Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Living on a prayer

More than half way there

by Leah270193 1 review

Kat's in her sixth month of pregnancy and gerard's feelin....Read on if you want to know lol!!!! I've just sorted out a few grammatical error's thats all.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-18 - 1755 words

A/N: I felt really, super duper excited about writing this chapter. Strangley for me I started to feel quite broody, which for me is extremely odd. It's got me thinking a bit about having kid's when I'm older. Okay way too much info I know. Oh, I thought aswell I should wish a big congrats to Lindsey and Gerard as they are going to be parents. I know it was announced a little while back but I forgot to put it in my first chapter!

Me and Kat sat in the doctors waiting room to see the Midwife. I felt so eager to see our baby on the ultrasound for the first time. All I could do was sit there and smile stupidly and hold Kat’s hand. I just had to say something to her or I knew I’d end up bursting out in laughter because I was so fucking ecstatic.
‘So do you think we should find out the sex of the baby or not?’
I mean I know its so cliché but as long as it’s healthy I don’t really mind, but I wanted to know what Kat thought.

‘Umm, yah know I do want to know. I mean I don’t mind whether we have a boy or a girl but I sort of want to start shopping for clothes and blankets and stuff and it’s just so much easier if we know the sex. And we could probably think of names easier as well. Why honey, do you want to keep it a surprise?’
I flashed at her a loving smile and squeezed her hand a bit tighter. I know normally when she mentions shopping for stuff, I feel all worried. But frankly, I was so thrilled about getting to see our baby for the first time, money felt like no object at all.

‘No, I’m cool with knowing. At least it will stop my Mom and Dad and Mikey placing bets on what they think it will be.’ I replied. And it was true it was becoming a game in our household. My Mom thought it was a girl and Mikey and my Dad both bet it was a boy. Me and Kat just sat back and watched in amusement on how Mikey told that if it was a boy he would teach him how to be a pro at D&D and read him all the X men comic books. Then my Mom would come in and say that if it was a girl she would teach her how to cook her famous macaroni salad and get her to watch all the classic horror movies. Well at least I knew our baby would be brought up to be just like me and Mikey; a complete geek!

‘Kat Williams’
I literally jumped up from my seat when I heard Kat’s name being called. We walked (I almost skipped) into the Midwives office. She told us to take a seat, she looked friendly, but I’m not sure what she made of me. I was smiling like an idiot and she probably thought I was one. I mean I don’t really look like Dad material with all the black and leather I wear.

‘Hi Kat, I’m Stephanie I’ll be your midwife’
‘Hi, this is my boyfriend Gerard’
I gave her a warm smile; the last thing I wanted was for her to think I was a complete bastard. But she returned it so I could only hope she thought I was okay.

‘So Kat, how have you been feeling?’
‘Oh, I’m doing good. I’m feeling less stressed and I’m not getting sickness anymore, so I’m doing great really.’
‘Good. We’ll get along and do the ultrasound now unless you have any questions you want to ask me.’
‘Actually, urm, yeah, is it alright if me and Gerard continue with having sex? We haven’t done so yet because I wanted to make sure it was safe and everything.’

I gave her a surprised look. Wow I didn’t think she would ask that. Really I didn’t. Personally I hadn’t really been thinking about asking Kat if she wanted to have sex really because I thought I’d upset her or something.
‘Yes it’s perfectly Okay and you don’t, obviously, have to worry about contraception or condoms. You might find it a little uncomfortable as your bump grows bigger but overall it’s fine.’

