Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Rehabilitation

It Isn't Funny Anymore

by ipanicdaily 6 reviews

"Do it!" I yelled at him; tears blurring my vision. "Take everything I got for all I care! It doesn't matter to me anymore!"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-02-21 - Updated: 2009-02-22 - 2798 words - Complete

Ch.27---- It Isn't Funny Anymore ((Hospital The Used))

Frank's POV

Just like Ray said, everyone was at my house for our little group therapy session. Brian was already there so he was technically first. Ray had dropped Gerard and I off then went to get Mikey; Bob arriving last because he got stuck in traffic. We all took seats in the living room; Brian and Ray on one couch, Gerard and I sprawled across the other, Bob in the chair, and Mikey on the floor because I didn't deem him worthy of sitting on my furniture. Ray offered his seat but Mikey wouldn't take it because they happened to be on the couch our little problem occurred on.

"How does everyone feel?" Brian asked, breaking the growing silence as we all looked absently at the floor or ceiling.

"Tired." Bob was the first to reply.

"Stressed." Ray said quietly after.

"Confused." Gerard said and I laughed to myself. His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and my head rested on his chest as I laid/sat on top of him.

"Used." I said, looking directly at Mikey who avoided my burning eyes. Ray sighed and leaned his head back against the couch. I was in no way going to back down or easily forgive Mikey. Everyone knew it.

"How about you Mikey?" Brian asked, ignoring my bitter comment.

"Betrayed." Mikey said, trying to hide the smirk on his face. He thought he was going to win this fight. He was very, very mistaken.

"Alright." Brian said quickly before I had a chance to say anything. I exhaled deeply through my nose just to keep myself from lashing at Mikey. "So, what happened between you two?" Brian asked casually, his eyes wandering from Mikey to me.

"Mikey raped me." I told Brian with a somewhat dignified smile because I knew Mikey would protest and I really wanted to just argue with him; yell at him and basically rip his head off.

"It's not rape when you ask for it dumbass." Mikey said, glaring at me but accepting my challenge with his eyes. "You know beg me to fuck you." His lips pulled into a small smile.

"I don't need the details of what occurred that night." Brian said with a little disgust. "What I want to know is why it happened."

"You and me both." I said with a bit of a scoff. "One minute I'm laying on my couch watching tv, next Mikey's mouth is up against mine though I told him to stop." I directed my words right towards Mikey.

"If you wanted me to stop so bad you could have kicked me out then instead of waiting until you got done sulking in the bathroom as I fell asleep." He shot right back. I was really ready to jump him; Gerard tightening his grip around me having figured that.

"It's ok Frankie." Gerard whispered to me; hurt in his voice as he listened to the happenings of that night unfold.

"Who came onto who?" Brian asked, a little uncomfortable with the situation but wanting to help fix it.

"Mikey onto me." I said before Mikey could reply. "He suddenly started tickling me though I asked him to stop because Gerard was sick, kinda, and finally got back to sleep so I didn't want to wake him. Next thing I knew Mikey's lips were against mine and my pants were off." Brian bit his lower lip and nodded; obviously trying not to imagine the situation much like I wasn't.

"Ok; are you and Gerard together again?" Brian asked me a little apprehensively.

"What's it look like?" I asked Brian with a smirk. "Want proof?" Before he could respond, I turned myself around and grabbed Gerard's face; forcing my lips against his and pulling myself into a straddling position. At first Gerard sat there, probably shocked and/or surprised, but then he slid his arms around my waist again and kissed me back.

"Alright; I get it!" Brian said loudly. "God; let him breathe." I smiled against Gerard's mouth, looking lovingly into his eyes before resuming my previous position and licking my lips as I looked back to Mikey. "Some things never change..." Brian said to himself and I smiled at that.

"No; they don't." Mikey said, eyes glued on me still. "Frank still clings to Gerard like a security blanket." My smile quickly disappeared.

"Watch it Way or I'll kick your fucking ass." I told him threateningly.

"That's a new way of putting it." He replied and my hands clenched into fists.

"Don't drag me into your pathetic fantasies." I said; my words dripping with hate. "What happened was a huge mistake and an even bigger regret. Luckily, I'll be able to forget it since you hardly made it memorable." I gave him a dignified smile and rage flashed through his eyes.

