Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Like I Did Yesterday

I won't stay

by disturbedangel6 2 reviews

Nicole tells Gerard that she's going to move.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-01-27 - Updated: 2009-01-28 - 887 words

I hugged my knees even more tight as I waited to hear the front door to open. While I waited, I tried to keep my courage up because I couldn’t chicken out this time. Argh, why does this have to be so hard? I looked at my luggage that was half full with my belongings. I was going to move in a couple of days and i still haven’t told Gerard about it yet. What’s so hard about it anyway? You just go downstairs and just tell him you’re moving out. If he asks why then you tell him the truth, that your college is far from here. Stop being a sissy!
I suddenly heard the front door open and close, my stomach started to churn. I knew why it felt hard for me, I just didn’t want to see Gerard’s react badly you know maybe he might end up crying… I shook my head violently. What the fuck? Who am I kidding? He wont cry! He wont even react! This is Gerard we’re talking about! I growled softly and pushed myself off the bed and made my way downstairs. I ignored my gut feeling and went down into the lounge room where I found Gerard slumped on the sofa. His eyelids were drooping as he watched a pointless show on television. He looked distressed about something, maybe from work. Let’s get this over with.
I took a step forward, “Um… Gerard?”
He sat up and immediately had a smile on his face, “Nicole, hey! What’s up?” he seemed eager to talk to me.
“Um... nothing much.”
He nodded, “That’s good! So what is it that you were going to say?”
“Uhh… yeah, umm…. Gerard, you know how I’m going to go college?” I fiddled with my fingers.
“Yes I know. Where is this college?”
“Umm, well its far and… I decided to move out,” I held my breath and shut my eyes for few seconds and reopened them to see Gerard shocked.
“You’re… going to move out?” he asked slowly as if he was asking me what he heard was wrong.
He massaged his temples, “W-w-why? I mean it’s dangerous out there for a girl like you.”
“How is it dangerous? I’m going to move in with friends of mine, nothing won’t happen.”
“Well you’re a beautiful girl, there’s men that will-”
“Okay! Cut those weird shit out!” I paused. “I’m 18, you don’t have a say in it.”
His eyes widened but he didn’t say anything.
I turned on my heels and decided to leave him in misery.
“So you’re going to leave me here, to live alone?” he asked softly behind me.
I bit back a sob, “Gerard, I’m sure you have some women that never leave you alone.”
That really hit him in the soft spot. He stood up, his face looked full of fury. “Nicole, if you think that I’m those men that have many ladies to sleep with then you’re wrong. Sure, I’ve got women after me but I have better things to do like look after my beautiful daughter.”
Oh great, I’m his daughter now. I rolled my eyes and continued my way to my bedroom.
“Nicole, how about we move out together? We’ll find a great apartment. I could work from home, it’ll be great!” Gerard followed me.
I looked back to him as I climbed the stairs. He looked so eager. I shook my head, “Gerard you shouldn’t do that.”
“Oh come on, you wont have to work, I’ll pay for everything.”
When I reached my room I turned back to him. He seemed to stand closer to me with his shoulder hunched which made him look so vulnerable. “Look Gerard, since I was 9 I dreamed of moving out of here when I turn 18 and I’m fulfilling my dream. I don’t want to see things from my past that remind me of my miserable childhood.”
“Well good! We can both move out of this place and leave the past behind us.”
“No, no, no Gerard. You are part of my past and I’m leaving you.” I slammed the door on his shocked face.

I covered my face with my hands and tried not to make any sobbing noises. I messaged Maria and Toni a while ago to tell that I was ready to move with them in a couple of day. The moving truck was coming to each of our houses and get our shit and move them all to our new apartment. I tried to tell myself that this was the right thing to do. It really was. This was what I really wanted to do. I just never thought that Gerard would make it so hard for me to leave him, leave this house and leave all the memories of my mother here. It was the right thing to do, we had to all leave the past behind us and look towards the future.

Yay! I'm 18
Fuck I'm an adult :S
Happy aus day to those who live in aus lol
Tomorrow I'll be enrollign to college for art lol yay me

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