Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Like I Did Yesterday


by disturbedangel6 7 reviews

Nicole's friends go wtf about Gerard and Nicole is unhappy.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-11-21 - Updated: 2008-11-21 - 1048 words

"I swear that Gerard guy is so weird!" Maria huffed and stuck her small plastic spoon of ice cream in her mouth.
I nodded my head slowly as I played with my spoon.
"He's just fucked up in the head, Nicole. Just don't worry about him," Toni looked at me sincerely, her honey brown eyes glisened a little. "You know you're always welcome to stay at my house."
"I know," I answered her. I never gave her a real stable reason as to why I still aren't staying at her house.
"But," Maria spoke up, she had that thoughtful look on her face. Usually when she holds a face like that it means that what she was about to speak is something that is right. "He seems like he cares about you, maybe almost regretting the fact that he was ignoring you for years. Maybe even the visiting your mother at the cemetery must have triggered something in him."
Toni looked at her in a smug face.
What if she was right? Could it be? I scanned through all the scenes of the past. No, for once Maria is not right. I looked up to see both of my friends were staring at me questioningly.
I don't know how Toni, Maria and I are friends. We're almost opposites. Toni is wild and outrageous. Shes not afraid to be alone at a party because she's got the courage to make new friends. Maria on the other hand is extremely quiet and bashful. She's so smart too, in school and social life although she hasn't gone far with a guy. Unlike Toni who has different boyfriends every month, she has a steady boyfriend. They look so cute together and have been together for as long as I remember. Me on the other hand is dateless, always had and always will be. I'm quiet too but I'm not smart and my goal in life is to find true love. Its been 18 years and I still didn't find any... minus my liking of Gerard for as long as I can remember.
"What?" I looked back at them.
"Don't you agree?" Maria asked.
I shrugged.
"Of course she doesn't agree. It's a stupid reason, Gerard never stopped ignoring her and how in the world would he somehow go nice to her?"
"It's called sympathy and maybe miracle too," Maria rolled her eyes.
"No such thing as miracle honey," Toni tapped her shoulder.
I sighed, "Let's change the subject, shall we?" it wasn't really a question. "So have you guys thought about renting that apartment?"
Maria gave me that look that said we'll-talk-about-it-later.

As I have expected, life was back to normal. Well not normal, but back to how it's always been. Gerard kept ignoring me and not to forget he didn't look at me too. I acted as if I was fine with it, but I knew I wasn't and I hated it. It was 9 days after the little argument that we had, yes I was counting and nothing has change to my hope. That night I ate my dinner in the kitchen where Gerard also came in and grabbed a few things and left to eat somewhere else other than the kitchen. It felt as if my heart broke into so many pieces from so much emotions and that all the sharp pieces were jabbing pain to my organs and I was bleeding internally. That would be a perfect way to die. That night I did cry as I have predicted, and I tried not to make a sound which I failed in but Gerard wouldn't hear from his sleep or if he did hear, he would not have cared. Like any other teenage girl like me, I could call a friend and let all my feelings out but I couldn't. They would so think that I am freak for crushing on a man that was close to double my age. So I was going at this alone, like I have been since my mother died. Maybe this is my destiny, to be alone.

I blinked my eyes open, it was morning... again. It was getting annoying to wake up miserable everyday. My cheeks felt tight and dry from my tears drying up from last night. I sat up and realised the dream that I had in my sleep. It was almost real. I don't really remember most of the dream but I do remember Gerard appearing in my dream and stroking his slendor fingers across my cheeks. It was almost as he did it in reality. I wish he did. I shrugged, it was the best dream so far anyway. I stretched my arms and dragged my legs off the bed. I sat on my bed for awhile as I was lazy to get up. I let my eyes wander to my bedside table where I noticed that was a fresh piece of note placed on top of my books. I didn't do anything at first, I just stared at it as my mind got excited of impossible possibilities. I sighed and unfolded the paper. I narrowed my eyes to read the unlegible scribbled handwriting.
I'm off to LA to catch up with the guys. We need to exchange ideas and discuss of the songs that we are going to use for the new album. I'll be back home the day after tomorrow. Not to sound weird or anything but I heard sobbing last night and I think we need to talk about... everything. It's okay if you don't want to I guess.


My breath was caught in my throat from what I read. My eyes were wide open from it. Gerard just wrote this for me? To let me know where he is? But he has never done that before. After almost 30 minutes of staring at the letter and analysing each and every word, I laid back onto my bed and closed my eyes and daydreamed about him for the first half of the day.

My fingers are hurting again from doing this from my hiptop
I'm like getting all these letters to do small drawing tests in tafes and unis for next years
I'm hoping I can study fine arts xD

Anyways hope you like it
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