Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Deadly Chemical Life (Sequel to My Simple Chemical Life)

The Surprise Guest

by Moonshyne 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-10-19 - Updated: 2008-10-19 - 1943 words - Complete

Bob felt noticeably uncomfortable as he stretched his collar with his forefinger.

“We need to get out of here,” he finally said.

“We would need to get through the valets and that could take a while. Kelsey has a carriage house beyond the pool near the beach.”

“A carriage house?”

“It was converted to a two bedroom in-law. It’s there for when Tyler wants to stay and keep away from his parents.”

“The twelve bedrooms aren’t enough?”

“Not for Tyler and his parents when they are fighting.”

“No one will know we’re there?”

“No, it’s kind of hidden amongst the shrubbery.”

Bob peeked out into the foyer and noticed that Holloway looking at the guest and then focused his attention to his bandmates, who were talking to Adam.

“So you know that woman over there?” asked Gerard, “she seems your type.”

Adam looked over at Rachel, “What the hell is she doing here?” Adam’s line sight only revealed her until a person moved. “Better yet what the fuck is he doing here?”

“Ex girlfriend Adam?” smiled Ray.

“Worse, she’s Bob and Madison’s lawyer, and the guy is the one that is after him, I guess them now.”

They watched as Kelsey, being the proper hostess, made her way over to the couple, with John in tow.

“Hi, I’m Kelsey Skakel and this is John Mitchell.”

Barry, staring at the five men talking, almost choked on his champagne when he heard that. Barry was sure of one thing now. If John was here so were Madison and Bob.

“Hello Miss Skakel, my name is Rachel Cole and this is my husband Barry Holloway.”

John and Kelsey looked at each other each knowing the name very well.

“Nice place you got here? How many rooms if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Twenty-two rooms and seventeen bathrooms,” replied Kelsey with a very polite smile on her face.

“Great place to play hide and seek.”

“Excuse me?” asked Kelsey.

“That’s right you rich kids never played games like that. But I bet you they did,” Barry said pointing to the four members of MCR and Adam. “What makes a nice rich girl like you want to hang out with them?”

“They’re rock stars,” Kelsey answered smugly.

“Who just happen to be best friends with your best friend’s boyfriend who’s wanted for murder.”

“You have me. This is a party to support Bob and Madison’s defense funds. If you look around you will see all their close friends and families.”

“So the two hundred and fifty million she inherited isn’t going to cover it?”

“Well since you’ve made it almost impossible for her to get at it.”

“She can get at it as soon as she turns herself in. Tell you what, I’ll have the DA drop all her charges if she just gives me Bryar. Then she can spend her fortune how ever she wants.”

“I have other guests to attend to, excuse me,” said Kelsey finally.

“You really think Madison is going to give you Bob?” asked Rachel.

“I’m sure she won’t. Just like if it were me you wouldn’t turn me in.”

“Don’t bet on it.”

“Oh honey.”

“Barry you promised there would be no talk of them tonight.”

“I said unless they fall in my lap. And with all these people here, I believe it fell into my lap.”

“For one fucking night I just wanted to be Rachel Holloway.”

“Then why did you introduce yourself as Cole?” With that he turned on his heel leaving his wife standing there with her mouth wide open knowing he was right.

She jumped when Elisabeth came up from behind her, “We need to talk.”

Rachel took a deep breath and sighed, “Talk.”

“Which side are you on? Are you really working in the best interest of my sister?”

“Everything I have done has been in the best interest of Bob and Madison, how dare you question my loyalties.”

“It’s hard not to question them when you have your tongue down the throat of the man who’s trying to throw her in jail.”

“I have proven my loyalties to you and your sister over and over again. I would lose the man I love most in the world if he ever found out how much I have betrayed him protecting your sister and Bob. So don’t you ever second guess me!!”

“Why do you want them to turn themselves in?”

“They’re in a lot of trouble right now and them taking off like that wasn’t a smart move.”

“Well someone has to be looking for the real killer since your husband isn’t.”

“He is actually. He’s making a list of suspects but Mark has that laptop so heavily secured that Barry’s afraid of deleting something important, he really is looking in other directions. He wants to talk to your sister and Bob, I guess some things point towards them, some things points towards him and some make no sense at all. That’s why he needs to talk to Bob.”

“To him Bob’s just another notch in his belt so he wouldn’t care what he had to say.”

“That’s not true. The DA didn’t want to drop the rape even with the evidence showing it was super imposed. The girl wrote a letter to the DA stating how they did that because it was the only way people would believe he really raped her. She said the actual one was never video taped.”

“But those charges are dropped.”

