Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Northern Downpour Sends It's Love

If all our life is but a dream

by burndownthedisco 6 reviews

What will Brendon do? He cant just leave ryan... but ryan left him...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-10-19 - Updated: 2008-10-21 - 716 words

hello hello. got a few ideas for the story, and i dont really wanna do my home work... so here i am.
writing more for northern downpour.after
by the way, i just edited this. former name = you clicked your heels and wished for me. after later observation, that title was more appropriate for the next chapter.
this chapter is not to be confused for chapter 4.


Brendon wardered aimlessly through the blank halls of the hospital. He could go home, their was no reason for him to still be their. He liked it at the hospital. During the week he had spent their, he had grown attached to the steady hum of machines. But, their was one sound that was missing. The sound of a monitor. A heart. The sound of Ryans breath.

Brendon glided past the dark windows, only now noticing the time. It had to be past midnight, no point in going home now. He had spent the past week sleeping in the waiting room, waiting for someone to tell him that he could leave. But no, he wouldn't leave, not even if they told him to. Not until Ryan was alive. Brendon's thoughts had taken on an insane edge ever since Ryan died. He still thought that he could bring Ryan back.

Some how, he thought staying around the place where he died would help. That by crying in his old hospital room would some how bring him back. But all it did was make the whole situation seem surreal. Brendon had taken to talking to the picture of Ryan he kept in his wallet, just hoping Ryan would come up behind him and ask, "Why are you talking to a picture of me? I'm right here, I never left." Deep down, Brendon new Ryan wasn't coming back. But he still wished that somehow he could.

His thoughts carried him out the emergency room door. The cool air hit him with such a force, that he fell down to the sidewalk. Tho the wind was not fierce, the memories it brought were. This was the first time Brendon had been outside since Ryans death, and the night was almost exactly the same. Their was the same chill in the air, one that sent a shiver down your spine tho it wasn't that cold. The trees had the same devilish look to them, and the shadows looked like they would eat the small mice that scurried through them. Yes, it was a creepy night, but Brendon couldn't seem to make his feet go back to the waiting room.

His breathing turning ragged with tears, Brendon looked out into the night. It was quiet, unusually quiet for a hospital. The sidewalk beneath him seemed to grow colder with each passing second. Brendon finally got up and started to walk towards the bench across the road. He stuffed his hands in the pocket of Ryans hoddie. Ryan had given it to him on their first date... The sleeves of it were now covered in blood, Ryans blood. But Brendon couldn't bear to wash it. That would be like washing Ryan out of his life.

Brendon's eyes wandered off, scanning the sky for anything worth his interest. With a sudden burst of light, a star came shooting across the sky. Brendon stopped walking to gaze at the falling gem. A small memory in the back of his head reminded him of when he and Ryan would wish on stars. What the hell. Thought Brendon. Its worth a try. "Please, i just wish Ryan would come back to me...." Brendon whispered quickly. He was barley able to get the words out, as he was crying so hard. He fell to his knees, covering his face with his hands. Brendon couldn't even say how much Ryan meant to him, he meant more then his own life. If their was some small way to make Ryan to come back, Brendon would find it.

A loud horn sounded through the night, and Brendon just had time to look up before the headlights of an ambulance came rushing towards him.


Bwa ha ha ha ha!!! now thats what i call a cliff hanger. or, i duno. but, i now know where the story is going! yay! wish me luck on chapter four!
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