Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The truth

The truth

by Inuyonas 1 review

Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Humor - Published: 2008-11-10 - Updated: 2008-11-10 - 234 words

In the valley of death Two extraordinary ninja Stand facing each other....They are both at their limits.

"How many times must i tell you Naruto you cant keep me here in your precious little village." Sasuke said. "Sasuke im not letting you leave i don care if i die you are not leaving!!!!" Naruto shouted. " So clueless dobe." Sasuke said smirking. " Clueless? no youre the one thats clueless. Leaving such a great country to do what? be with Orochimaru. You see when im Hoka-" Sasuke cut him off. "Shut that bullshit up!!! You talk of becoming Hokage and yet you dont know shit about the damn country. The Fire Country is evil. You kknow thats just what the country needs another clueless Hokage." "So my father was clueless? He saved the country." Naruto shot back. "Which was the biggest mistake ever." Sasuke said "The first hokage and the second hokage had nothing to do with it and the third was too kind hearted. A great ninja but a fool. The 4th learned of it and proceded to stop it but the beast sealed inside attacked the village on the same day he was going o carry out his plan." Sasuke said. "What is IT?" Naruto said. "COme with me and find out." Sasuke said.

With that said Naruto made the most life changing decision of all.......he left with his raven haired friend.
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