Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Like I Did Yesterday


by disturbedangel6 5 reviews

Nicole gets her answer.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-12-17 - Updated: 2008-12-17 - 747 words

I occasionally held my breath so you couldn't hear my breathing. I couldn't even hear Gerard breathe and I felt weird for listening to my breathing. I bit my bottom lip and concentrated on a spot on the wall. I didn't want to turn to Gerard. I was kinda glad that my dark brown hair fell over the side of my face so he couldn't see me. I let out the breath that I was holding and it sounded like a loud sigh. My eyes widened, my right hand gripped onto my left. I didn't want him to think I was bored from not talking. I actually enjoyed the last few moments of silence.
I heard Gerard breathe in and felt him shift a bit.
"Nicole, I... I feel so stupid for not having any sympathy. I've been so selfish," he sighed.
I made sure that I didn't lay my eyes on him. I didn't move an inch; just waited for him to continue.
"Uh... as you know I'm over a decade older than you," he paused.
I slightly turned to see his reaction. I needed to see some body language, any body language that will show signs of what he might say.
He ran his hand over the side of his face and avoided my eyes. "And well Nicole, I'm your step father. Things like that aren't supposed to happen," he turned to me with an apologetic face.
I searched him face for any other signs. I hoped that he would start laughing right now say that he was kidding. Nothing, he just turned away from me. I bet he was impatient for me to leave. I tried to take in the message and when I did, I bolted off.

I didn't get the fact why I was still crying and sobbing over this when I already predicted that this would happen. I mean I was hoping for something that was too impossible to happen. It was stupid really. For hoping for something stupid. But he has a reason right? I mean he sounded responsible and didn't want to break the law. If there is a law like that, that is. At least he rejected me in a nice way... but it was still a rejection.
I forced myself up off the bench that I was sitting in. I didn't go that far from home, just not even a kilometre away. I sighed and looked around the empty park, what would happen next overwhelmed me greatly. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just go back home like nothing ever happened, plus Gerard wouldn't want to see my face again. Who would? I'm nothing anyway.
Where to go... was running through my head. I needed to do something that will keep me occupied. I wasn't thinking of those over exaggerated stuff like going to a club, getting drunk or fucking some guy's cock off. I just needed someone to talk to, to ball my eyes out, to let go of these emotions that were trapped inside my chest. I cursed myself for forgetting my phone at home. In fact I didn't bring anything with me. I headed towards the main road of the suburb that I lived in, Maria lived close to the road so I decided that she was the one that I was going to torture with my sobbings.

It was like hiking to her house from the road tilted like a hilll. I finally made it to her house and I hoped that whoever answered the door it would be Maria because I couldn't stop the tears flowing down my cheek.
"Nicole?" Maria opened the door and her eyes widened when she saw the pathetic sight of me. "Oh my god are you okay?" she ran to my side.
I just shook my head as a no.
"Oh baby, come in!" she ushered me into the lounge and handed me the box of tissues.
I dried my tears with the tissue and tried not to sob too much.
"Babe, what happened?" she asked.
"Promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked.
She nodded.

It was funny to see that I still had hope about this whole situation. How odd.

Usually I would like update every week haha
But yea been kinda chaotic this week
Mum and bro went overseas for 7 weeks and been missing them
Also had another massive fight with dad...
This isn't as good
But gimme a chance

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