Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're Together, Still I'm On My Own- Chapter 19 up

Needed, Not Wanted

by lostmyfearoffalling 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2009-03-05 - Updated: 2009-03-05 - 537 words - Complete

One month later
I lay in bed next to Thalia, curling up into a tight ball. Sleep was my worst enemy now. Because every time I close my eyes I see him, sinking to his knees, with tears that I had caused falling down his pale cheeks. I see him drink, I see him die. And every time I wake up screaming. Thalia holds me, lets me cry.
The same thing happens tonight, same as always. I see him sink to his knees. The image blurs itself, like I’m crying. Just like it’s being washed away, it fades and I see him facedown on the ground, surrounded by broken glass. They repeat themselves, washing away faster and faster.
I gasp, sitting up and throwing my hands against my chest. Thalia sits up too and looks at me.
“Are you ok?”
I nod. But hot tears are already starting to wash down my cheeks.
Thalia pulls me into her arms.
“Why did you leave him?”
“I had to. He was going to leave me anyway.”
Thalia pulls back and looks me right in the eye. “Listen to me, alright. You need him. I can tell. And if he feels anywhere near the way you do, he’s probably much worse off than you. Much worse off than this.” She grabs my wrist, and holds it up. It’s unnecessary. I know what she’s talking about. I pull it back.
“He needs you too. I think you were better with him. I love you and I’m telling you the truth.”
I shake my head, putting my head in my hands. “He was gonna leave. I bet he was.” I sob.
“I don’t think he was. And I think, if anyone could get that boy off of those pills and off that booze, it would be you.” Her hand rubs the tears off my face. “I know you miss him. And I know you were happy with him.”
“ I was.” I sob, feeling broken.
“You can still stay with me, but I think you should go and see him. Maybe he’s cleaned up a bit.”
“I’m scared to see him.” I whisper.
Thalia lifts my face up with her hand, cupping my chin. “Why?” She looks white in the moonlight.
“What if he doesn’t want me anymore?”
“He still wants you.” Thalia says confidently. She never even met him, but the way she says it makes me believe it.
“I still want him too.”
“I know. And Rain, I don’t think what you told me was true.”
“What?” I say, confused.
“He didn’t need the pills and booze more than you. If he did, than he would never have needed you at all.”
I blink in the darkness, trying to hide my tears. I can still see his face; the normal one. The smiling one he had when he talked about art, or held open a door for me, or handed me coffee. The boy who I needed. Not wanted. Needed.
“Ok. I’ll go see him.”

Almost done folks, but dont't worry. I just started writing a new fic! Probably one or two more chapters to this one though...
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