Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life Is A Sleazy Stranger And This Is His Favorite Bar...

I Don't Go To Sleep To Dream...

by sblood311 0 reviews

Apple's strange morning...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-10-15 - Updated: 2008-10-15 - 301 words

Chapter Three: I Don’t Go To Sleep To Dream.

Apple’s POV:

I felt a strange twinge of confusion sweep through me as I opened my eyes after my afternoon nap. Something was going on, I went to get my morning tea and I was out. I never forgot to buy tea. I went to brush my teeth and noticed a crack on the mirror that wasn’t there this morning. As I was getting dressed I realized that the t-shirt I was gonna wear had a huge bleach stain on it. I couldn’t find my keys anywhere except when I looked in the freezer. And of course to top it off there was no air in my bike tires so I had to walk to the club. I sighed to myself and my drummer Sammy asked me what was wrong. “I don’t know, the world is fucking me over today.” She just nodded. I opened my guitar case and saw a broken string. The hell? After I restrung it and had Bill bring back my tea, I tried to forget about it and find my center. I took a deep breath and stepped outside. Lighting my cigarette I felt a wave of calm rush over me. I can do this. After a few more deep breathes and the stubbing out of my cigarette I walked back into the club. When I walked on stage I immediately forgot all about the weirdness of this afternoon and evening.

AN: Hey guys,
I know, I suck. But I'm gonna post chapter four right now. I actually have up to chapter eight written but I'm really busy at work right now. Keep up the love and know that I haven't forgotten you. Comment please... I LOVE COMMENTS!!! and you guys too. :)
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