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The Dark Adventure Starts! Ron is Stopped!

by AeroTendo 0 reviews

Ron gets hurt on a mission and Kim has to deal with it! There is also a mysterious portal hanging around and observing everyone, but why? Will Wade go on a date? What is the future for our KP cast....

Category: Kim Possible - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Characters: Kim, Mr. Possible, Mrs. Possible, Ron, Shego - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-03-18 - Updated: 2006-03-18 - 3861 words

Kim Possible: Ron Stopped
Story by Aero Tendo
AN: This takes place some time after the "So the Drama" movie.

Chapter 1:The Dark Adventure Starts! Ron Stoppable is Stopped!

(At School)
Kim Possible was walking casually along with her books in her arms when she met Ron at her locker with Rufus in his right hand. She opens her locker, which had pictures of Drakken, Shego, and others that she'd fought against to the backside of her locker door.

Ron says, "Kim! Guess what! They've introduced a nacho special at Buena Nacho!" with Rufus making yum-yum sounds before Ron continues, "Want to go?" Before Kim could answer, the screen in her locker comes on to show the third member of their group whom they have never actually met in person, Wade.

Kim falls into her usual habit when she saw Wade and says, "Hi Wade, what's the sitch?"

Wade says as he points at his computer screen and says, "We just got a hit on the website. Looks like Drakken is up to his old tricks and he is at a your father's lab trying to steal something."

Kim's eyes widen in surprise before she says, "Is he alright?" with concern on her face.

Wade nods to at them before saying, "Yes, he's ok for now. I've hacked into the security cameras and so far Drakken is just ranting about something but I can't tell what. Here, I'll show you." Wade does some quick stuff on his computer and some video appears on the monitor in the locker of Drakken with some henchmen and Shego in the corner reading a magazine while Drakken rants at her father and the other scientists.

Kim says, "Wade..." but Wade says, "Don't worry about it, I've got a ride all set and on it's way already." Kim nods and says, "Thanks Wade." With Wade saying, "Don't mention it Kim." Kim closes the locker door while Ron puts his hand on her shoulder and says to her, "Don't worry K.P. We'll get your father back ok." With Rufus going uh-huh!

Kim looks at Ron and says, "Thanks Ron, I knew I could always count on you." Ron nods at Kim and says, "No problem Kim, we're best friends after all."

The two of them walk out the school without any further incident and there is a empty speedy-looking car in the drop off zone at the front of the school. As they step into the speedy car, a blue-green portal that had opened up right behind Ron quietly closes up without the group noticing.

During the car's rapid turns left and right, narrowly missing most of the slower, normal cars Kim and Ron keep bumping shoulders even though they have their seat belts on. The computerized voice from the speakers with the radio dashboard lighting up says, "Hold on Kimmy, we're almost there." (AN: Remember the computerized car that Kim Possible used on her driving test? This is that one.)

Ron grabs at Kim's hand without even realizing it and cries out, "Thank god we're almost there K.P!" Kim looks down at his hand holding hers even though Ron was too scared to realize what he was doing, Kim found herself liking that he was holding her hand and a light blush crosses over her cheeks.

The car noticed Kim's reaction and purposely swerved extra hard while loosening Ron's seatbelt so that he was even more scared and grabbed onto Kim with both his arms around her in what looked like a hug, making Kim blush even more.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your point of view. They all arrived at the spot where Kim's father was being held, only there were a lot of guards and so the car came to a quick stop.

Ron was still yelling with his eyes closed before Kim says, "Um... Ron?" Ron yells, "Ahhhhhhh! We're never going to make it! It's been nice knowing you Kim!" Rufus crawls up to Ron's shoulder and taps his shoulder as Kim says to him, "We're there Ron. You can let go of me now."

Ron opens his eyes and then sees that the car is indeed stopped. He says, "Yes! We're alive Kim!" before noticing the tight hug that he was giving her and sees the blush on her cheeks so he lets go super quickly and turns so she can't see his blushing while trying to cover by saying, "Well, now that we are here. Let's save your father K.P!"

Kim points, "One problem Ron, looks like Drakken has planned for us for once and his not only set up hired goons but also turned on the lab's security system." She indicates a handful of muscle bound guys with weapons as well as lab security cameras with lasers attached to them.

The car suddenly says, "I'm afraid it is worse than that Kim, my sensors indicate that Drakken is about to put up a force field in about 30 seconds!"

