Categories > Original > Drama > Play: Full-Framed Glasses.

Scene Two.

by xl0nelywriterx 0 reviews

See prev.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-12-12 - Updated: 2008-12-13 - 294 words


(A coat rack is placed on stage left. A desk is placed right with a fan and a pile of papers, a man, Darren, is working on the papers, penciling stuff in, throwing out useless resumes that he would not have ever considered, etc. Diane walks on with a light coat on and a folder)
(Diane: in her 20th year)
(Darren: in his 28th year)

DIANE. This is South Square Designs, correct?
DARREN. (not giving a damn. He is doing his work) Yes, it is.
DIANE. Are you...are you hiring?

(Darren looks up and sees Diane. He shows interest)

DARREN. Um...well, not particularly. But we could...we could manage something, yeah. We could.
DIANE. Oh, great. Thank god, I've been to at least like, twenty different places. Sorry, I just got out of college and I'm really ready to look for my first...well, y'know, job...(she hands him the folder) My resume.
DIANE. It's not much...but...
DARREN. No, no. I'll, I'll look it over. What's your name?
DIANE. Diane DiGarmo.
DARREN. (chuckles) Italian?
DIANE. Excuse me?
DARREN. Are you Italian?
DIANE. Yeah. A little bit. And Jewish...but I don't think that constitutes as a nationality.
DARREN. (laughing) I don't think it does.

(Diane laughs)

DARREN. I'm just Black. Darren Rogers. Nothing exciting.
DIANE. Well, I find nationalities exciting. It's interesting to learn about a person's culture. It can tell a lot about them.
DARREN. Do you mean that?
DIANE. (laughing) No, I guess not.
DARREN. Then why'd you say it?
DIANE. To make conversation.
DARREN. Why would you make forced conversation?
DIANE. Why would you ask that question?
DARREN. Touche.

(Diane smiles)

DARREN. I like you. You're hired. Come in Monday. 9:00 AM. Got it?

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