Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Smile for the Paparazzi
Smile for the Paparazzi
(#) itsmejessica 2008-11-17
LOL damn girl i just found my way back to this page! i got lost on the tiffany's website! thanks a lot! =P|10101|10001|-1|990200406|15051|15051.15057
here's my engagement ring. it went onsale like a week after my fiance got it. nice, huh? LOL! he picked it out himself, so i'm proud.|10101|10001|-1|80164522|15051|15051.15058.15111
that's my wedding ring.|10101|10001|-1|25127360799|15051|15051.15058.15114
and that's his.
nice job on the ring! and gabe being romantic! i love it! :) i saw cobra starship on friday night and it was fantabulous! i actually thought about you and your story! heee!Author's response
Your ring is super gorgeous, congratulations. I'm glad you were thinking about me, although it's a little odd that random people think about me.
I wanted to go see them on the 20th, but after I graduated all my emo concert friends scattered across the country. Now all I have to go with is my sister, and she's a loser.Smile for the Paparazzi
(#) doyleangel 2008-11-17
Have I told you how much I lvoe this story? OOO I can't wait to see what happens next. Super excited. I got to see Cobra when they were in San Antonio on the 8th. Ah i love them.Smile for the Paparazzi
(#) itsmejessica 2008-11-17
thank you!
lol awh i'm always flattered when random people think about me! i'm sorry if i weirded you out dude! =PAuthor's response
It's all good. Now that I think about it, it's kind of cool. Like I have fans.
I will be signing autographs from 2 to 3 by the merch tent.Smile for the Paparazzi
(#) xoconverse 2008-11-17
first off, i hope New York is good. I hope your job is good. the 12-14 hour days sound shitty, and may your dog rest in peace. Poor puppy. Also, get better! flu sucks...
second, that chapter was awesome! i loved it!
gabe was so sweet!
“If by ‘make’ you mean order it, pay the delivery guy and dump it on a plate, then yes.”
and funny! hahaha
the ring was very pretty.
& the marshmallows! hahaha that was an amazing chapter(: great update!
hope you feel better!
hey itsmejessica! my concert went better than expected... i had early entry tickets but zach ended up giving us a meet and greet which was amazing. then i was at the barricades for the whole concert and i was freaking out. it was my first time seeing them and it was awesome. really had a good time. they did a great job.
aww your fiance is so awesome! seriously, that was really sweet of him. and i hope he is okay in iraq.
hahaha i went all fan girly!
how did your concert go? i hope well!
anyway, congratulations! i saw your rings and they are really gorgeous! man your fiance seems awesome... getting you panic tickets, picking out pretty rings... lol
end of the longest review ever... sorry!Smile for the Paparazzi
(#) alex_-nods- 2008-11-18
wow so many awsome pretty rings...
that was such a cute chapter
haha afraid of marshmellows
i hope you feel better (:Smile for the Paparazzi
(#) Krickster 2008-11-18
I lovee it!! I have been reading for sometime now but this is my first review. i am interested to see where its going to go hhehehehe like super interested. i have passed it on to otherss i write with to get them to read it XOX UnicornAuthor's response
Thank you! It boggles my mind when people say they like it that much. I mean, I just make it up a I go along.
To be honest, I haven't read any of it since I wrote it. Which is probably why I introduce a lot of stuff and then forget about it by the next chapter. Like, in my last story (you should read those too.) I kept forgetting that the character had a dog, so it would pop up every few chapters and disappear again.Smile for the Paparazzi
(#) ixamxnotxaxnugget 2008-11-18
awww that was so cute!! :D update, update, update!!!
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