"Really? Because I distinctly remember a few things that came from your mouth that night. Let's see here; there was fuck me which is pretty self explanatory, farther which again is self explanatory, and faster Mikey which oh! Self explanatory." Mikey said with his eyes squinting a little.

"Enough you two!" Bob cut us off. "Jesus Christ! Stop making the fucking situation worse! You're supposed to be fixing it, not digging the hole deeper!" He said with frustration.

"Thank you Bob." Brian said, his own voice rather annoyed. "Both of you can keep your mouths shut unless I ask you a question." Brian told us warningly. "Now, Mikey, why did you do it?"

"I dunno." Mikey shrugged. "He's always been after me ever since we became friends. I guess I was pretty drunk and figured what the hell."

"That's it." I snapped, pulling out of Gerard's grip quickly so he didn't have time to hold me back. I lunged at Mikey, pinning him to the ground, and punched him as hard as I could right in his face. "You fucking asshole!" I screamed at him. "You knew that I wouldn't be able to resist because it's been so fucking long since I've had any sexual stimulation since my nights were spent drinking myself into complete inebriation!"

"Who's fault is that?" Mikey shot up at me as he ran the back of his hand along his mouth; smearing the blood over his lips. "I didn't force you to waste your life away on my fucking brother when he obviously wanted to be drunk and high instead of with you!" I felt pure rage flow through my veins as I punched Mikey again.

"Shut the fuck up you selfish son of a bitch! You're really fucked up Michael Way! Getting pleasure out of other peoples suffering!" I yelled at him, tears coming into my eyes. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was lifted off of Mikey who laid on my carpet; his face rather bloodied.

"Stop it." Gerard told me sternly but softly. "Hurting him won't change anything." He carried me back towards the couch we were on before he set me down and wrapped his arms around my shoulders; holding my body close to his. I pressed my face into his body and tried not to start crying. "Guys, I think that's enough for now."

"I'll fucking sue you for assault!" Mikey told me and I turned to face him again; Gerard holding onto my shoulders so I remained stationary.

"Do it!" I yelled at him; tears blurring my vision. "Take everything I got for all I care! It doesn't matter to me anymore!"

"Frank, calm down." Gerard said but I pulled out of his grip; not moving from my spot.

"But you know what Michael James Way? You'll still be an ignorant, selfish, bipolar, miserable fuck up at the end of the day!" I pushed past Gerard and headed towards my bedroom before I attacked him again.

"Gerard, go make sure Frank's ok." I heard Brian tell him with a heavy sigh. "Mikey, clean yourself up and sit your ass on that couch where someone can watch you. Keep your mouth shut too."

"I don't have to fucking stay here and take this shit." Mikey replied as I pushed my bedroom door open. I hoped he didn't stay. I don't want him in my house. Still, I wouldn't tell him to leave because I know Ray or Brian or even Bob would have countered me and told him to stay. Even if it's my house; I hardly get a say in stuff like this.

I slammed my door shut behind me and fell onto my bed; pulling a pillow over my head and crying into my mattress. I heard the door quietly open and shut, Gerard entering the room. "Frankie, it's ok." His gentle voice spoke to me before I felt him sit on the edge of the bed next to where I laid.

"No it's not Gerard!" I spoke into the mattress. "It was never supposed to be like this! Any of it! Mikey was supposed to be my best friend forever! You and I were supposed to be in love forever without the alcohol or abuse which both of us let ruin our relationship! Bob was never supposed to get his girlfriend or whatever the fuck she is pregnant! Ray was never supposed to become a drug lord! We were all supposed to make a difference in the world with our music!" I cried hard into the mattress and Gerard lifted the pillow off my head; probably worried that I was going to suffocate. "Where did we go wrong?" I asked, choking a little.

"I don't know." He said quietly, rubbing my back slowly in an attempt to calm me. "We just ended up in one of those downward spirals and by the time we realized what was happening, we were already too far down to climb out. Eventually we hit the bottom and well, here we are." Gerard placed a hand on my shoulder and gently rolled me onto my back. My eyes stung, probably red and puffy already, and tears continued to slide from the sides. "But what we need to do is find our way back to the top. It's going to be hard and it's going to take a lot of patience, persistence, and probably pain; but we can do it. As long as we all help each other we'll do it."

"How? Bob's busy with his daughter; Ray won't stop selling drugs. Your fucking brother is so bipolar I don't think he even knows what he's doing anymore." I choked some more and Gerard pulled me up into a sitting position, pushing my bangs out of my face. "You and I; I have no idea what's going on with us. I'm supposed to be helping you but I can't even take care of myself."