Kim hops to the front of the car and says, "Let me drive!" The car says, "All yours Kim" So, with those words uttered Kim steps hard on the gas and the car zooms fast through the gates with the security cameras automatically shooting lasers. She drives the car wildly enough while never once taking her foot off the petal to slow down. She just barely makes the car through the mess of lasers when the force field starts to humm into place!

The car sees only once chance for Kim and so it puts on the brakes hard and fires the seat ejectors so that Kim is shot right through the forming shield's holes along with Ron and they land right on the roof of the lab even as the car loses the front bumper before it can switch into reverse and drive like crazy out of the range of the lab's lasers.
Kim and Ron remove themselves from the seatbelts before Kim tries to contact Wade but the shield is too good. It even blocks their signal to their friend Wade so they have to do it the hard way, crawl in through an air duct and pray they don't set off an alarm.

Kim enters the air duct first with Ron following and Rufus in Ron's pocket. The three of them continue quietly without any talking and fail to notice a blue-green portal that opens up right behind Ron again, this time staying longer and through the portal was barely visible shapes. The shapes look humanoid and yet their focus seems to be solely upon Ron. The portal continues to move along with Ron from behind for about 10 feet before Kim stops and the portal quickly disappears but not quick enough to have been momentarily caught at the edge of Kim's vision.

Kim shakes it off to her imagination and says, "Ron, we're almost there... be quiet." And so Ron nods and whispers, "You've got it K.P." The two continue for a little bit more until Kim finds the air duct that leads to right over Drakken's head.

Kim points down at the grate and pulls out the wenches for lowering her just as Ron does and Rufus hops out of his pocket, ready to push the buttons to lower them. Kim uses a device made by Wade that unscrews the screws for the vent quietly and quickly.

Kim pulls the unscrewed cover into the air duct quietly and then the two of them drop in quickly with Rufus manning the buttons. Kim manages to kick the first three guards down before Drakken or Shego even know what is happening!

Drakken sees Kim and yells, "Kim Possible! How did she get in through the shield?" Ron says, "Don't for get about me!" Drakken grumbles and says, "You're... that sidekick of hers... don't tell me...Stoppable!"

Shego looks at Drakken in surprise and says, "You finally did it! You remembered the sidekick's name!"

Drakken growls and yells, "Whatever! Just get them Shego!" while pointing at Kim and Ron even as Kim kicks a guard down as she gets closer to her father and two other scientists that are tied up behind an electric cage that is also surrounded by lasers. In short, the usual for Drakken in over doing things.

Shego jumped in and started attacking Kim Possible while Ron catches Rufus as he jumps down Ron's line. Shego's hands were glowing, as she swung hard at Kim, narrowly missing Kim each time as she avoided her or blocked her with her hands at the parts that weren't glowing.

Drakken laughs manically and says, "This time Kim Possible, I shall defeat you!" before pulling out a remote from his pocket and pushes a button, which opens a door and sends in more guards.

Ron pushes over a fancy-looking device that falls into the path of the open door and shorts out, shooting lots of electricity out everywhere. Since the rest of the guards couldn't get in, Kim only had to deal with the ones that got in, the ones in the room already and her enemies Shego and Drakken.

So nothing new really for Kim, until Drakken laughs and says, "That's not all Kim Possible!" and pushes yet another button on the same remote before the ceiling opens up with a robot and a not-so-big spinning top of doom landing in the room.

Ron shouts, "Kim! Look out!" as the robot tries to smash her from behind and even Shego has to jump to the side to avoid being smashed along with Kim.

Kim uses some cheerleader moves to avoid the rest of the robot's devastating attacks that create small craters in the floor. Even as Ron somehow sneaks past the lasers and has Rufus try to pick the lock on the cage.

Rufus gets the cage unlocked and manages to untie Kim's father and the other two scientists who immediately run out of the cage with Ron staying where he is as he yells, "K.P! I've got your father free!"

Kim doesn't even look in Ron's direction as she jumps to avoid another one of the robot's powerful punches and manages to get the next punch to land squarely on the top of doom that had been spinning up behind her. The result is that the top's blades cut off the robot head before the remaining parts of the top is sent flying!

Rufus sees the top and tugs at Ron's pant leg and when Ron says, "What is it?" Rufus points to the top's course. Ron shouts "K.P! I..." but is cut off even as Kim turns to look and see the top crash into the cage that Ron was still in!

