Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heaven Help Us

Illness and Sacrifice

by xx__ilovemikey__xx 1 review

Mikey finds out what is going to happen to him

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-02-13 - Updated: 2009-02-13 - 400 words - Complete

Gerard’s POV

My parents picked us up and we drove home in silence.
“Mikey we have to talk to you in the kitchen, Gerard I think you should be there too” they said as we arrived home. God, they really weren’t hanging around. They didn’t even give us five minutes in the door.

We followed them into the kitchen and I sat next to Mikey, taking his hand as he sat down, looking extremely confused.
He looked towards me for help, his innocent eyes connecting with mine, asking for the answers that I couldn’t give him.

“Mikey honey, you have gotten very ill again sweetie” my mom began softly
His eyes darted towards his lap, holding back his tears and his grip tightening on my hand.
“Your father and I think it would be best for you to return…to the clinic” she finished
Those words were enough to send my baby brother over the edge.
He was trembling next to me as he tried to take it in, not managing to hold himself together, he ran from the kitchen and upstairs.

With a glare in my parents direction, I followed him up and into his room where he sat in the corner, shaking and crying in a huddled mess on the floor.
“ssshh baby its okay, its okay. I’m gonna be there every step of the way, I promise” this seemed to calm him down a little and I lay with him until he fell asleep on my shoulder.

I carried him to his bed and let him sleep, not wanting to leave him and eventually falling asleep on the floor by his bed.


I woke to someone shaking me.
“Gerard we have to go pick up Frank! We’re late” Mikey mumbled sleepily
I sprang up and followed him down to the car where my mom was waiting to take us to the hospital.
Mikey seemed a little better but I knew him too well and knew he was putting it on for mom’s sake. He would need me later when he was alone. I couldn’t leave him alone, it terrified me what he would do if I did.

The hospital wasn’t far away and I cheered up, knowing I was going to see Frankie and finally have him in my arms again.


2 chapters to go :) review darling xoxo
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