Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Rehabilitation

Wouldn't It Be Great if We Were Dead?

by ipanicdaily 3 reviews

"My name is Michael James Way! I'm your younger brother!" Mikey said, still crying.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-12-14 - Updated: 2008-12-14 - 1587 words - Complete

Ch.1--Wouldn't It Be Great If We Were Dead?

Frank's POV

Mikey ended up passing out on my couch so, being nice, I covered him with a blanket then went to my room. As far as I was concerned, he was just another thing of the past. When Gerard and I broke up, Mikey freaked out on me and said it was all my fault. He even would call me up just to yell at me or tell me that Gerard was miserable. I have no idea why I never blocked him from my phone or changed my number. I guess, in a small way, I still liked to hear how Gerard was doing.

Ray and Bob, the only friends I have left, said that they would come over in the morning to get Mikey and take him back to see Gerard. I had no intention of going to see him. He wanted me out of his life and I was staying out of it. Memory or not, I was still furious at him.

Falling onto my bed, I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling. Often I would have problems sleeping at night. I would just lay here and stared at a ceiling until my eyes just couldn't stay open. If I was having a particularly bad night, I would drink or take some sleeping pills. Sure I'm fucked up; who isn't nowadays though?

Most nights I would just drink to get rid of the memories. The memories of the good days. The days when I was part of the long gone band My Chemical Romance in which myself, Ray, Bob, Mikey, and Gerard were a part of. The days when Gerard was my boyfriend and we shared a bond of love. Those days though are buried deep in the earth and minds of everyone. We all have our own lives now; though none of them are anything to boast about.

Ray is a drug dealer now. I have no idea how it happened. He needed money or something and slipped into it. I don't judge him though; I have no right. Like I said, my nights are spent drinking. I've been kicked out of many local bars for over-drinking then starting fights. Bob; I'm actually not sure what's going on with Bob. He doesn't really speak to any of us unless we call him. He's nice and all when he does talk to us but he's distant. Mikey, from what Ray told me, is struggling to get by. He has a small apartment and a job at a book store. Then Gerard I was told went back to living in the basement of his parents house. Nothing for any of us to be overly proud of.

When we were a band, we had something; we did something. We changed lives. What do we have now? Booze, pills, drugs, car crashes, memory loss, and really fucked up lives. Sure, I would love to go back to the days when we had it all. The days when we were on top of the world. What I wouldn't give to go back to those days. I can't though; none of us can. The past is the past and we can't change it.

Gerard and I; that's the one thing I would sell my soul to have again. It was perfect; when the love was there. He would do anything for me and I would do anything for him. When we were together, I could laugh and smile. I found that when we broke up, I seemed to lose those simple actions. I can smile, but it's not really a smile. It's fake. Everyone who knows me knows that it's a fake smile as well. Laughter; I don't think I could if I tried. I haven't heard laughter from anyone other than the television since we all went our separate ways. No one has reasons to laugh; no one has a reason to be happy.

Gerard and I ended when he met Bert McCracken from The Used. At first it was a simple friendship; then it turned into they would make-out. That didn't bother me though. Gerard liked to kiss people. Then though it turned into Bert giving Gerard drugs. I would try to stop Gerard from taking the cocaine or whatever else Bert gave him but Gerard wouldn't listen to me; he told me that he needed them to survive. Bert started telling Gerard how I was trying to keep him from being happy. It was a lie though. I was trying to save Gerard's life. No one would believe me though, especially not Mikey, when I told them that Gerard was doing drugs. Then it happened.

One night before a show I found him on the bus, eyes vacant and smile plastered on his face. I knew he was high. I had seen that look before. When I tried to help him and try to get his drugs away he said it to me. I fucking hate you Frank Iero and I want you out of my fucking life. Hurt, I walked off the bus and had one of the crew from our tour take me to the airport where I bought a ticket and came back to Jersey. I had enough of Gerard. I had enough of watching him waste himself away. Since then, I haven't spoken to him. And I still have no intention of doing so.

Gerard's POV

I woke up in a hospital. The crying man was sitting by me, still crying a little. "Gerard!" He said when our eyes met. I assume that is my name. I don't remember my name so I will believe him. "Gerard, do you remember me?!"

"No." I told him, confused about everything still. "Sorry." More tears fell from his eyes. "Please don't cry." I asked him. Watching him cry made me want to cry. I already wanted to cry because I don't know what happened or who I am. Apparently I should know him but I can't remember him. I'm so confused.

"Gerard, it's me; Mikey." He said, wiping his eyes and pleading. The crying man is Mikey. I need to remember that. "I-I'm your brother." Mikey said and I continued to stare at him. "You seriously don't remember me?"

"No." I told him again and he put his face in his hands. "I'm sorry Mickey."

"Mikey!" He half yelled at me. I need to remember that. I really do. If he is my brother then I should know his name. I don't remember having a brother. He's really thin and has short brown hair. His t-shirt says 'Misfits' and I wonder what it stands for. "My name is Michael James Way! I'm your younger brother!" Mikey said, still crying.

"Oh. Am I Gerard?" I asked him, still confused by it all. His head fell back into his hands and he pulled out a phone. I remember what that is which is a good thing. I can remember objects and places; I can tell you how to do things and where I am. I just can't remember people, situations, or relationships.

"Yes!" He said loudly. It scared me. "I'm sorry." Mikey must have noticed my fear because his voice became quieter. I think I jumped. "You're Gerard Arthur Way." He said in a quieter voice. "You're my older brother by like three years. Your birthday is April 9, 1977. Mine is September 10, 1980."

"Oh. Am I mean to you? I hope not. You seem very nice." I told him with a smile and he smiled back a little.

"No, we have a very good relationship actually. A lot of siblings fight a lot but we get along like best friends. You are my best friend Gee."

"Gee?" Confusion is back.

"Sorry; that's your nickname." He explained to me. "Everyone calls you 'Gee' instead of Gerard."
"Oh." I looked to my hands, telling myself over and over that his name is Mikey and mine is Gerard, but people like to call me Gee. "What happened?"

"You were in a car crash. You hit your head and that's why you can't remember anything." Mikey told me, no longer crying which made me feel better. "You're going to be fine though."

"That's good." I said, hoping I was right.

"You're going to come stay with me when you leave here. I don't want you with mum or dad because they're blowing this way out of proportion. Plus, my house is the only place Frank won't come."

"Who's Frank?" I asked, curious as to why he wouldn't go to my brother's house.

"No one." Mikey said, his voice harsh and cold. I decided Frank must be someone we don't like. I made a mental note of it. "Ray's house isn't safe and I have no idea what's up with Bob."

"Ray...Bob...?" I don't think Mikey remembered that I have no idea who these people are.

"Ray and Bob are our friends." He said. More mental notes. Ray, Bob, friends. "You'll see them later."

"Ok." I said with a smile. I like Mikey. He's nice and is explaining everything to me. I really wish I could remember though. "Ray and Bob are friends. We don't like Frank though." I was trying to make sure I was right.

"No," there was sadness in Mikey's eyes again, "We don't like Frank."


A/N--- I know it's short right now, it'll get longer; promise

and it will get better. xD

xoxo Tabi
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