At that information I actually felt even more chipper, it left me wondering however whether it would feel any different. But then the moment I was so excited about came round. Kat got herself up on the examination bed and I grabbed a seat beside her. The butterflies in my stomach began to seriously flutter and I grabbed on to Kat’s hand to stop my feet from tapping crazily. Cold jelly stuff was put on her bump (it was really quite obvious now) and after a second, there on the screen I could quite easily make out the form of a tiny baby. I felt as if I could seriously cry, okay to tell you the truth I did and the smile on my face grew so fucking wide it began to hurt. Shit, I felt like I had just taken ecstasy. I felt like I could go and run the New York marathon. I wanted to just kiss Kat right then and there. I caught sight of her and the midwife’s face; they were both beaming at me. Obviously, the midwife’s smile was more of an ‘aww, he’s a proud father-to-be’ smile and Kat’s was a ‘look at our gorgeous little baby smile’ but still they both made me glow red.

‘It’s so sweet isn’t it Gee?’
I could barely get the words out of my mouth. All I could do was gasp in fits of air while looking deliriously happy. After a minute or so I was able to speak: ‘It’s amazing, just… wow.

‘Would you like to know your baby’s sex?’
‘Yes please’ we both almost said it in unison, which made me laugh a bit.
‘Sure. You know normally when I do this the baby always has its legs crossed. But, I can quite clearly see you are going to have a girl’

I beamed again at Kat. A girl, God, we’re going to have our own little princess. Plus, my Mom will win the bet. Looks like, she’s going to grow up having to watch Psycho and Rosemary’s baby over and over again with my Mom.

With our ultrasound pictures carefully in hand me and Kat left, arms around each others waists. Since I was in such a good mood I suggested to Kat that maybe we should go shopping for a few baby clothes. She readily agreed and we made our way off to the nearest Gap (pricey I know, especially since she will grow quite quickly but I was too happy thinking up names and dreaming of our little girl’s first day at school to worry about how much we were spending.)
For the first time in my life I actually really enjoyed clothes shopping. We picked out all manner of pink sleep suits and fluffy blanket’s, scratch mittens, hats, booties. We were careful, we didn’t go too O.T.T. We left after about 40 minutes having spent seventy-nine dollars. But, hey, we did manage to get most of the clothes the baby will need straight away. I did feel a little concerned of the price of other stuff. Cribs and diapers especially. I really had no idea where I would get that sort of money from.

That afternoon me and Kat snuggled up together on the living room couch and thought of names for our baby girl.
So far we had narrowed it down to Isabelle, Lilly and Evie. I liked Evie best. I’m not overly religious but I do know Eve was ‘apparently’ the first women. And since this is me and Kat’s first baby, it just kinda’ suits ya know?

That evening we both decided to go to bed early. Since being assured that we could have sex, we were both interested to find out whether it would be any different. For about 2 hours we just lay there talking. It sounds a little, I dunno’, weird, but I’ve never felt more love for Kat in my life. We talked about everything; our hopes, what we were worried about and I just felt so close to her. We just held each other in silence and stared at the pictures we got from the ultra sound. Then Kat quickly grabbed my hand
: ‘Feel here… she’s kicking.’
My idiotic, crazily over-the- moon smile was slapped back onto my face and again I felt as if any minute I would cry.
‘Wow…fuck, that’s amazing.’
Right then I just needed to kiss her and hug her and tell her how much I loved her and that I thought she would make a great Mom. As our lips broke apart for a minute; I saw tears’ coming from Kat’s eyes ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing, I just think that’s one of the sweetest things you have ever said to me.’
I kissed her lightly again and pulled off her pink silky maternity night gown and kissed her gently all the way down to her bump. She giggled lightly and then she pulled me back up to face her. She kissed me passionately, then turning her head slightly she whispered in my ear ‘And I think you’ll make a fantastic Dad.’

A/n: please, please rate and review this. If you are going to critisize do it constructively!!! Let me know by all means if there are any grammatical errors or anyhting is unrealistic, not detailed enough etc. I'm going to warn you this story is going to have a twist. Sorry, but it is. It has to! If it doesn't then I feel like it will get boring and predictable. I'm not gonna give loads away but I just wanna let you know fuck it... you'll see. All you need to know is there is gonna be a major twist it might be happy, might be sad. YOU HAVE TO READ ON!!!!

lots of love from your slightly broody author

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