Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heaven Help Us

The Truth

by xx__ilovemikey__xx 1 review

Gerard finds out the truth about Frankie and doesnt deal well with it...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-01-24 - Updated: 2009-01-24 - 1199 words - Complete

Gerard’s POV

It had been a couple of weeks and they had followed the same pattern of school and Frankie.
His moods were noticeably different in the morning until he disappeared for ten minutes at break and would return as the same old cheerful, innocent Frankie. I never wanted to ask about it. He assured me he was okay and there was nothing wrong and he put so much into showing me how good he was that I didn’t want to ruin it.

Mikey was also a little happier, on the outside at least. He was still losing a lot of weight and new scars appeared on his arms every week but it was something we were working on together and I hoped that what I was doing to help him was somehow doing some good.

“I’m going to the bathroom” Frankie announced lazily while we sat on my bed as usual, reading comic books and arguing over whether superheroes like spiderman should be considered a superhero if he complains about it all the time. I thought that as long as he was doing some good, it still counted but Frankie insisted he was to whiney and shouldn’t complain about helping people all the time.

Frank had been going to the bathroom at around the same point each day. He would start to get a really tired look on his face but would come back as good as new. I trusted him to be okay and hoped he wasn’t doing anything he shouldn’t on his regular bathroom visits but yet again it was probably my paranoia kicking in and I didn’t say anything about it.

I decided to take him to the park today as he had been nagging me about taking him for the past week and although I didn’t see why he couldn’t go himself, he had wanted me to take him and I promised him we would go when the weather was decent and no doubt he would notice the sun outside today. I went towards my drawer that I kept money in to take out some to buy him the ice cream he would ask me for when we got there.

There was barely anything left. I knew I had had at least a couple hundred the last time I checked. There was barely even ten dollars left. Had Mikey been taking it?

It worried me to wonder what Mikey would need that much money for but I didn’t mind. He could have asked and I would have given him it, I didn’t understand why he had just taken it without saying anything though.

I went through to his room and found him sitting watching TV, a tired look on his face as he flicked through the channels.

“Hey Mikes. Do you need money for something?”
“Nope. I’m good why?” he replied
“Well you must have used it for something” I said, holding my anger. He always told me everything.
“What are you talking about? I have my own money Gerard” he said with confusion
“Why have you been taking mine then. I’m not mad, it’s just there is like two hundred dollars at least missing so I just wanted to know what you wanted it for” I said
“I didn’t take any of your money Gerard! I have my own and there is no way I would need that amount of money for anything!” he frowned
“Promise me Mikey”
“I promise” he said

There was only one other person and I desperately didn’t want to consider it.

“You okay Gee?” Frankie asked from the doorway.
Mikey glanced at me, clearly thinking the same thing as I was. His face fell into his hands and he tried to hold back his tears.
I took a deep breath before I spoke.
“Frankie, we need to talk”
He looked slightly hurt and confused but followed me to my room.
We sat on my bed and Frankie took my hand in his as he spoke.

“I took it Gee”
The shock and confusion that washed over me, cancelled out my ability to speak or form words.
“I took it to pay for this….” he whispered, the tears now forming in his eyes as he pulled out a syringe full of dark liquid.
The sight of it pulled me back to the night when I found him in the alley. When those assholes had injected him with the same thing. I couldn’t get my head around it.

He hadn’t told me. He had lied to me. He had stolen from me. For all this time.

I felt like I was going to throw up.
All this time I had thought he was okay. He was my Frankie again but he had used this to keep him happy.

I ran to thee bathroom, throwing up, tears streaming down y cheeks, anger boiling inside of me.

“I’m so sorry Gee. I thought it would just keep me happier but I got addicted and….” he tried to put his arms around my quivering body but I shrugged away from him. I didn’t want to touch him or be near him. He had used me to get money for that stuff.

“Just get the fuck away from me Frank.” I said bluntly but he wouldn’t leave. He was pushing my temper further than it would go.
“Please Gee. I am sorry. I wanted to tell you.” he begged
“No Frank! Not this time! You lied to me! You used me! You stole from me! I don’t ever want to fucking touch you again! Get the fuck out of my life!” I shouted through my tears.
“I love you Gee, please” he cried, crumpling to the floor.
“I fucking hate you Frank Iero!” I spat

I looked up and saw Mikey standing in the doorway. He must have heard it all. The truth was, I still loved Frank with all my heart, I always would but I couldn’t forgive him for this so easily. He had lied to me. I had never thought he would do that to me and it hurt. It hurt everywhere to hear that he had stolen from me and lied to me and used me. How could he love me?

Mikey was covered in blood and he looked extremely pale. He looked at Frank and I could see the pain it caused him to take my side against Frankie.
“I think you should go Frank, I’m sorry” he said quietly.

Frankie left, Mikey had destroyed him completely and he ran out, sobbing and shaking.
I didn’t know if I would ever see him again. I had sent him back to his father and from the horrific look on Mikey’s face, I guessed he knew that too.


A/N: Ooooh wee cliff hanger for all you lovely readers and also i would love and appreciate lots of reviews seeing as we are slowly coming to the end of this story and i have officially finsihed writing it. :) so more updates soon
xoxo Stazzia
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