Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden

Chapter 54

by Reign_Madden 7 reviews

I have no idea

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-10-02 - Updated: 2008-10-02 - 1884 words - Complete

Jamia looked down at her fiancé and sighed, he was passed out on the bathroom floor lying in a pool of vomit, the alcohol and cigarette stench that wafted from his body lingered in the air making a putrid gut wrenching smell in their small bathroom. Looking at the clock she noted it had just gone 2.00am, she was tired and needed sleep, she’d accidently fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to return and had only woken up because she heard a loud bang and a groan which must’ve been him falling to the floor. She looked at the clock again, by the time she got him cleaned up and changed it would be after three and to be honest she couldn’t be bothered with the hassle. Closing the bathroom door behind her Jamia left Frank in his filth and went to bed. She’d deal with him in the morning.


‘Oh this will be fun, don’t you think’ Amber said brightly as she threw open the curtains.
‘I guess’ Bob said through a yawn ‘I just wish he’d have told us earlier’
‘I like being spontaneous’ Amber replied ‘It’s not like we had plans.’
‘I suppose’ Bob agreed
‘Come on get up we got to get ready and head over to Donna’s asap’
‘I’m gonna call Chey first I’ll get in the shower when you’re done’


‘Trust Gerard to organise something so poorly’ Alicia commented as she read the text from her phone.
‘Hmm’ Mikey grunted from beside her
‘I mean it sounds like a fun day out but honestly talk about telling us last minute’ she continued
‘Yeah’ Mikey sleepily agreed ‘badly organised.’
‘Michael Way you’re not even listening to me’ she said nudging him in his back
‘Of course I am’ he said ‘We’re going to Coney Island and Gerard’s organised it poorly’
‘That’s right, aww! you were listening’
‘Yeah I was and now I want to go back to sleep for a few hours’ he said
‘Well you can’t’ Alicia said throwing the covers off of him ‘we have to be at Donna’s by mid day’
‘So what the fuck is the time now?’ Mikey demanded
‘It’s 10.00’
‘I’ve got time’ he said.


‘Miaaaa’ Frank groaned from the floor in the bathroom ‘Miaa’
‘I’m here Frank’ she said fighting the urge to mother him, he’d been an arse and he deserved what was happening to him.
‘Why am I on the floor, it smells?’ he said sitting up slowly and wiping the sick off his cheek.
‘You disappeared last night and when you came back you vomited and passed out so I left you there.’
‘Because you’re a jackass and jackasses deserve to sleep in their own mess.’ Jamia responded looking down on him, he looked so sad and pitiful.
‘What’s been going on with you lately?’ she said sitting on the floor next to him but avoiding the sick on the floor.
‘I don’t know’ he said letting his head fall back so it rested on the cool tiles behind him.
‘Why won’t you talk to me Frank?’ she urged ‘I’m your fiancé, we’re meant to be a team, we’ve always been a team but lately I feel like you’re leaving me behind, like…like you don’t want me on your side’
‘No Mia’ he said quickly sitting up straighter ‘I do want you on my side, you’re the only one I want on my side, I’m just going through some shit that…’
‘Why can’t I help you?’ she cut in
‘Because it’s not that big of a deal, I just need you to trust me and I need you to be there for me when I need you. I still need you Jamia you’re the only one I’ll ever need. But I have to sort this out myself.’
‘Well what is it. Maybe I can…’
‘No honey, it’s all about me and I can handle it’ he said honestly ‘and I’m sorry for being such a jackass you deserve to be treated so much better then I’ve been treating you lately. You deserve more then what I can give you.’
‘Don’t talk like that, you’ve always been good to me’
‘But you can do so much better then me’
‘I don’t want better I just want you’ she said squeezing his knee
‘I need to get cleaned up’ Frank said after along pause between them ‘Excuse me please.’
Jamia left the bathroom closing the door behind her, she wanted to go back in there and demand that he tell her what this problem was that he refused to share with her. Instead she headed to the kitchen to make some coffee and decided against her better judgement to trust her fiancé.