“Barry found the girl and her mother and questioned them until they broke. They did it so she could get a contract with a major movie studio. After Mark’s death she liked the attention and sympathy she was getting and kept the ruse up. If it wasn’t for Barry Bob would still be facing the rape charge, even if he’s cleared for murder. Barry wants to find the truth. We’ve worked together on plenty of cases where my defendant was unjustly accused and Barry helped prove it.”

“So why don’t you just come out with your marriage?”

Rachel laughed at Elisabeth’s question. “Look how you reacted. Every case that we worked on would go into appeal stating bias. It’s just too messy.”

“Do you think he would talk to Chris?”

“I believe so, is he here?”

It was then that they heard a doorbell, they watched as Kelsey opened the door in shock.

“Now he is,” said Elisabeth.

Bob and Madison came back down the servant’s staircase with overnight bags in their hands. They were passing the kitchen where Bob’s mom was feeding Bobby. Bobby saw Bob with the bag and started screaming, “DA DA, DA DA, DA DA, BAH,BAH.”

“Shhhh, I have to go but I’ll be back after nigh nigh,” whispered Bob.


Bob picked up his cousin who immediately stopped crying. He looked at Madison who stood next to him and started stroking the baby’s blonde hair. “Of course he can come,” smiled Madison. “I’ll have Kelsey have someone bring his stuff over.”

“I’ll see you in the morning Ma.” Bob said as he leaned down and kissed his mother on the cheek. The three left from the back door, Madison took the bag as Bob carried his cousin.

Eloise closed the back door then sat down to finish her cup of tea. A few seconds later Holloway came through the door. “Did I just hear a baby?”

“No it was a program I was watching.”

“Oh,” he said noticing that the television was off.

He started to go to the picture window to look out the back yard when he heard a smash. He turned around quickly to find that Mrs. Bryar dropped her tea cup.

Barry looked away just as the trio would have come into his line of sight. Eloise could see them past his shoulder.

“I don’t know what came over me,” she said while steadying herself to get up.

Barry ran to her, “Are you okay?”

She peered over his shoulder and watched as the three disappeared into the bushes.

“I’m sorry it must have been a head rush when I got up.”

Barry helped her to the chair as a caterer came by and cleaned up the spill. After making sure she was okay, Barry made his way to the picture window and just took in the beautifully landscaped surroundings. He never noticed the three figures that entered the kitchen behind him.

“Barry honey,” she walked up to him and rested her arm on his shoulder. “Is everything okay?”

“I look out at this yard and this house and think how life is unfair, we work hard but we have to worry about every little thing. Make sure we have enough in our retirement fund, with my job never knowing what tomorrow will bring. Then I look at the Trenton’s lives and I wonder is having all that money worth it? All their parents are dead, Madison ended up with a greedy lawyer husband that kept her away from the man she loves, who is now being charged with his murder. Life is unfair and the more I think about it, it really isn’t for us. So I guess it ain’t worth it but damn it would be nice to find out.”

“It’s not worth it at all,” said Elisabeth quietly.

Barry turned around to the teenager and noticed a very handsome man who wasn’t her boyfriend.

“Barry,” said Rachel, “Meet Chris.”

“Computer Chris?”

“The one and only, seems like his uncle has some very interesting information.”

“So Chris what light are you going to shed.”

“My uncle sent one of his ‘friends’ to check on Gadsen. When he got there, there was already a car parked down the street. He started to pulled in but noticed a dark brown Lexus, so he pulled out and waited just outside the entrance. A few minutes later the Lexus came barreling out with it’s wheels squealing almost hitting the guy. He got a decent view of the people in the car. There was two of them, a blonde girl and some guy. My uncle’s friend said he looked really familiar. Right after they pulled out the other car pulled in, it was Bryar. My uncle’s friend took off because the place was getting too hot.”

“So he didn’t stick around to hear if there was any gun shots after Bryar got there.”

“No but he swore he heard at least one maybe two while he was in the driveway.”

“Not a third?”


Barry rubbed his forehead, “I take it your uncle’s friend won’t talk to me.”

“He’s in jail for some petty stuff, maybe get him a deal and he might. As long as my uncle’s not implicated, or if anyone finds out he was there.”

“I’ll do what I can though. I liked Madison and Kelsey they’re good people.”

“That just made things interesting,” said Rachel.

“I think I found you another suspect, no make that two suspects,” said Elisabeth smugly.

“There were three gunshots sweetheart, so don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.” He turned to Rachel, “Now to find a dealership who rented a dark brown Lexus a month ago and take a trip to Rikers.”
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