thinks we're insulting him. Gerelyn and William Beckett are my idols.

"De que pais era Franco?" The teacher asked. What country was Franco from?

Kevin and I waved our arms in the air like idiots. No-one else knew.

"For homework research Franco, class dismissed," the teacher said. The class groaned. It was Friday and we had a research paper do.

Kevin and I walked out of the classroom. Stupid paper.

We met up with Janet, Scot, Al, and Marie at the front of the school. Free Period just so happens to be last period, so we just left school in all. We walked to the park. Our favorite hang out place. Also where I took Kevin on our 2 month anniversary.

"I used to like this park," Scot sighed.

"What's wrong with it?" Janet asked.

"Oh no I love it now," he laughed.

"I've always loved it ever since the second time I've been here," I said smiling u at Kevin.

"Me too," He answered.

We all slipped off our socks and shoes and walked along the shore line. It wasn't really a shore line because the sand was more like mud, but it made no difference.

We all walked hand in hand. Well the girls walked hand in hand with their boyfriends.

"So wow we're going to be graduating," Kevin sighed.

"I know and we're only like uh 17," I said.

"That's what happens when you make the honor roll," Scot said.

"Where is prom?' I asked out of nowhere. I just remembered I had no idea where we were going for prom.

"You mean Sex palace? It's at The Palms!" Scot shouted. I had my Sweet Sixteen there; it was a very nice place.

"Why the hell do you call it that?" Janet asked confused.

"Simple logic, it's where everyone has their first special moment" Kevin trailed on.

A few of us chuckled.

"That's true, but well not for everyone," Marie joked.

"Cough Leigh and Kevin cough," Al said pulling the coughing trick.

"Hey," I slapped Al.

"So did you know our school is trying to get The Academy Is to play at our prom?" Marie asked changing subjects.

"No, but if we ask William nicely maybe he'll persuade the band," I said.

"Yeah, I haven't seen William in a year!" Janet agreed.

"Whoa, you guys know too many bands," Scot said.

"Don't you like TAI?" Al asked.

"Like psh the band is the coolest thing on this earth," he answered, Janet gave him a sad look, "After Janet of course."

I started dialing The Academy Is's number when someone called me.

"You rang?" Michael Guy said.

"I didn't even call you yet," I said.

"Give me that," Marie said grabbing my phone.

"Chislett give it up you don't read minds," Marie said angrily.

Marie put him on speaker, "Yes I do," he protested, "How would I know that she was about to call us?"

"You're right behind the bush stupid," Marie said turning around.

"Damn it!" I heard a loud thump from behind the bushes.

"Michael?" Scot asked.

"Are you okay?" I heard another voice say. It was none other than the famous William Beckett himself. The 6 of us snuck up to the bushes.

"Boo!" I screamed.

Five bodies got up, the butcher, Siska, Beckett, Carden, and Chislett. Scaredy cats.

"How'd you know we were here?" Sisky asked.

"Ryan said to keep an eye out on you," Marie laughed, "He said you guys will be visiting."

"Jon keeps better secrets," Mike said under his breath.

"So how much of that did you hear?" I asked.

"We've been following you guys since you left school," William laughed.

"You have a wife and a 3 year old daughter don't you have anything better to do Beckett?" I asked.

"Nope," he answered.

"You heard stuff you weren't supposed to," I said angrily.

"I guess we did," Mike shrugged.

"Like?" Kevin asked.

"The prom, and stuff," The Butcher said.

"I say we drop this conversation," Marie said.

"Good idea, don't worry Brendon will never find out, about you two" William winked at me.
I smiled at Kevin. We've been holding this secret for like a year and a half, Brendon isn't going to find out.

We all slipped our shoes on and walked around with The Academy Is

"Can you please play at our prom," Marie and I begged.

"Why not," they gave in after 30 minutes of convincing.

"Thank you," The 6 of us cheered.

We walked to my house. Everyone loves my house, especially me.

"Where's the baby!" William bellowed as he entered the house.

"Geez shut up she's probably sleeping its her hobby," I said smacking William. The band walked in silently.

"I have to go home and do homework," Janet said as we entered the house.

"Okay call us later for plans," I said waving t Janet and Scotty. Scotty always drives Janet home. His car is parked on Freemont Street, so we all walk together to school.

"Where's my man Brendon?" Mike asked.

"He's with Gerelyn upstairs usually, or he could be at band practice," I answered.

"Ryan's home well at my house, I saw his car, when we were walking," Marie said.

"Then they're with the baby," Al added.

"I'll go tell them you're here," I said making my way up the stairs.

I heard Brendon singing little Samantha to sleep in her cradle.

"Brendon," I whispered, "Gerelyn, TAI is here."

"We'll bring Samantha downstairs she doesn't want to sleep anyway," Gerelyn said.

Gerelyn picked up Sam and she walked downstairs holding hands. She's already 9 months old, and can walk. She's also learning to be potty trained.

"Billy," Samantha said walking and stumbling over her feet to William. She hugged him.

"Mike," she said walking over to Mike Carden and hugging him. I'm impressed a 9 month old child knowing every band member in Decaydance.

"Butchy," she said walking over to the Butcher. Its funny the way they all squat down and hug her.

"Mikey," she said walking to Michael Guy.

"Adam!" she said walking over to Sisky.

"Call me Sisky," Adam said.

"Sisky," she repeated.

"She's soo cute," Sisky said.

"Lana is cooler," Beckett said showing off.

"Did you know that Pete and Patrick have figured out that Lana is marrying James, and that Georgie is marrying Sammy," Marie asked.

"Oh yes remember that in the hospital Leigh," Kevin was cracking up.

I started to laugh I remembered it. My life is just full of jokes
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