Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Pieces Of Me

Perfect Boys With Their Perfect Ploys…

by xStabxMyxBackx 0 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2009-01-03 - Updated: 2009-01-03 - 443 words

Chapter Forty: Perfect Boys With Their Perfect Ploys…

The Last Town You Came Through, Oh Darling I Know What Your Goin’ Through…
~Fall Out Boy

William ended up taking me to this highly ritzy, highly expensive, secluded restaurant a few miles outside of London.

It was incredibly romantic and cozy…until my cell phone rang, interrupting us.

“Ugh.”I moaned, digging through my bag to find the mood killer. “I’ll be back.”

William smiled and chuckled as I stomped off to the restroom.

“Hello?”I all but growled.

“Um…Kelsi?”A British man said.

“Robert?”I said, straightening up.

“Yeah…did I call at a bad time?”

“Um…well, I was kind of having a romantic dinner with William, but it’s okay. What’s up?”I said, checking my makeup in the mirror.

“Nothing really…just wanted to tell you I had a nice time today.”He said.

I smiled at my reflection. “Me too.”

“…And you left your coat in the cab with me, but I brought it home with me.”

“Oh, I did. I didn’t realize it.”I said.

He chuckled. “It’s quite alright. May I bring it to the hotel you’re staying at later?”

“Sure, we’ll be back there around ten thirty or eleven.”I said.

“Okay…well, goodbye Kelsi.”He replied, in his smooth voice.

“Goodbye Rob.”I said, hanging up.

“Hey.”I breathed when I got back to our table.

“Hey, who was that?”

“Oh, just some guy that showed me around the studio…I left my jacket on accident.”I said, picking up my fork dismissively.

“’Just some guy’?”He repeated, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, yeah…it was Rob Pattinson.”

“Rob Pattinson? As in…Edward Cullen from Twilight Rob Pattinson?”William said.

“Mmhmm.”I said.

“O…kay.”He said, looking confused.

I laughed. “Yeah, it was weird to me too.”

He laughed and we resumed our meal.


A couple of hours later, we returned to our hotel room, holding hands, completely sober by the way.

As soon as we closed our door, there was a knock on it.

I opened it and saw Rob standing there.

“Rob, hi.”I said, feeling William come up behind me and putting his arm around me protectively.

“Hello, um, I just came to return your jacket.”He said, handing it to me.

“Oh, thanks Rob.”I said, smiling.

He smiled and I felt my stomach flutter.


“You’re welcome. Goodnight Kelsi, William.”

“Goodnight Robert.”

“’Night Rob.”William said as we closed the door.

I yawned and we got undressed and got ready for bed.
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