Ron is instantly buried in an avalanche of top wreckage and the cage falling down. Rufus, being the small guy that he is, manages to escape roughly unharmed through the small opening.

Kim shouts loudly, "Ron!" and so she starts to run towards her friend when Shego jumps in with her hands glowing. She says, "Aw, your little sidekick got hurt..." with a vicious sneer on her face. Kim sees Rufus trying to dig out Ron pebble by pebble in an urgent manner.

Kim looks angrily at Shego and says, "Shego, get out of my way. This will be your only warning." She balls her hands up into tight fists and gets into a posture that told Shego that she wasn't kidding.

Shego grins as she didn't care, after all the trouble and humiliating defeats as well as the fact that she found Ron just as annoying as Drakken, if not more so. She says to Kim, "Oh, I'm so scared!" in a sarcastic way and swings a glowing hand at her, which gets countered and she finds Kim grabbing her arm to toss her far away out of her way.
Shego stands up and growls angrily, ready to give Kim more trouble when She hears Drakken say, "Shego! We've got what we came for! Let's go!" Shego couldn't resist the urge to make Kim delay even further so she tosses two green fire blasts at the ceiling over by Ron's cage right before Kim can get to it and causes debris to make Kim stop in her tracks only for a moment or two before Kim does a cheerleader style jump over the mess even as Shego and Drakken make good their escape because of it.

Suddenly Kim's communicator beeps and she pulls it out to see Wade say, "Kim! I've been trying to reach you! The shield that's been over the lab is gone now and I think..." Kim stops him by saying, "Wade! Please... I need to help Ron, I think he's badly hurt..." Wade pauses and says, "I'll get medical help for you Kim." She says, "Please, and Thank you" before closing the connection.

Kim pulls off the debris off her friend and new boyfriend with a strength she didn't know she possessed. Some of the stuff had sharp or rough edges and tore into her gloves, cutting her hands but she didn't care, she had to help Ron.

Kim's father and the other scientists come back and see the mess. She hears her father say, "Whoo! What a mess!" She doesn't answer to that before hearing her father then say, "Where's Ron?" She manages to then remove enough of the stuff to reveal one of Ron's bloody hands.

Kim can't help it but her eyes get very watery and her heart jumps at the sight, she tears into the mess with even more ferocity than before with her father and the others joining in to help her get her friend out of there. With everyone working together, not sure what to say to her, they all manage to get Ron unburied enough to pull him out just in time for the medical team that comes in quickly with a stretcher.

Kim felt a lump in her throat and tears flow down her cheeks as she sees just how badly injured her friend is. The thought of Ron not saving the world by her side anymore hurt her... the thought of losing him hurt her even more than she could say. On some level she hears her father say, "I'll make sure that he gets the best treatment possible Kim." And all she can do is nod while holding Ron's hand as they lift him and then lower him onto the stretcher.

Without another word she runs alongside the stretcher as the medics rush out the door to a waiting medical helicopter and Kim silently thanked Wade for being so fast in her thoughts. Rufus was sitting on he shoulder crying into her hair every time he looked at Ron.

The medics didn't even ask Kim to stay behind, they knew that there was no way on earth that Kim was going to leave his side until they got to the hospital, and even then probably not. They all knew Kim since they worked with her mother and had been briefed by Wade that something had happened to Ron.

Everyone was doing what they could to keep Ron alive even as the pilots reported on his condition through the radio and flying fast as they could to the hospital's landing pad. All the EMT's were not happy with how serious everything looked and how Ron seemed to be just barely hanging on. Through it all, Kim didn't let go of Ron's hand and she seemed to watch his face as if expecting him to wake up at any moment even as tears flowed down her cheeks still.

The helicopter lands easily and quickly, with doctors already waiting including Kim's mother among that group. Everyone gets out of the helicopter quickly with Kim holding Ron's hand still and she hears her mother say, "Kim... I'm so sorry... has there been any change in him?" Kim never takes her eyes off of Ron as she shakes her head just a little and follows along right up into the immediate surgery room.

Kim feels a hand put onto her shoulder and hears her mother say, "Kim, I need you to leave. Don't worry about Ron, he's in good hands." She is unable to say a word as she looks at her mother and nods before she turns her attention back to Ron and it seems like the longest moment in her life before she slowly and gently puts his hand down onto the operating table and an even longer moment before she finds herself able to let go. Once she has let go, one of the nurses gently guides Kim out of the operating room and out to a waiting room where she finds her father, the tweebs, and the part that hurts the most...the sight of Ron's family.