It was manic at the Ways. Mikey and Alicia arrived first closely followed by Ray, Christa, Bob and Amber. Donna dutiful stood by the stove cooking eggs, bacon, French toast and whatever else the mob demanded of her for brunch.
Frank and Jamia are on their way’ Cheyenne announced after reading the text that came through on her phone.
‘So he’s okay then?’ Gerard asked her
‘It appears so’ Cheyenne said
‘What’s up?’ Ray asked regarding them both
‘Oh nothing Frankie disappeared last night and Jamia was worried’ Cheyenne answered him.
‘He didn’t say where he was going?’ Bob asked ‘that’s not like him’
‘I noticed he’s been acting a little out of character lately’ Christa remarked
‘I’m sure he’s fine’ Mikey said trying to diffuse the subject
‘You know what they say’ Donna said not turning to face them all ‘They say a man that suddenly behaves differently is usually having an affair.’
Alicia stifled as gasp as she remembered what she had heard at her home the other night between Mikey and Frank. Maybe Frank was had cheated and if he did Mikey knew all about it.
‘Don’t be silly ma’ Mikey said hiding the alarm he felt, he didn’t want them speculating.
‘Yeah Mikey’s right ma, Frank’s far too head over heels for Jamia to do anything stupid like that.’ Gerard said
‘Men are stupid Gerard’ She said turning and handing her son a plate of friend egg she looked him in his eyes and continued ‘they never know what they’ve got till it’s gone’


An hour later, piled in to two separate cars the group headed to Coney Island
‘It takes about 50 minutes’ Cheyenne announced from the front seat next to Gerard who was driving.
‘I’m going to catch some Z’s then’ Mikey responded as he rested his head on the window, he had a bad feeling about the day.
‘Why are you so tired?’ Cheyenne asked shifting in her seat to face him.
‘I was up late last night I guess I was worried’ Mikey said not opening his eyes
‘About what?’ Gerard said glancing in the rear- view mirror
‘Oh you know the band and its members’ he said nudging Frank who was staring into space beside him.
‘Yeah Frank where the hell did you go last night?’ Gerard demanded ‘you had us all worried sick’
‘I’m sorry I didn’t know I had to report all my movements to the group’ Frank retorted
‘You don’t but…’ Gerard started
‘But what?’ Frank cut in ‘I don’t recall you telling everyone where you go or who you’re with when you suddenly disappear for a few hours’
‘We were really worried Frank that’s all we’re saying’ Cheyenne said softly trying to diffuse what looked like an argument brewing
‘Yeah well we sorted it’ Frank said meeting Gerard’s eye in the rear view mirror ‘everything is fine now Chey you don’t have to worry about me anymore’
‘Well good’ Cheyenne replied then turned back to studying the map she was reading.
Alicia listened intently to the conversation, she was certain that there was an underlying issue underneath the words they all spoke, something sinister was going on and she was going to get to the bottom of it.


20 minutes later all three passengers in the back had fallen asleep and Gerard was left with Cheyenne humming softly to the music on the radio.
‘I don’t want to leave tonight’ she said resting her hand on his thigh
‘You’ll be back in a week’ he said cheerfully ‘and then we’ll live together happily ever after.’
‘I can wait to live together’ Gerard said ‘I’m really excited’
‘I just remembered you’re going on tour and I’ll be in that big house all on my own’ she replied
‘I know but we’ll have Christmas and New Year’s together and I’ll only be gone for a few months then I’ll be back and all yours.’
‘You’re all mine now’ she laughed. They drove in a contented silence for a few minutes but were interrupted when Gerard’s phone went off.
‘Go away’ he said to the phone as it vibrated in his jacket pocket
‘I’ll get it for you’ Cheyenne offered
‘No it’s fine’ Gerard said panicking slightly thinking that it could be Lyn.
‘Don’t be silly it can’t keep ringing it will wake up the others’ she insisted putting the map by her feet ready to reach for his cell.
‘Chey its fine’ He demanded
‘Just let me answer it, it could be important’ she reasoned.
‘It’s not important, damn it Chey just back off’ he cried
Cheyenne froze. At first she was confused but then what he said and how he said it sunk in. Picking the map off the floor she sat back in her seat. Gerard huffed in annoyance at himself and the tone in which he’d spoken and shook his head as his heart thudded against his chest.
‘I’m sorry Chey’ he said finally
Cheyenne remained silent she had already decided that she wouldn’t be speaking to him for the rest of the journey.
Frank who was pretending to sleep heard the whole conversation and despite himself he smiled. He knew it was mean but it made him feel good to know that Gerard was fucking up what could potentially be the best thing in his life, just as his romantic life was being fucked up. Alicia too was pretending to sleep but unlike Frank was appalled by what she heard and was sure now more then ever that something wasn’t right between the band members of My Chemical Romance and was now thinking that not only was Frank guilty of something suspicious so was Gerard, which ultimately made her think that her Mikey could be guilty too.

Hello People. A bit of a long wait for a crappy chapter! Promise it’ll heat up in the next few installmenrs don’t worry we’re still heading, albeit slowly (my fault) in the direction of mass drama and heartache mwahaaha! Hold tight, I will deliver xxxx
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