Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Rebels

I'll Work for Your Love

by Noizchild 0 reviews

Judy means up with Meredith and she invites her over to dinner at her house to meet her family. Then, Judy battles Katherine a bit. Review are good, yes? *Hint, hint, hint*

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-10-18 - Updated: 2009-01-08 - 1492 words - Complete

I'll Work for Your Love:

My mother is starting to accept the fact that I am gay now. She still doesn't like it, but she's stopped making comments about my relationship with Meredith. Isn't that what coming out of the closet all about? Lucky for me, I have Gloria, Duncan, Morgan, and Mer-Bear to have my back. An LGBT newbie has to have a support group on their side. Otherwise, it doesn't look so pretty in the end. I was walking home when a four-wheeler pulled up next to me. I looked and saw Mer-Bear on the bike. I smiled at her warmly.

"Hola there!" I greeted her. She took off her helmet and looked at me.

"Hola chica!" she said. "Want a ride?"

"Sure!" I chirped. I hopped onto the bike. Mer-Bear handed me a helmet and we both put them on. She started up her midnight blue four-wheeler and we sped off. I was enjoying the wind in my long brown ponytail. I hung on close to Mer-Bear. Her body was so warm. She was like my life-size teddy at night. I love Mer-Bear so much.

"So talk to me," she spoke up. Her voice distracted me from my thoughts.

"Hm?" I asked her.

"Is madre-dearest still bitter about us?" she asked. I felt a little sick at that question.

"Not so much anymore," I replied. "She doesn't say anything rude about you and me anymore. But yet, she still looks at me like I am a pervert." Mer-Bear listened with a little smile.

"Well, she can't really say anything about us," she pointed out.

"Hm?" I asked her again. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Mer-Bear pointed out. "She's dating Duncan who is old enough to be her son and your brother."

"True," I said. We pulled up to a red light and stopped. Mer-Bear turned to him.

"Don't worry Judy-bug!" she said. "Your mother will warm up to me soon."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked her. "My mom is a conservative Republican! She's not going to change her mind!"

"Who's dating a younger man," Mer-Bear reminded me. "Don't worry, give her time. She's come around. Besides, Duncan will probably set her free some."

"How so?" I began to answer. But then, I figured it out. "Oh!" I said aloud. I looked confused. "Would he even do that for us?"

"Baby," Mer-Bear spoke up. "Duncan loves Katherine and helping out the LGBT community. He has two in one."

"But isn't that taking advantage?" I asked her nervously.

"Nah," she said. "He'll do it without us even asking. The dude just wants to make his girlfriend happy." I felt a little better after hearing all of that.

"You know," I said at last. "I think you're right! In fact, you are right! I just want to be with you because I love you Mer-Bear!!!" Then the light changed green and Mer-Bear started up the four-wheeler and ripped off. I would've fallen off if I hadn't grabbed on again. She laughed at me.

"That's not funny!" I barked.

"Shouldn't have let go!" Mer-Bear pointed out. I pouted at her in a cute way.

"Aww," she said to me. "I'll kiss you when I get you home." I smiled again.

"Okay," I said in a small voice. Mer-Bear smiled as we rode on.

"Come to dinner with me tonight," she said. "I want you to meet my family!" I smiled at her warmly.

"No!" I said in a flirty way.

"Aw, why not Judy-bug?" she asked me.

"Because you didn't ask me!" I said in a sweetly. "You just demanded that I come."

"Oh," she said. "In that case, will you come to dinner with me? I want you to meet my family." I smiled at her again.

"Why yes, Mrs. Gomez," I said in a proper tone. "I will come with you to dinner and meet your lovely family. Just let me get changed and battle with mom for a little bit, and I'll be right over!" She was overjoyed.

"Thanks darling!" Mer-Bear replied. "I'll have to thank you later!" I smiled at her brightly.

"Oh?" I asked her. "How so?" Mer-bear smirked at me wickedly.

"I'll think of something later!" she said. I just giggled at her. We pulled up at my house. I gracefully climbed off of the bike. I turned to my girlfriend.

"Thanks for the ride!" I said to her cheerfully.

"Any time, chica!" she said to me. Then we shared one more kiss before she pulled away. I watched her ride off. It breaks my heart to watch her leave. Parting is such sweet sorrow. (Cheesy, but it's true!) I walked up to my house and unlocked the door. I slowly went inside. I found mom standing in the living room waiting for me. I was a little surprised to see her here. It's only three o'clock!

"Mom," I said. "What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Evans is taking over the night shift," she said. "We merged, remember!"

"Oh," I said. "Can you trust him?"

"No," mom said. "That's why I set up this. Come and look." She dragged me around to the main computer. I looked and saw that she had set up a camera to spy on her flock at work. I sat Mr. Evans working on the paper work. I looked at my mom like she was crazy. She turned to me smiling.

"So," she said. "What do you think?" I was too shocked to speak at first.

"You're spying on your employees?" I asked her. Mom shrugged at me innocently.

"Hey," she said. "This is just a test."

"A test for what?" I asked her.

"To see if I like these cameras," she replied. "I got this last month during a conference. Never had to use them until this merger. I still don't trust Mr. Evans. So, I'm going to this these cameras out today."

"And?" I asked her. A huge smile was on her face.

"I LOVE IT!!!" she called. I looked at her worried.

"But isn't that spying?" I asked her.

"But it's worth it!" my mom pointed out. I looked at her uncomfortably.

"Is that even legal?" I asked her.

"Yeah!" mom said. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Trust me!" she insisted.

"Okay..." I said uneasily. We both went silent and watched the live show.

"I saw you with Meredith again," she said.

"Yes," I said. "She is my girlfriend!" My mother said nothing. She just gave me that look of disapproval. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"Oh don't start that again mom," I yelled. "You promised you would behave!" She shrugged at me.

"I didn't say anything," she said trying to sound innocent.

"But you gave me that look!" I pointed out.

"Oh," she said flatly. I glared at her coldly. We both went silent and watched the live show at her office again. Then, I remembered my dinner date. I decided to wait until the heat cooled some. I hate to give her more to piss me off with. I'm trying to progress forward with being out in the closet. Hm, ten minutes should do it. I watched and waited patiently. When I was sure it was clear, I took in a deep breath and began to speak again.

"Mom," I spoke up. "I'm going to Mer-Bear's house for dinner to meet her family." I waited for a response. The next thing freaked me out some.

"Okay," she said without turning around to face me. I nearly leapt back in surprise. What? She's not arguing with me? She's actually okay with this? There had to be some sort of a trick...

"That's it?" I asked her. "You're cool with this? No arguments or snarky comments? You're just okay with me going to my girlfriend's house for dinner tonight to meet her family." My mother paused and turned to face me. I braced myself for an argument. I braced myself for an earful. But instead, she kept the nice girl act full and perfect.

"Yeah," Mom replied. "You wanted me to behave, so that is what I'm doing. So go on, enjoy your dinner date. Nothing's stopping you." Then she turned back to her computer to watch the live show at the office. I just stood there shocked. Uh... what just happened? My mom is okay with me going to Mer-Bear's house for dinner tonight? I looked at her uneasily. She's up to something. I just know it. I can just feel it. What, I don't know. I quietly walked up the stairs to my room. I have to be on very guard with this lady. She is always plotting some way to make Morgan and I see things are way in the end. Not this time! I plan to stay with Mer-Bear until the end. And that is final my friends!

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