Categories > Original > Drama > Play: Full-Framed Glasses.

Scene Four.

by xl0nelywriterx 0 reviews

See previous.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-02-20 - Updated: 2009-02-21 - 665 words


(Lights up. Two desks are set. Downstage center, there is a water cooler. Stage left is a coat rack and Diane, at a desk, organizing files. Nadine is sitting stage right at her desk, mapping something out. Darren is over Diane's desk, instructing her.)

DARREN. (in mid sentence) --Just for now.
DIANE. So, you just want me to put them--
DARREN. Just, when you're done organizing the paper work for the new Motley building in the order on that sheet, I know, there's at least two billion papers in here, including the blue prints...but when you're done with them, just give them to me.
DIANE. Yeah. Sure, no problem.
DARREN. Okay, good luck. (he exits)

(Diane, with ease, organizes the files. A few beats. Nadine looks up)

NADINE. (bubbly) So, you're the new girl?
DIANE. Yeah.
NADINE. I'm Nadine.

(A few awkward beats)

NADINE. So, where did you work before this?
DIANE. I just got out of technical school, actually.
NADINE. Me too! Well, I went to state, but...still.
DIANE. So, you're new too?
NADINE. I've was a paid intern here for about a year when I was still an undergrad, but now, I'm getting to make some blue print calculations to make sure that the measurements are right. Not real exciting, but...(beat) So, you're not an intern?
DIANE. He hasn't specified. I'm assuming not though.
NADINE. (confused) Elaborate.
DIANE. I went in here yesterday and asked for a job, and after some brief conversation, he liked me. Right on the spot. It was weird. With this paper work, he's kinda treating me like an intern though.
NADINE. The internship is a long process. I started out doing exactly what you're doing.
DIANE. I should probably ask him at lunch exactly what my position is--
NADINE. (on the tail end of her word, not exactly cutting her off) All of us start out as interns. Harriet had the longest internship though.
DIANE. Whose Harriet?
NADINE. Secretary. Except for one could argue she still does intern's work. Except for she answers phones...which interns don't.
DIANE. I didn't see a secretary when I walked in here. Or yesterday.
NADINE. She's kinda irresponsible. Darren always gets mad at her. Which is funny, because they're dating.
DIANE. They are?
NADINE. Yeah, but Darren is...(beat) I'll just stop.
DIANE. No, what?
NADINE. I don't know you well enough to trash-talk anyone here.

(Walker strolls on from right. He should look young, attractive, kinda like the bad boy. He is in his 21st year, but he should look a little older. He is wearing a short-sleeved button down and black jeans. He crosses to the water cooler and gets a drink. He should have a bike helmet on, which he puts on the coat rack)

WALKER. (casual) Hell-o, Nadine.
NADINE. Walker! Why were you late, Darren's gonna kill you!
WALKER. No, he won't. Darren's a pussy.
NADINE. Where were you?
WALKER. I figured I'd try that new coffee place downtown as I was riding my bike here, it was really something. (beat) Who are you? (to Nadine) Is she an intern?
NADINE. We're not sure.
WALKER. What do you mean?
DIANE. I came in yesterday for a job and Darren kinda...handed me one, I guess.
WALKER. That's not like him.
NADINE. We figure she must be, because he gave her paper work...he always gives interns paper work first. Besides, he would've assigned her a specific department--
WALKER. I think I'm gonna talk to him.
NADINE. No, Walker--

(Walker exits offstage)

DIANE. I like him. He seems interesting.
NADINE. Walker?
DIANE. He's so, brisk.
NADINE. I know. Him and Darren have been friends since high school, that's the only reason he gets away with it.
DIANE. Well, at least I'll find out soon what my job is.
NADINE. What are you doing at lunch break? I wanna take you downtown.
DIANE. Nothing.
NADINE. Cool. So, downtown it is?
DIANE. Sure.

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