Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > heaven help us

More Than Friends Frankie

by xx__ilovemikey__xx 4 reviews

frank is invited to gee's for the afternoon and gee desperatley wants to tell frank how he feels...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-11-27 - Updated: 2008-11-30 - 1517 words - Complete

Gerards POV

Friday came around far too quickly.

The week had gone by in a blur of golden eyes and a certain person that smelled off faint coffee and sugar.

"Frankie?" I whispered, half way through last period chemistry.
"Yeah Gee..." the velvet soft voice replied

"Do you wanna come over to mine this weekend?" i blurted out in my desperation not to lose him for the whole weekend.

"You mean like a sleepover!" he shouted excitedly and the class fell silent.

Frank looked around breifly at the various people, now watching him and his adorable cheeks flushed a pale pinky colour but he smiled and shrugged, turning towards me awaiting an answer.

"uh yeah sure" i smiled
"Wow Gee! i've never been to a sleepover before! Of course i will come!" he said, slightly quieter but i was thankful that everyone had gone back to the lesson.

"Okay so i'll pick you up later then" i whispered back and he smiled before turning his concentration back to chemisrty.

Me and Frank had gotten really close in the past week, maybe too close as i was sure i didnt think of him as just a friend.

The bell startled me out of my thoughts and Frankie was already standing above me, grinning.

"So pick me up at six" he said and threw his arms around me in a quick hug, before skipping out of the class, leaving me sitting with a bewildered expression glued to my face.


I couldnt get home quick enough, even though i knew i would still have to wait till six no matter how early i was ready.

i spent a good part of the afternoon coming up with something decent to wear, thinking that maybe, just maybe, Frank would look back at me and think the same as i did for him.
By five o'clock I had managed to make myself late as i ran around my room, trying to make it look presentable and quickly outlining my, already dark, eyes.
My eyes were almost black and icy cold compared to Frankie's honey coloured warm eyes.

Mikey came knocking on my door, i answered to his confused expression.
"Yeah Mikey?" i snapped at him.

He looked me up and down and a smug grin appeared across his face as he spoke.
"Going somewhere special?" he teased
"I'm just having a friend over. Is that all you wanted" i said bluntly, glancing at the clock.

"Must be one hell of a special friend for you to get dressed up" Mikey replied, still grinning
"No. He is just a friend to me Mikey." i lied and he raised his eyebrows

"I have to go. i'm gonna be late" i pushed past him.
"Yeah wouldnt want to keep the special guy waiting" Mikey's teasing voice called.

He knew me inside out but he didnt know just how right he was about Frank being 'special'.
Frank was more than a special friend to me but i only wished he felt the same.

I half-ran to Frank's and it took me longer than i had planned as the directions he had scrawled, in his beautiful handwriting on a piece of paper, didnt really make much sense until i realised that the silly boy had written them from the point of view as if he were walking from his own house to the school, so they were backwards, but i got there eventually.

"Gee!" Frankie came running out of his house when he saw me.
I had only made it halfway up the path before he almost knocked me over with one of his hugs.

He looked gorgeous; his hair had been straightened carefully over his face and he had a red and black striped top on, with tight black skinny jeans that made him look beyond words. His breathtaking golden eyes had been outlined in black but much more carefully than mine had been.
I breathed in his sweet scent of coffee and hugged him back.

We walked up to my place as Frankie babbled about math homework and chemistry notes.
I guessed that he either just liked to talk or there could have been a chance that he actually found it interesting, but either way, i tried to listen and failed miserably, giving up and just nodding in the right places seemed to keep him happy enough.

As we neared my house, an uneasy feeling began to build in my stomach.

"Gee?" Frank said
"Uhu?" i replied, not listening properly

He turned to face me and his honey gold eyes met with mine and sparkled in the sun.
"You look very pretty today" he said softly and his lips kissed my cheek breifly before he smiled and skipped on down the street.

I felt slightly dizzy as i tried to take in what had happened but Frank seemed content with the slience.

"Frankie you look way um... 'prettier' than i do but thanks" i replied eventually.

I should have said something better but nothing, that was right to say, would come to mind.

We got in and my parents were out but by the sounds of Mikey shouting abuse at the tv upstairs, it was evident that he was home.

I knocked lightly on his door as Frank hovered nervously behind me.

"Bit of a short date Gee, did the 'special friend' not feel the same way!" he called from his room and i could hear him chuckling to himself as my face flushed bright red and Frankie's giggles could be heard from behind me.

"Mikey for fuck sake would you pick your ass up and come to the door!" i snapped at him

A minute later Mikey opened his door in my x-men t-shirt and a faded pair of tight black jeans.
He glanced towards Frank, then towards the best glare i was trying to give him and a small smirk formed on his face.

"Mikey. This is Frank" i said and pulled frank to my side while trying to ignore Mikey's stupid smile.
"Well its nice to meet you Frank, Gerard doesnt bring 'friends' home often" Mikey said to Frank
"Its good to meet you too Mikey, i heard you and Gerard are quite close, i would love to have a brother" Frank replied with a smile

"Me and Frankie are just going to my room" i cut in and headed to my room.
"Frankie?" Mikey said, raising his eyebrows

He saw the adorable giggle come from Frank and frowned, the frown i knew so well -worry-

"Gerard uh can i talk to you for a moment?" he said
"can it wait?" i asked, trying to keep my tone light
"No." he replied bluntly and i shuffled over to him

He tugged me into his room and continued to frown at me.

"Gerard i'm only gonna say this once but you have to listen to me" he began
"I know how difficult it is for you to think of anyone but yourself, but if you really love him then you will" he continued

It took me a moment to process
"you mean Frankie?" i said, confused

"Gerard i know you...i know you cant help it but you cant let yourself get carried away, remind yourself how much you love him and i know you do. Just look after him, thats all im saying" he said with a ,now, worried expression.

Mikey knew how awful i got when i drank or got angry, he remembered the nights when i came stumbling in, shouting and smashing anything in my path, probably better than i did but there was no way i could ever hurt Frank.

"Thanks Mikey but I...I love Frank and i will never ever hurt him" i asssured him
He sighed and led me out to an awkward looking Frankie, standing in the hall.

Frank turned and grinned at me as i led him into my room.
"Wow! Your room is awsome Gee!" frank shouted as he ran around, running his fingertips over various dull objects in my room.

"It's not that exciting sweetie" i replied dully
He stopped and turned towards me.

"Gee... is there something you want to tell me?" he said as he walked towards me, stopping less than an inch away from my face.
"" i stuttered, melting under his beautiful gaze.

"You dont have to be afraid...maybe i think the same... i heard what you said to Mikey" he breathed and without giving me a chance to reply, pressed his warm soft lips against mine.


A/N hey everyone i'm really sorry if this has loads of crappy spelt words but i was trying to get this chapter typed up before i get kicked off the computer (in 3 minutes) so hope you like it and it is about to get way more exciting i just had to put in this part so you dont get confused. review and let me know how its going and if you want more cause i dont wanna keep writing if you dont like it.
xoxo stazzia
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