She feels the strong arms of her father wrap around her, telling her everything is going to be alright but the words seem so very far away in her mind as she finally and totally collapses. She cries hard against her father's chest with her hands clenching his white jacket hard until her knuckles were white and she feels her family and Ron's all surround her, hugging her... when all she wanted at that moment was to know Ron was ok! She cries and asks loudly why... why it had to happen to Ron... and so many more questions, all of which were attempted to be answered but when it became apparent that she wasn't listening, they just hugged her closer and quietly.

Time passes, seeming like an eternity for the cheerleader that frequently saves the world, Kim Possible and even though she had Wade check on her through the communicator as well as many of the people who heard of what happened to Ron, all of whom told her that if there was anything that they could do, she just needed to ask and that they all regretted what happened to him. Some of them were sure that Ron would be all right in an attempt to make her feel better, a few made the attempt at saying that it wasn't her fault. None of it mattered to Kim; she would have gladly switched places with Ron until she realized that Ron would be feeling every bit as bad as her.

Kim continued to wait with her brothers behaving for once and her father sitting beside her with his arm around her shoulder. Ron's mother and father both had told her that they didn't blame her at all and still loved her, but she couldn't even look at them in the eye. She didn't feel like that she had done everything in her power to stop this, and felt responsible with nothing anyone said to her making the feeling go away.

Kim would look every so often at the light leading to the surgery room with her hands tightening up on the legs of her pants just a little before dropping her eyes from it, lost in thought about what had happened and playing over in her mind every alternate thing that she could have done to change what happened to Ron. Time was passing very, very slowly for Kim and no one noticed a portal appearing on the ceiling with the shapeless figures seemingly watching her reaction for a while before the portal quietly fades away.

After hours pass, finally the light winks out above the room and Kim's lower lip trembles as she waits of someone to come through that door. She knew that it would be her mother but a part of her wanted to know instantly while another part was scared to know in case it was bad news. Still, she found herself rooted to her spot and unable to move at all while her heart beat quickly at a scared pace.

She found herself having flashbacks of all the fun and silly times that she had with Ron, from when they first met to the time when they first kissed at the school dance. Kim even recalled a conversation that Ron had mentioned in the tree house before the dance where he had told her that the worse thing about going to summer camp was that he'd spent the summer away from her. At the time she thought he was just being silly, but now with the thought of losing Ron, she knew exactly what he meant and how he felt.

The doors opens slowly and out comes her mother followed by two of the doctors that had been in the operating room when they arrived, both of whom were also good friends of the family. Kim stands up and walks towards her mother hesitantly at first but then she walks quickly towards her mother on automatic since a part wants to walk right past her mother and see Ron for herself is pretty strong.

Kim feels her mother's hands come to rest upon her shoulders, gentle as they were, that was all that it took for her to stop where she was and look up at her mother's face. She looks into her mother's eyes and manages to weakly say, "Mom?" with her voice sounding a little sore from the crying and shouting that she'd done earlier.

Her mother says in her most tender, loving and motherly voice, "Kim... we've done everything we can. He is alive... but he's in a coma, and there isn't anything that any of us can do. I'm sorry Kim." With those last three words she wraps her arms around Kim and draws her into a big hug and the hug becomes a great big family hug with Kim crying against her mother.

Ron's parents just stare at the sad scene, holding each other's hands and each other as one of the other doctors apologizes and says that Ron is being taken to his room where they can see him. Kim manages to stop crying enough to push herself from her mother and look at the parents, then her mother.

Ron's mother says to Kim, "Why don't you come with us Kim? I know Ron would feel better knowing that you were there." With the silent thoughts added in the air between them that say, "And so would I..."

Kim looks at her mother as if to confirm what her ears just told her and she nods as she says, "Yes, it is ok Kim..." The family opens up to let her out and the three of them follow the doctor to where Ron's room is.

Her mother walks over to the father and says, "Hon, I tried my best for her..." with him saying, "I know you did, and I think she knows that in her heart you did everything humanly possible." The twins hug their mother before one looks up at her and says, "Is Ron going to be ok?" with the other saying shortly after, "Is he ever going to wake up?" It is only after Kim disappears from sight that she softly says, "I don't know... I wish to god that I knew."
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