Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Chaos Reigns Supreme but Love Still Fights

Gaining Authority

by wishing_on_a_rainbow 0 reviews

There's a new girl in town and she's helping the 7 practice and learn some fighting moves. She's powerful too...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-10-10 - Updated: 2008-10-14 - 984 words - Complete

Authors Note: This is my first story on here. If you are gonna review, pleas be nice. Like, don't be cruel and mean but give me constructive critisism. Thanks :)
Disclaimer: I don't own class of the titans... :(

Archie stood, mouth agape, staring at the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was as tall as him, of lean build with wide hips. Her hair was shoulder-length and wavy; her eyes were big, brown and very deep. “Archie!” Yelled Ares, jolting him into the present. “If you had of been listening, instead of day-dreaming, you would of heard me say that this is Jacinta. She will be teaching you seven about proper fighting, not the wrestling junk that you mortals normally do. ” Ares then walked off, leaving Jacinta in charge. As soon as the god of war was out of sight Neil challenged her. “So what’s so special about you?” Jacinta grimaced then replied “I’m the creator of chaos. Not a goddess of it but a conveyer of it. Now, if you’ll sit on the sidelines I want to explain some simple rules to you.” As soon as everyone was seated she started talking. “Rule one: I don’t go easy on someone because they’re not good. If you have trouble with my classes you need to practice more. Rule two: you don’t fight, I get mean. You don’t try, I get mean. Basically, try and I wont have to hurt you. Rule Three: you complain and I will personally make your life a living hell. Everyone else has to work as hard and do as much physical exercise, no-one here is important enough to get special treatment. Now that we’ve established this, who wants a fight?” she looked around, smiling as everyone looked down. Everyone that is, except for Herry. “Sure, I’ll take you.”
“You think you can beat me?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Your overconfidence will bring about your downfall” then Jacinta addressed everyone, “while we are here, lets go over rules of a fight.”
Herry first tried to pick Jacinta up and throw her but she wriggled out easily and landed, smiling. “Rule one: never rely on brute strength alone.”
Herry then tried to headlock her and a dive for the ground but hesitated and messed up his timing. It was this hesitation that gave Jacinta an advantage and within a few seconds he was flat on his back, winded. “Rule two: Time your attacks carefully. You hesitate and your opponent will be on you faster than a cobra on a mouse.”
Without warning Herry charged. Jacinta easily side-stepped it and shoved him into a wall head-first.
“Rule three: don’t be too hasty. Being to hasty will cause your opponent to anticipate your moves.”

“But, don’t be to slow to plan or your opponent will have gotten the drop on you?” Atlanta asked.
“Right, that’s rule number four.” Jacinta looked Atlanta up and down carefully then asked “do you wanna try and best me?”
Atlanta looked surprised, “m-m-me? Ok…”
“Great” said Jacinta, turning to walk across the room. Suddenly Atlanta sprang, and, about to kick Jacinta square on the back when she turned, grabbed onto Atlanta’s foot and spun her around a few times, holding onto her ankle. When she let go, Atlanta crashed into the weapons cart. “Oh and, if you want, you can use weapons, I don’t mind” Jacinta smirked. Atlanta grabbed a staff and whirled it around, searching for a weakness in her opponent, desperation to succeed causing her to breathe heavily. Within ten seconds, Atlanta was on her stomach, nearly unconscious, nose broken and bleeding, the staff snapped into seven separate pieces. “Finally, rule number five: don’t get desperate. Your enemy will be able to tell when you are desperate and use that to their advantage. So, anyone else up for a match?” Jacinta looked at the others expectantly then laughed as they all avoided her eyes. “I think that’s enough for today. Can I trust you guys to show me to the dorm?” She laughed again at the startled looks on all their faces. “Well, I'm going to need to sleep somewhere, now aren’t I? Herry, if you’re feeling better, can you get Atlanta to Chiron? Thanks a heap. And if you see Artemis could you tell her that it was because she got overconfident and I’m her teacher. If you don’t Artemis will attack me like last time. I won but it still hur-”
“Wait, what? You know Artemis?” Jay cut in.
“Well yeah, she’s like, my second cousin or something like that. I’m not sure. I don’t pay attention to family relations. And she is the most fun to fight, she tries and almost knocked me out one time, that was weird. No-one has ever come close to even bruising me except for her.”
Everyone stared at her, now giving them their respect. No-one had ever been able to, in history, come off the better in a fight with Artemis.
Theresa glanced at Jay, mouthing the words, ‘I had a vision. We need to talk.’
Jay cocked his head to the side, wondering what her vision was. He then turned to Jacinta and said, “I’m really sorry but Theresa and I have to work on a mathematics assignment.”
“That’s ok, we’ll catch up later. Have you Sarah recently? How has she been with hanging out with Hades and Cerberus” Asked Jacinta
Everyone turned to Jay in surprise. “I’ll explain later,” he muttered and left, Theresa trailing behind, looking confused.

Yay! i finished the first chapter! i've had this idea for ages, just swimming around my head so i decided to write it down for the world to see... please rate and review, i wanna no wat everyone thinks...
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