"Do you love me?" Gerard asked calmly. I ran the back of my hand along my eyes, sniffling as I nodded like a small child who fell off a bike or something. "Well I love you. As long as we love each other, trust each other, and help each other, we'll make it out." He took my hands into his and brushed his thumbs lightly over my fingers. "Do you trust me?"

"I have no reason not to." I said, coughing a little more as I came down from my crying fit. "You have plenty reason not to trust me though."

"I trust you." Gerard said and I looked at him with a mixture of shock and confusion. "What happened between you and Mikey; I'll admit I was really hurt and upset. But it took a lot of courage for you to tell me what happened instead of letting me find out from someone else. And I understand that it was hard for you to resist because it's been awhile. Sexual tension's a bitch." I smiled some and Gerard smiled back, glad that he was able to lighten the mood a little. "I honestly don't know what Mikey's problem is, but I'm not going to let him break us apart."

"If there is a God, he or she must like me a little to send me an angel." I told him quietly as I bent my fingers to hold onto his hands. Gerard laughed a little, pulling on my arms so I fell forward and leaned against him.

"I'm not the angel babe; you are." He kissed my head and let go of my hand to put his arms around my shoulders. "I know it's been really tough for you. The pain, the heartache, the stress; it's all more than anyone should ever have to deal with." One hand started slowly moving up and down my arm in a relaxing motion as Gerard rested his head against mine. "And not only did you get through them, you're still going as strong as ever."

"Honestly, if Ray wasn't taking care of me the past few months I'd probably be dead right now. Then you suddenly appeared in my life; I love you Gee but please understand that I can't get cocky about us being back together again." I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked into his beautiful eyes apprehensively. "I want nothing more than for this to work but I've learned that when you get cocky, things change in a heartbeat. I don't want that to happen because my luck they'll get bad."

"I don't want you to get cocky either." He said with a calm face. "I've told you that I'm going to fight to make this work. We both have things to deal with in our pasts; one of mine being a very perverted man that I have to face again. Yours, as well as mine as I'm learning, is we have to figure out where we went wrong the first time so we don't make that same mistake." I nodded and rested my head against him again.

"I don't understand why Mikey keeps toying around with me." I said, blinking the few tears from my eyes so my vision wasn't blurred. "Every day his mood changes. He's nice to me one day, mean to me the next, and seducing me the day after that only to get mean to me about it."

"Don't worry about Mikey." Gerard said softly as he rubbed my shoulder again. "I'll figure out what his problem is and I'll deal with it." He kissed my head softly again. "Why don't you lay down for a bit and relax? We'll try this whole group therapy thing again in a bit only we won't let things get so out of hand."

"I warned him." I told Gerard who smiled as he carefully laid my body down against the bed. "I told him that I would kick his ass. You should have let me."

"Violence is never the answer." Gerard said as he pulled the blanket over my body. I smiled because it reminded me of sober sweet tour Gerard. He was always against violence. That's what made his abuse to me ironic; especially when he would beat me one night then preach the next day to our fans about how violence doesn't fix anything. "Get some sleep. You're still exhausted from the hospital." Gerard laid the blanket against my body and stroked the side of my face a little; brushing away the traces of my tears.

"I'm sorry I attacked him." I told Gerard, my eyes suddenly growing heavy with exhaustion. "He just got me so mad because he wouldn't stop and I didn't want you to have to hear all that. I didn't want you to hate me." I admitted quietly.

"I could never hate you." Gerard smiled, bending down and softly kissing my head. "I love you and I'll always love you; no matter what."

"I love you too." I replied, turning onto my side and pulling my knees up to my chest. Gerard smiled at me again before I shut my eyes to get some sleep. "That's why no matter how much pain you cause me I'll never be able to truly leave you." I mumbled.

"I know." Gerard sighed heavily, stroking my face lovingly to help put me to sleep. His voice held concern and I stared to fall asleep, barely hearing him whisper;

"That's what I'm afraid of."


A/N--- I can give you a bunch of excuses about why I haven't updated this recently but they all boil down to the fact that I've been lazy. Deal with it.

This chapter sucks. The story isn't supposed to be all fluff so if you don't like it, I highly suggest you stop reading now because this is nothing compared to what's coming up.

xoxo Tabi
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