Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
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(#) cast_a_shadow 2009-01-01
i love the second one and the guitar in the first... i am determined to help name them!
i just wish the lyrics werent all squished though.
post more music!
xokimoriginal songs...
(#) corruptionchild 2009-01-01
Hey, I honestly think you have a talent. I especially liked the first song and I think you have a pretty good voice. I would definately listen to more of your songs. :)
Simone xoxoAuthor's response
thanks, i appreciate it :)original songs...
(#) MyFamousLastWords 2009-01-01
I like your voice, It has a bounce (No idea) to it. Maybe singing lessons to get it in tune?
And I think your very good at playing guitar. I is jealous!
I liked the songs. And since you don't have names why don't you try, for the first one.
If I Had You.
Will I.
The Sunset.
And I only have one name for the second 'cause I suck xD
At The Beginning.
Meh, trying to help. But yeah I liked them. (:
ML, Fin Ox.Author's response
yeah, i want singing lessons so bad but im too shy. it would probably give me more confidence though...
and thanks about the guitar comment. ive been playing for a year and i love it way too much. its like all i do, hah :)original songs...
(#) IeroMyHero 2009-01-02
Whoa. You're kidding me right? One year. One year?! Damn girl, you're really good and my jealousy is tearing me apart.
And your voice is pretty cool as
well. I'm just amazed by your guitarring.
I loved the second song it's very catchy. But I unfortunately couldn't view the first one. You should consider being in a band if you're not in one already. Who knows, you might be the next Jimmy Page ;)
-CryssieAuthor's response
haha thanks :)
I'd love to be in a band, but as I said before... I'm really shy. I've started coming out of my shell a little (singing in front of friends, for my family, and of course posting these videos...) but I'm not quite there yet. I'm sure my dad would love me being in a band though because he's always been in bands (as the drummer) and I grew up like around that setting...
I'm about to go on a little rant here, to warn you;
since I was like, three or four, I wanted to be a singer. I know this might sound like all those kids that are like "It's my dream to be a musician!" but, I'm being absolutely serious. At four I would use an old beat up mic, stand on a phone book and sing my heart out.
Then in like second grade I started writing some songs. Not like they were any good... haha they're pretty emberassing. But they were attempts nonetheless.
I started piano in fifth grade, and then guitar last year.
And I know this also might sound stupid, but I find it hard to care about really trying in school, because I already know what I love and I already know what I want to do. I don't care if I suck, I don't care if it sounds like I'm dreaming too big.
All I can think of is growing up to make music, and hopefully make money while doing it... because who doesn't want to get paid doing what they love?
Okay I'm done. Now I have to say something about you profile! :D
I love the thingy about frank in it. That is so absolutely how I feel about him. He's honestly what made me pick up one of my dad's old guitars and teach myself shit. I went to a leathermouth show like december fourth and oh my god... I could probably go on for so long about it. but I won't because the battery on my laptop is about to die. it's at 4%. haa
I should end this now. So I will. :)
courtneyoriginal songs...
(#) IeroMyHero 2009-01-02
Call me a loser, but I always go back and look for author's responses., I'm gonna review-spam you, because when authors give long responses, I tend Sorry. So you don't have to read this. but I swear, for the next to days, I'm gonna be looking back and seeing if you responded. Oh god, I'm such a loser.
Anyway, you know? I'm the same way as you. I am one of those kids who're like "It's my dream to become a musician!" i've been saying that my whole life and no one fucking know how serious I am. When you know what you want, it's hard to admit that you need to do other things too. But amazing musicians have experiences. And maybe this is just me, but the more I go to school, the more seemingly useless things I learn, the better I become at writing songs and improvising on guitar. It's all interconnected. I know I sound like I'm preaching, but I'm just saying...I totally get you. And hopefully, you become successful with your music.
And yeah...Frank Iero. Well, he's an amazing person. The first time I heard Leathermouth, I was like..."That is not Frank." I never imagined him so...I dunno, he seems different in MCR. Leathermouth is so raw and jesus christ, they make me want to break things. Kinda scary. Anyway, I'm starting to ramble. If you put up more songs, I'll listen =]Author's response
Haha you're not a loser, I'm always looking back to see what the author said... I'm like ocd about it. and I don't care that you reviewed again. review me all you want, you seem pretty cool :)
I'm glad you get me, about the music thing. I've only really talked about this with one other person, like really getting into it, and he supported it, but my other friends would probably just be like, "what an idiot"
Just one thing, what do you mean by expiriences? I think I know, but just to clarify...
and about leathermouth, haha it is so just... such a different side of him. And I love it. The first time I heard it, I didn't even know who it was... I always type in random things on like a music site to see what comes up, and I clicked on 'murder was the case that they gave me by leathermouth' and was like, damn. this is what I've been looking for. so I looked up leathermouth and I practically peed myself when I found out it was frank iero! I sprinted downstairs and was like "MOM! DAD! FRANK IERO'S BAND IS LEATHERMOUTH!" they were like "oh. okay." and then I sprinted back up to the computer and looked up more music. this was back in like... june?
Last but not least, thanks about everything. I hope you are too, and maybe someday we'll even end up playing together. Hey, you never know. Don't be afraid to review again, anyone who's this into frank iero and music and my chem is automatically someone I want to be friends with. :)original songs...
