Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're Together, Still I'm On My Own- Chapter 10up

And the Heroes Never Know How They Have Saved You

by lostmyfearoffalling 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-02-20 - Updated: 2009-02-20 - 855 words - Complete

I nod, forcing myself to believe her.
Just then, Frank’s eyelids flutter open, and they skip right over me, immediately going to Thalia.
“You’re awake!” He says happily, jumping up from the chair and running to Thalia.
“Hi Frankie baby.” She says. He kisses her gently, and she returns it.
“Do you feel okay? Are you in pain?” Frank asks her with a concerned expression.
She shakes her head, but I can see a little bit of pain in her eyes. She looks exhausted from talking to me so much.
Frank eyes her. “I’m gonna have the nurse come and give you more meds.” He turns and walks to the door.
“Frank-“ Thalia groans, then stops when he waves his hand back at her over his shoulder.

“He never listens to me.” She mumbles, but still in an affectionate tone. She always spoke of Frankie in an affectionate tone.
“He’s so great Thalia. He’s so good to you.”
“I know.” Then she smiles up at me. “I’m not gonna be able to monitor you, since I’m apparently getting knocked out again. Don’t dwell on it too much Rain. He’ll be fine.” She smiles.
Then Frank comes back in with the nurse, who gives Thalia some medication that has her out within seconds.
I turn to Frank after staring at her sleeping form. “Frankie, thank you so much for being so good to her.”
He smiles. “How could I not be? I love her more than anything.”
We stand in silence for another moment. “Hey Frank, I know it’s a bad time but I really have to leave. Thalia will understand.”
Frankie looks at me, surprised, then smiles again. “Ok. See you later Rain. He gives me a quick hug, then goes back to staring at Thalia.
I glance at my best friend over my shoulder as I walk out the door, hoping she’s alright. And then my mind goes back to Gerard.
I drive back with the music as loud as I can make it go, trying to concentrate on absolutely nothing. I think about how exhausted I am, even though it’s only seven when I get back. I lie down, closing my eyes, and before I even realize I’m fading, I fall asleep.
I’m startled to consciousness by a loud noise. I sit bolt upright, trying to wake up. It’s still dark. I look at my clock. It’s four in the morning.
My head turns toward my door, my window. I’m in New York after all. I sit perfectly still, but no one comes. No more noises. I lie back down with a sigh, irritated with myself for being completely awake.
I throw the covers off myself, getting out of bed, but not sure where I’m going. I find a piece of paper and a pencil. My hand starts moving, and the first thing I see is a nose. A pointed nose that’s turned up slightly. Defined cheekbones, above which are a dark pair of almond eyes. Dark hair falls in front of the eyes, obscuring the forehead. Small lips and a sharp chin finish the picture, and then I’m scribbling his name at the bottom of the page.
Words are popping into my head at random, words for him. They don’t all go together.
And the heroes never know how they have saved you…
I scrawl it down on the paper too. It fits, for him.
I don’t think he knows how he has helped me.
Feeling tired again, I make my way back to my bed, and somehow, I’m asleep again within a few minutes.
Gerard doesn’t call the next day. He’s probably still in Jersey with Mikey. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.
I decide to get some coffee and drive around a bit, just for the hell of it. I don’t really have anything better to do. I find a Barnes and Nobles and look for some books, somehow convincing myself that it’s absolutely necessary I own the Encyclopedia of Punk. Thirty bucks. And you know what? It was worth it.
I go back to the dorms at about six or seven. I turn on the T.V., flipping aimlessly through the channels. I’m elated when I find that Edward Scissorhands is on, and I eagerly immerse myself in it. It goes until nine, which is long enough to keep my mind occupied.
When it’s over, I finger my phone, debating about whether or not to call Gerard. I decide not to. I’ll give him space. Besides, I should be seeing him tomorrow anyhow.
I go to bed earlyish again, because I can’t think of anything to do.
I’m completely relieved to hear my alarm go off, because I made it through yesterday without him. And with any luck, I won’t have to do that today.

Yeah. This chapter is totally awful. Terrible really. Just a filler until the next big part.
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