(#) IeroMyHero 2009-01-04
Ha, all right. You asked for it. I'm gonna be ranting a lot, then. =]
Yeah, I find it kind of difficult because when people hear something like "i wanna be a musician", they're thinking "i wanna be a famous rockstar" and there's a huge difference. The second one isn't always a part of the first one. Like, it isn't about the fame at all. I've found that no one really takes me seriously, not even my band. They all just think this some pass time. I'm hoping to make it more than that. Like, at least play every Friday at some club. Because I'm not sure I'd be able to live with the disappoinment if I didn't...
By experiences, I dunno, I mean anything, really. It could be as big as the death of a loved one or as small as...I dunno, someone knocking down your books in the hall. But I mean, if you're sitting there with a guitar all day, just playing, there's basically nothing to trigger your creative glands, you know? I'm just using guitar as an example. If you concentrate on any one thing for too long, there's only a certain level of amazingness you can achieve. At least that's what I think.
And AHH! The first time I heard Leathermouth...was like, in 2007 or early 2008 on PureVolume. This was back when they didn't even have half their website done and they had only two songs actually recorded. Pulse and Murder. Aw, but man, I fell in love that day. Frank is the reason I actually got into the screaming thing. Like before I heard him screaming in MCR, I'd hear like my friend listening to screamo music and I just couldn't take it. i was into like...The Beatles. And ABBA. Heh.
I actually look to Ray as more of an inspiration on my guitar because I mean...Jesus, he's amazing but Frank is so...charismatic and he's been through so much crap. My social studies teacher actually knows him and Ray too! And me and my friends dressed up as MCR this year for Halloween and we took a picture and she said she'd get it autographed for us. We were really excited but now it's been over two months and that picture's not signed...I'm getting my hopes up, telling myself it's just because they were off vacationing.
And yeahhh, that would be so awesome if we ended up like, on tour together. And I'd be like "Hey everyone, this is the girl who I met on a fan fiction website." Haha.
Whew, I'm done now. And you seem pretty cool as well. I'm gonna go read some of your stories now.Author's response
I'm so jealous that your teacher knows them!!! How does she, do you know? I would like, bug her way too much about it. I'd ask too many questions and shit. haha. And I'd be like, to your teacher, "BITCH LET ME MEET THEM!" :D
You're making me want to start a band soo bad. It's going to be like my mission when I go back to school tomorrow to be like, "so, uh, know any good musicians?" meheh.
And about the Ray thing, I'm like that too, I just like Frank more because... I don't know. I just do. But whenever my dad's playing guitar (trying) I'm like "Bust into a ray toro solo!" and he just glares at me.
One more thing, where do you live? I don't need an exact location, just a state. Don't think I'm a creeper, ahah, I'm just curious. I live in Maine :)original songs...
(#) black_purrade 2009-01-05
i didn't review this before but i am now. I LOVE THE NEW SONG SO MUCH! and youre other stuff too ^_^
the new song is going to be in my head nonstop... it makes me think of someone...
oman and the story about the s cary noise. haha your mom cracks me upp!
write more and post the music, I'll be back!
-J4CKIEoriginal songs...
(#) easykeys 2009-01-05
Wow! Your super talented :)
You really should join a band!original songs...
(#) IeroMyHero 2009-01-05
I live in New Jersey. The best fucking state ever. No, I'm kidding. But it is pretty awesome. And just to clear up misconceptions, people here aren't as mean or rude as they say...
I live hour away from Belleville =]
And she knows them because she was friends with Ray's mom and her son was an MCR fan, so he got to meet Ray and Frank and play guitar for them and everything. I am so jealous. AND OMFG THE USED ARE GONNA BE AT BAMBOOZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited, I'm hoping I can go. Oh, do you like The Used? They're my favorite band, besides MCR.
And the new song...=O Wow. amazing. Start a band. Or start your solo career. Now.Author's response
LUCKY!!! I would force my parents to drive me to see gerard and mikey's old house. When I go to new york in feb, I am making my mom bring me just to see it. I'm such a loser.
And, I like the used too. Not as much as other bands, but I think they're pretty decent. I used to love them back in middle school.
and haha, thanks, but I actually was talking about the band thing today with my friend adrian, he was like "you should come practice with us sometime!" I was pretty pumped but I'm scared to because my friend abby's exboyfriend is the bass guitar player... and they were like, really really close. so I'd feel like shit...
have you listened to new tomorrow, that band on skeleton crew label? one of there songs sounds JUST LIKE black flag... yup!original songs...
(#) dtng101 2009-01-05
I only have four words to say to you.
'GIRL ENTER AMERICAN IDOL'. You have awsome talents like you could write song lyrics,a good auther,and your good at guitar.
Dude I suck at guitar,and writting lyrics. I envey you lol jk.
It's funny I only write lyrics when I get inspriated.And your inspirating me to write more lyrics.
I agree with IeroMyHero you could start your own band.
keep up the excellent song writting/guitar ;]Author's response
thanks so much!
I don't know about american idol... I don't think I'm good enough. like, three amazing singers at my school tried out and didn't even make it past the producers. and their voices are like, magic.
how long have you been playing guitar? if you happen to check back again...
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